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Everything posted by GeauxSioux

  1. GeauxSioux


    Case New Holland eliminates 120 jobs
  2. I have enough Sioux gear to last me to the end of my life, so until then.
  3. What are your earliest memories of Sioux sports?? I remember going to Sioux/Bison basketball games when they had freshman, JV and the Big game. My parents would drop us off early so we would be sure to get good GA seats. We were able to see all three games. I remember bits and pieces of Phil Jackson. What I remember most about Jackson was that my brother kept a scrap book about Jackson. Since my dad played basketball for the Sioux, that was the sport that I saw the most as a kid. By the way Microsoft named their new search engine after my dad, Bing. I remember freezing my butt off at the barn and couldn't wait to get hot chocolate in the "heated" area of the building. My dad didn't take me to too many hockey games, but I sure saw a lot as I got older. I recall the Gustafson's and Deutch's in football. I think Memorial Stadium had the best hot dogs on the planet. Growing up in GF, I got to see a lot of the Sioux. Great memories.
  4. More than likely it will be a plurality, at least in the early rounds.
  5. Good info. Let's hope the Sioux can land them. Thanks for link, Marlins.
  6. $$$ and Title IX. If UND could have a sport that made money (or at least didn't lose it) in lacrosse versus a sure money loser, baseball, why not make the change??
  7. Prices on steel pipe and fittings are down and will probably stay that way until China's economy starts booming again. Brass is up, though. Construction-wise our firm has been fortunate to be involved in some good long term projects, such as this one we are a sub-contractor on. The last building (#4) is just starting. I have a friend who called yesterday from Alabama saying that they closed his branch, as he hadn't sold a job in 7 months. Times are tough and quite competitive, which is why it is a good time to start a project.
  8. Last summer and into the fall the price of steel skyrocketed, putting many construction projects on hold. Then the economy went in the toilet killing more projects. With the price of steel down and construction firms scratching for work (at least along the Gulf Coast), now would be the time to great pricing on new construction. Anyone heard what has been going on the proposed Practice Facility?
  9. I have a nephew who is the captain of his lacrosse team in Colo. Springs. He will be a college freshman in 2010. Let's get the lacrosse movement going.
  10. Unmanned future could mean new jobs and residents for the Grand Forks area
  11. According to Category 1a. on page 11 of the Settlement Agreement banners can stay. I agree that the settlement, which obviously wasn't what the Sioux fans wanted, in the end did grant some leverage to keep some things intact.
  12. I liked Badlanders. In one of these names threads I started a list of names I didn't want UND to adopt, fish, weather phenomenon, etc.. as the new nickname. Maybe we should start with a list of attributes that we want for the new name. Sorry DamStrait, I'm one of those who thinks we need to have one. It's hard to market "nothing".
  13. [url=http://www.fightingsioux.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=13500&ATCLID=3743637]UND signs Haring to 2009-10 women
  14. Oh, you mean "control what is yours to control"!
  15. Dave, your scenarios are primarily because you don't want a new nickname logo and want to people to remember them as the Fighting Sioux, have fans continue to wear the Sioux gear and continue to cheer for the Sioux. That may be exactly why the language transition to a new nickname and logo was put into the settlement. The NCAA wants the Fighting Sioux name gone. The only way to really do that is for UND to transition to a new nickname.
  16. Seeing red? Does it make sense to field football at EWU?
  17. The Mighty Dartmouth umm, ahhh, ummm. Green something.
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