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Everything posted by DamStrait

  1. This is what Coach Blais said in his pre-game interview with TH on Saturday while explaining why he was putting Fabian in the line-up.
  2. Colorado Springs' Tigers Vanquished Lame, I readily admit, but it satisfies the minimum requirements.
  3. You know, I really shouldn't have to point this out to chicken Charlie, and the fact that I do makes it the most upsetting of all, but maybe instead of threatening students, he should try channeling their energy in more positive directions. I personally love the band at the games, but others have said that the band stinks. If that's so, get them more of a budget so that they can improve and travel w/ the team. Offer more credits for being a member of the hockey band. Put the lyrics to the school songs on the fascia ring. Then use the band to pre-empitvely divert the fans' efforts instead of leaving them to find their own "inappropriate" cheers. Acknowledge the positive examples of rooting w/ good sportsmenship like the signs YaneA and others put together. Anyways, you get the idea. I'm sure there are lots of things that could be done. Negative reinforcement alone is not likely to improve the situation. I am constantly surprised by just how small-minded Kupchella is. IMHO, universities should not be run by PhDs. People with experience running large diverse organizations should be running universities. I think a great replacement for CK would be UND alumnus and former state governor Ed Schafer.
  4. Who give a rip? If the boys can raise a banner in Boston this year, BC can have #1 poll ranking this week and every week until the frozen 4.
  5. No, it does not qualify. It may not being 'honoring' them, but to say these examples embarass, disgrace, or make fun of the Sioux people is definitely a stretch.
  6. Must be a problem between you and GF. I had no problem w/ the internet broadcast.
  7. Well, they played about as well as DU would let them. Lots of trap, lots of clutch & grab. Ugly game to watch. Both 'tenders w/ lots of saves on grade A chances. Bo's got to find a way to win games like this.
  8. Nice game by the Parise bros. Hell of a gutty performance by Caldwell. Denver should change their name from Pioneers to Klingons. Somebody please explain to me why no penalty was called on the take-down on Parise w/ 19 seconds left in the OT? If you let that crap go, it favors the LESS SKILLED TEAM! Why would anyone want that to be the case? Adam was doing ok until that gutless decision.
  9. Pete, I had signal loss and pixelling, then did another TP search w/ about 11 min. left is the 1st. Was no better for the first minute or so, then got a lot better and is perfect now (knock on wood).
  10. No problems for me, it was crystal clear. I had the same problem that psb had, but I did a new TP search and got both video and audio for the second half of last night's broadcast of Sioux Illustrated. At the time I thought it was just my receiver that had experienced an 'anomaly'. Apparently that was not the case. I also noticed in this week's weekly e-mailing from the Ralph they did not give the satellite coordinates as they have without fail previously, which I remember thinking at the time was odd.
  11. DamStrait


    Ah, no. That would be Donnie Lucifer (may he burn in hell!).
  12. Nothing EVER gets proven in a court of law, except that we have a legal system (not to be confused with a system of justice). Certainly it is no means of determining the truth.
  13. You should straighten out that beaver-toothed, squirrel-tailed abomination patrolling your ice while you're at it.
  14. Warning: MN fans read the following at their own risk. Due to my strong dislike for your team, I am incapable of being objective. If you go ahead, read the below, and don't like it, I don't want to hear about it. After a night of reflection, I still think it stinks. As I said before the series, MN is back and they are good. I was willing to take a split before the series started, but after having won on Friday, and coming so close on Saturday, after not sweeping down there in 24 years, it's a bitter pill to swallow. If the boys had lost on Friday, and then won Saturday, I think I'd be in a lot better mood. JP's dive was embarassing. He deserved the penalty, and I hope to never see such a display again. The 'hooking' call on the MN player was non-existent. He made contact with JP without having to do so and with the intention of hindering his return to the crease, but there was no hook. Should have been interference, but if JP hadn't taken his dive, does anybody out there think the infraction on the MN player would have been called (as it should have been IMHO)? I have no confidence that it would have. On the disallowed goal: I would like to see those replays again. It looked like it probably was a high-stick, but the angles were such that to me it was not conslusive, also, Zach's stick was initially much higher before coming down to make contact with the puck. Zach's contention that he made contact at waist level is conclusively mistaken based on the replays I saw IMHO. I would also like to see the bounce off of Ballard again. It seems to me that there was something that indicated he knew the puck hit him and may have even kicked at it, but I don't believe he made contact. Not sure it would have made any difference, but an official interpretation of what constitutes control would be interesting. It seems to me in the past, that a puck played by a high-stick needed only to be touched by an opposing player to be waved off. I will be watching these calls in the future to see how this 'control' is ruled in practice. Also, we will never know how Shepherd would have ruled had he known it went off Ballard, since he told Zach that it was waved off because it went off his stick and was first touched by a Sioux player. Anybody out there think that if it was MN down 2-1 at that point in the game and they scored the same exact way that it would have been waved off? I have zero confidence that it would have. The difference in shots (2:1 in favor of MN) is at least partially due to the (unearned, IMHO) difference in PPs (2.5:1, in favor of MN). Not only do the PPs give the opposition a better opportunity to get more SOGs, it also limits the good guy's opportunities. MN plays positionally much better on the big ice than do the Sioux, but in the 3rd especially, MN ran several (well maybe four that I can specifically picture in my head) obivous offensive and defensive picks that were not called. Hard to get possession of the puck when that is let go. Whenever there was a puck that got banged around randomly, it always seemed to land on a MN stick, which I take as further evidence that they played the big ice well positionally. As I noted before the series, the Sioux don't seem comfortable on the big sheet. They let MN puck carriers in way too deep without taking the body, IMHO. A favorite set play by MN seemed to be to carry the puck in wide and deep and then try to get it to the 3rd man in in the slot, which the Sioux defended well for the most part by keeping a body on that third man. MN's second goal came off such a play, however, even though the Sioux player seemed to have pretty good position, just a great play by Koalska. The MN assistant ad that threw our boys out of the press box is a no-class putz, even if it is against NCAA rules. I mean, what the hell could the penalty be for that anyway? If it is in fact not against NCAA regs, he should be stiffly fined by the league and forced to apologize in person to our boys. Shepherd did not have a good weekend. He is without redeeming value whatever. If his daddy has any hope of keeping his job, he should be forced to give his boy the pink slip. Even then he should be canned. And if the officiating doesn't rapidly improve McClod should be given his walking papers too. Best league in the NCAA, with the biggest rinks and revenue and they can't solve the bad officiating problem? BS!!!! Sorry for the length, but I feel better now!
  15. Ya, especially since Wisco comes to the twin cities next weekend. I'm sure they'll get some "special" treatment too. Nevermind, read that as a two tem race. Wisco loses to CC though tonight.
  16. Damn straight (nice set-up Sprig).
  17. You are no doubt right, but it it's disappointing that it came: a) by officials trying to call a split (blatantly, I might add IMHO) b) at the hands of the despicable yellow vermin.
  18. Have the Sioux actually received more power plays than the opposition in any game over the last, oh, say, five years? Gotta say, none come to mind.
  19. The only poll that counts is the pole you hang your banner on. (copyrighted by The Sicatoka).
  20. No doubt the other team played well enought to win, but when you have several trips and blatant interferences by the opposition go without a call and then a VERY marginal call goes against Andy, something is very rotten in Denmark. Then the call on the equalizer. Gee, guess someone in the league office wants to make sure a certain team makes it to the Final Five.
  21. The %^@&^%& vermin are without redeeming value whatever. There's not a one of them that wouldn't benefit from an once-a-day complete thrashing. And I want the name of ass-clown u assistant ad that kicked our players out of the press box so I can send him an e-mail to let him know exactly what I think of his lame useless ass.
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