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Everything posted by GeauxSioux

  1. Good to go would be great. Like Hambone said Davis catches the ball well, so having both Murray and Davis in the game at the same time would be nice.
  2. Youtube of Jarrel Davis. Stong, fast and does a little bit of everything. Looks like a nice addition for the Sioux.
  3. Stanchik to play in WFCA All-Star Game
  4. I'm not in agreement that a bubble is better. Look what happened in Dallas with some high winds. North Dakota is kind of known for wind.
  5. Map of Old Ralph Looking at an aerial of the Old Ralph next to Memorial you get the perspective of how large an indoor field could be.
  6. Thanks. The idea is growing on me.
  7. I think the key is they are different levels. The track would be on the concourse level and the football field down on the lower level.
  8. Did he offer any kind of possible timeline on this proposed plan?
  9. I thought that I had read that the Old Ralph had structural issues. I know that it would cost far less than building a new facility, but is renovating a 40 year old building investing the money wisely? How would this fit into the overall master plan for athletics? I'm not trying to poo-poo the whole plan, I'm just tossing thoughts out there.
  10. All of a sudden a North Star Republic makes more sense.
  11. I don't care who you voted for, REEP has to scare the heck out of you.
  12. I was just listening to Boortz on the radio and he was talking about the "Cap and Tax" bill. The main point of discussion this morning was about the REEP portion of the bill, of which I had not heard. Democrats’ Cap-and-Trade Bill Creates ‘Retrofit’ Policy for Homes and Businesses Obviously I haven't read the 1400 page bill (heck, no one in the House even read it), so I'm going by what I heard on the radio and this news piece. Sorry Sica, this pretty much kills your idea of the UND Reapers. UND would be hated as they guys who make you retrofit your home.
  13. We're the Fighting Sioux from North Dakota U, the Fighting Sioux from North Dakota U, hey!
  14. Texas Tech Opponent Prospectus // North Dakota Fighting Sioux I guess because Nebraska is NU and Oklahoma is OU, North Dakota is NDU.
  15. Point taken. With one last plea to all to contact your senators on this issue, I will drop it. Besides, I think MPLS just likes being the antagonist. Go Sioux!!!
  16. Where did you get the idea that life is fair. I know that the Declaration of Independence said that all men are created equally, but nowhere does it say that everyone is entitled to have what his neighbor has. You are given the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but not at someone else's expense. Affordable health care is not a right. Do I wish it were more affordable? Of course. There are ways to cut expenses. One being tort reform, but the lobbyist wouldn't go for that. I've seen it first hand in Florida.
  17. Hey, wait a minute, I thought this thread wasn't about that "red herring" Global Warming, yet it is in the piece that you cited.... I love this one.... So the oil company is going to take it in the shorts without passing in to consumers? The gist of this piece is that deals are being made for this to happen, between congress, the utilities and the oil companies. Who pays for it? The consumers!!
  18. If you are talking about passing laws that mandate everyone have healthcare, as you did in Post #5, you are inviting in the government. Once they are in the door, they will creep in deeper and deeper.
  19. I don't believe there is too much that the federal government does right and I definitely don't want them in charge of healthcare. Let's use the example of Social Security. It was meant to provide a form of retirement, so that people were not left as indigents later in life. It was just announced today that Bennie Madoff received a 150 yerar sentence for his "ponzi scheme". Since the arrest of Madoff, we have all become aware of what a ponzi scheme is and how in the end is not sustainable. How is what Madoff did and Social Security any different? Social Security is probably the biggest ponzi scheme ever created. Back in the good old days when families consisted of 4-5 kids, the scheme seemed to work. Now you have smaller families, less workers trying to subsidize the retirement of the "baby boomers". It clearly is not sustainable, yet we are forced to continue to subsidize this government venture. Government healthcare? No thanks.
  20. An analysts perspecitve...
  21. From the article that I referenced to start this thread.... Climate change (aka global warming) is where this whole carbon footprint crap started. I don't want the federal government involved in every aspect of my life. They are already embedded too deeply. They dictate how much water my toilet can use and soon will be dictating which light bulb I can use (coming in 2012). The government works incrementally over years and years. If you give them a foothold on issue such as this, you are inviting them that much deeper in your lives. If the founding fathers saw what was going on, they would ask "what happened to the constitution that we gave you?" The federal government should not have the power that they have been grabbing for years. See Amendment 10.
  22. Corporations don't pay taxes. People do. All fines and expenses levied against corporations will be passed on to the consumer. The people of America lose-lose-lose-lose. This is a huge tax increase under the guise of saving the planet. What a sad joke.
  23. The additions of UNO and Bemidji can't be good for the aspirations of MSU-Moorhead. I would think the job of fund raising for hockey just got a whole lot harder. Additionally, this will have also completely shut the door on NDSU contemplating hockey, if the door was even open at this point.
  24. Prep football: Metro's edge slices Outstate It looks like a couple of future Sioux had a good game yesterday...
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