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Everything posted by GeauxSioux

  1. Knowing the NCAA, they would get greedy and try to get 2 Colorado teams in.
  2. Evidently I''m a dinosaur that believes that "verbal committment" means something.
  3. Can we get un-hijack this thread back to Recruiting? If you want to discuss the possibilities of a future on campus stadium at UND, there is a thread for that. If you are here only to ridicule UND for planning for the future, please go here.
  4. PlanetUSA's 20-year-old Lee could be on fast track to NHL
  5. Call me naive, old fashioned or out of it, but it would seem to me that once an athlete has made a decision, the other teams should respect that and not continue to recruit him. If the athlete make a verbal commitment I would hope that he should have some integrity of his own and sign with the team with whom he made that commitment. There of course exceptions. When the coach that recruited you suddenly leaves prior to signing day and you are unsure of the status of the school that you signed with, you should have an opportunity to reconsider your decision. I think that is why Mussman went and visited with each of the athletes ensuring that they were still committed to UND. In the case of the kicker from Apple Valley, I'm not sure that he was ever considered committed to UND, as there was nothing in the GFH like there was with other committed players. I'm sure if something had been in the GFH, Bohl wouldn't have had him in for a visit. Bohl is a good coach and I believe would respectful of an athletes decision.
  6. Come on guys. Let's turn it around. Go Sioux!!!
  7. Do you mean Division I football or Division I in general? I would find it hard to believe that Hakstol would have a player come in for a visit after the player had verbally committed to Minnesota. Integrity should have no bounds, whether it is Division I or NAIA, football or hockey.
  8. I do not trust Paulsen either. He has proven that he is a Chapman toadie. If there is a way to get him out of the selection process, I would be for it.
  9. HIGHER EDUCATION: UAS lands at UND aerospace
  10. MacWilliam Commits to UND Sorry didn't see this was posted in another thread.
  11. Thanks for the review. From what I've read from the Herald, Smith and Elbert are still my front runners, as they have been since November. Either would be a good president. Kelley didn't give me the impression that he wanted to be at UND long term. I agree that the ladies weren't as strong of candidates as the men.
  12. UND ATHLETIC DIRECTOR SEARCH: A slow start We have a Wyoming candidate for president and now a Wyoming candidate for AD.
  13. Not that it much matters at this point, but was Obarski ever confirmed as a verbal or was the only information from his members page on Kicking.com? I don't recall it being confirmed elsewhere or am I mistaken? He may have been just goofing around and put UND on his page to get a reaction. Which he did get. Regardless, best of luck at NDSU.
  14. Chuck, we'll be praying for your son and your family. Jay Larson
  15. Dennis Elbert's Interview Schedule. Dennis Elbert is the last candidate in the interview process. Good luck Mr. Elbert.
  16. VIEWPOINT : Tribal members: Why we're honored by nickname Great points.
  17. I read the response, as you did, as deliberate. It is definitely an answer structured to or for a certain audience.
  18. Longtime UND golf coach to step down
  19. It appears as though Mr. Elbert has his work cut out for him, by the looks if this piece on Bruce Smith. He sure said all the right things.
  20. Bruce Smith would also be the best candidate for the name change issue. I know it isn't in the president's hands to decide, but the issue will fall back on the president. I have come to accept that the name will eventually change. Mr. Smith would best rally all Sioux fans around a new nickname, keeping the major players/stakeholders in the fold. The man bleeds green.
  21. Would you please just get over this. The man doesn't owe you, me or anyone else any explanations.
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