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Everything posted by GeauxSioux

  1. GeauxSioux

    Fall Camp

    Sioux to take a close look at incoming freshman players
  2. [url=http://www.grandforksherald.com/articles/index.cfm?id=45680&section=homepage]
  3. Sioux add physical defenseman Now that's a big kid.
  4. Just got an email from my SIL saying that all of my family has been accounted for. Pray for the families of the victims of this tragic event.
  5. I don't know if these rank as unusual, but I ran into one at NAS Pensacola last fall and one at the New Orleans airport last month. UND shirts/jerseys are everywhere!!
  6. GeauxSioux

    Fall Camp

    Sioux football opens fall camp this week GO SIOUX!!!!!!!!
  7. UND looks west Part of Kupchella's Strat Plan II is for the targeting of students from certain locations out west. I also think they need to look North and get more Canadians at UND.
  8. Packaging! There was a time when you bought something, you brought it home and easily opened the package. Now they use those "welded" plastic containers that you need the "jaws of life" to open. Getting toys separated from the cardboard packaging is no treat either, with a thousand of those little twisty tie-downs.
  9. Everett's Oshie goes East for greater hockey challenges
  10. In answer to my own question, the outing mentioned in the article says July 29th while here it says the 30th. I thought it was odd that they would have an event like this on a Sunday. Hopefully there will be some news of the event tomorrow.
  11. Did anyone from Siouxsports.com attend this event yesterday?
  12. GeauxSioux

    FCS Map

    I found this FCS Map over on egriz. The NEW and IMPROVED FCS Helmet Map UND and USD are included on this map.
  13. Of course no one wants to live in a world where there are no right or wrong answers to moral questions. So who gets to decide what is morally right and wrong, a vocal minority of a minority, the federal government, the NCAA or the people of the country? According to the polls Sioux-cia quoted most Native Americans are not against the name. Are we to kowtow to a few malcontents or support the views of the many?
  14. What part of that statement is absurd?
  15. What I stated was my personal opinion regarding the politically correct crowd. The case against the NCAA doesn't even touch on any of this. The consequences that I will have to accept are the ones handed down by the court. I have to hand it to you, Gothmog, you've stirred up some conversation in what is usually a quiet time of the year.
  16. If you mean that I don't see this through the eyes of a vocal minority, you're right. Polls have shown that most Native Americans don't hold the same opinion as this vocal minority. I've used this analogy before, but here it goes again. If UND was called the Fighting Icelanders and had a picture of my grandfather as the logo would I be protesting. No, I would be darn proud. This is where I really don't get the Native American right advocates. Do the they really believe that UND fans or the administration behave in a hostile and/or abusive manner? Probably not. It's a cause for them and yes they probably look upon the NCAA as their heroes. I tire of the vocal minorities and their feeble causes. If they would expend half that energy into real problems of society they may actually accomplish something and I would support them for doing it.
  17. How is it cheaper not to get a membership vote? What kind of expenses are involved in getting a membership vote? Right now they have likely spent over $1M on the UND case. You don't think, if they felt they had the membership votes they would have gone that route. How about since the edict came down? They could have gone to the members after they declared some schools "hostile and abusive" and tried to shore up support with a vote after the fact. It didn't happen.
  18. Okay, we agree that they should have gotten membership approval, so why do you think they did it? They had nothing better to do one day? Maybe next week they will do another PC thing like not allowing schools to keep score, because someone's feeling may get hurt. Okay, so that one is kind of out there, but use your imagination on what other dictatorial thing they can come up with. Requirements on the numbers of women and/or minority coaches...
  19. If it was in the best interest of the membership, why not get membership approval instead of circumventing the members? Instead, they pushed it through the back door.
  20. Eagles Bring Back Schneeloth, McGrane
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