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Everything posted by DamStrait

  1. Probably complain about the damn students! I think this is much ado about nothing. When I do go up for games, I usually arrive early so that I can watch warm-ups while listening to Tim H.'s pregame. Sometimes, though, on Friday's games, because I have to drive a few hundred miles in order to get to the game, I get there late and can't make the warm-ups. Such was the case last Friday. Since the lot for my parking pass is just South of the student entrance, I usually just go in there. There happened to be a long line there on this occasion, so I went to the main entrance, where the line was much longer. As it turned out, I would have probably done better at the student entrance, so the complaint that the students have a long line to deal with while everyone else can just waltz in would seem to be without merit.
  2. The band is one of the things that make the college game so much bettter than the pro game. I think the band should be heard from more not less. There should be a definite college atmosphere. The fight song should be heard much more often. It sometimes seems that the REA officials get a little too into the high tech features of the arena. They seem to beat you over the head with them, where a much more subdued use would be better. Instead of all the piped in music (which makes it seem like a pro arena), have the band play school songs or "In Heaven There is no Beer", etc. and use the fascia ring to display the lyrics. In this way you use a high tech feature to enhance the collegiate atmosphere instead of just having a gratuitous display of high tech features. If changes need to be made in order to make the band better or at least sound better (different miking strategies, etc.), fine, but there should never be a Sioux hockey game in the REA without the band IMHO. I would love to see the student section turn to the band and shout "fight song!!!", in order to get them to play it, especially in key situations, like say during a stoppage in play after the Sioux have beeen heavily pressuring the opposition.
  3. Keys for the Sioux vs. SCSU (IMHO): 1. Stay out of the box. 2. Officials need to whistle the clutch and grab by SCSU that is sure to happen (this year even more than in years past, which is saying quite a bit). 3. When SCSU gets whistled for #2 above, the Sioux need to make them pay. 4. When SCSU is on the PK, the officials need to whistle the continued clutch and grab by SCSU and give the boys 5x3s (instead of ignoring it as they are so wont to do). 5. The boys need to keep doing what they have been doing the past two weekends: Play up an up tempo aggressive forecheck, get lots of quick shots off, and have the forwards continue to provide good defensive support in their own zone. If you gather from the above that I think we are going to see a lot of clutch and grab by SCSU, you have a firm grasp of the obvious . Last weekend was a really emotional one for the boys and I hope they don't come out flat. Hopefully, the reports from DB about some of the freshmen thinking they were pretty hot stuff after sweeping UMN has been completely dealt with and evenyone's ready to go against the 1st place team in the WCHA, and one that has given the boys some fits the last few years.
  4. I think you already did!
  5. I know it's getting late in the week for new ideas, and it's really not that new since it kind of covers the same ground as the skating Saigo w/ the Sioux logo on a SCSU sweater, but I'd like to put this out there. Show the UND eternal flame logo on the side of a black kettle and right next to it show Saigo's face on the side of a black pot w/ a bubble from Saigo's mouth saying "You're black!" The BS we've gotten the last couple of years by this yahoo really needs to be addressed, and the more of these type of messages that can be shown on signs for this series the better.
  6. I admit I'm biased, but it just seems that in order for TR to make the team, he'd have to put up superstar numbers right from the get go, instead of just not being a defensive liability. It seems the Wild gave Nick Schultz the benefit of every doubt, and while he is a servicable D man, he ain't nothin' special IMHO. Does anyone else think there was a double standard here? If so, why would they do this?
  7. Hey Joe McShane, shouldn't you be surfing Pried Off Ice instead? If you love the yellow vermin so much, why come to this board where you're sure to see something you'll hate?
  8. Interested in watching the Sioux from home? If so, you might find this thread to be of interest. Satellite Thread
  9. Crap-sack Pawlenty apparently wants to do something disparaging to a beautiful Fighting Sioux hockey sweater, but lacks the 'nads to come right out and say it. See towards the bottom of the linked article. COLLEGE HOCKEY: Governor takes it on boards in N.D. I think what he wants to paste to the sweater ought to be stitched to his hide instead.
  10. Somebody from the UND athletic department should tell Fox Sports North that unless Woog can substantiate his allegations relating to phantom scoring in the REA, he should be forced to apologize on the air (before and during the Friday Wisco game). If he cannot and he does not, then UND should inform Fox Sports North that Woog will not be allowed in the REA again, for any reason, regardless of whether he is part of their coverage team. They should have taken the same approach will that crap-sack Wong. This rumor has gone on way too long and it needs to be put to a stop now!
  11. It's only a jinx if you let yourself believe that it is. Hopefully the boys pay no mind to it and just do what they have been doing
  12. I'd like to one of Greene taking the body on Vanek the yellow vermin. Caption: Takin' Out the Eurotrash
  13. How about 'St. Clown State' as the caption to a picture of a skating Bozo the Clown with a halo. Or SCSU - Prepare to be female husky slapped by the Sioux Sorry. I got nothin'
  14. No, that's Lucifer (Lucia).
  15. I don't think people standing in the ends interferes with anyones view from club seats. I think that the student government is probably more culpable than anyone else for the current arrangement. If a majority of the students don't like the situation, they should work through their representatives in the student government to have the situation changed, and do so in a constructive manner. Throwing a fit and painting all season ticket holders with the same brush is not going to get your cause anywhere, in fact, it is quite likely to have the opposite effect. I personally believe that all of the student seats should be in the lower bowl at the end that the Sioux shoot at the 1st and 3rd periods (South end). This minimizes the problems with students standing in the way of adjacent sections and suite holders. Those suite holders that don't mind standing when the students do should be moved to suites in the student's end. Maybe move the UND president's box to that end to minimize the number of paying suite holders affected. Those season ticket holders that do choose to remain in suites and sections of the lower bowl adjacent to the student sections should be notified that the students may be standing and if they it something that causes them concern, they should consider relocating to the other end of the lower bowl or to the upper deck. There really is not a bad seat in the arena and if your intention is to go to see the game live there is absolutely nothing wrong with the upper bowl seats. Down by the glass are horrible seats for actually watching the game, but they are really good seats if you want to be sure the opposition knows you're there. Having the students all in the South end of the lower bowl will make the REA much more intimidating to opposing teams. This should be viewed as a long term objective, because there is no way that the REA is going to move season ticket holders wholesale. This is really a problem that has it roots in the move from the old REA. The students need to realize that there are a lot of competing interests that need to be balanced, both now, and when the move to the new arena was made. Uncle Ralph may have had some very strong opinions on how the seating should be assigned. Since he was paying for it, if he did have his own notions concerning the seating, it is both understandable and right that they were followed. It seems to me that the students should have been involved right from the beginning to make sure their interests were being looked after. That's all water under the bridge now, so there is no use pointing fingers and taking away constructive energy that can be better used to remedy the present situation. Couple of final thoughts. Maybe the students can gradually take over the South lower bowl starting from the glass and moving up. Let existing season ticket holders stay in those sections as long as they realize that the are going to be surrounded by crazy students and are ok with that. If there are really just a few party poopers that are complaining, don't cater to them. If they refuse to renew their season tickets, there are plenty of others on the waiting list that will take their place. The important thing to remember is that you need to keep a dialogue open with REA management and the athletic department. Try to be flexible and work with them in order to come to the best solution for everyone. If you keep engaged and really work with people, it's really surprising how much they'll be willing to do for you. It's a long uphill battle, but if you really want things to change, you're going to have to go about it the right way.
  16. Just because yellow vermin apologists act without any class is no reason for Sioux fans to do the same. If the boys get it done in April, there'll be no need to say anything, the banner hanging in the REA will say it all. In the meantime, we should quietly enjoy the outcome of this weekend and the way the boys are now playing. Hopefully it is a sign of things to come.
  17. TH said in last night's pre-game that, in his (TH's) mind, there is no doubt that DB considers Jake to be his #1 tender. He also said that had the good guys lost on Friday, despite Jake playing well, Jake probably would gotten the start on Saturday too. But with the win on Friday, TH thought that it gave DB the luxury of seeing what JP could do in a high pressure game. He further said that he thinks DB sees something in JP he really likes, but if he failed to step up for last night's game, he likely would not start again soon. Looks like DB's strategy worked, as the Sioux may now have two tenders playing with confidence. I was also glad to see Jake as one of the first to skate on the ice after the game with a HUGE smile on his face, congratulating JP on his play and the victory.
  18. Great game for the boys. Way to stick with it and come from behind. Great job of preventing MN's 3rd goal from giving them life. Fantastic 3rd period. Matt Jones is a STUD!!!! Great weekend by many others too. Zach may not have had a point tonight (he might have too, I honestly don't know), but his presence on the ice was definitely felt. He hustled his ass off. Also very impressive games by Fylling, Prpich, McMahon, and Brady Murray, another guy who busted his behind. No prima donnas for the Sioux so far, which is always the key to success in hockey it seems. Jordan I think had a pretty good game too. 3rd goal is one I'm sure he'd like a second chance on, but I'm really impressed by his poise. Doesn't seem to get rattled and keeps his head in the game. REALITY CHECK - It's really early. MN fans should take heart in the fact that once they get their top two D back, they will be better. They will also get better as the year goes on. I for one will not count them out until they have been eliminated (mathematically for the WCHA race, and literally from the NCAA tournament). They still have a ton of talent on their team. That being said, they are nothing but scum and I would like nothing better than to climb over the glass into their bench and get in as many as I could before getting killed. I hate that team in a way that cannot be described in words. It is beyond me how anyone can find them otherwise. ANYWAY (rant over, living in yellow verminville is slowly eroding my never very secure hold on sanity), caught the govs in the post-game show w/ Scott Hennen. Hoeven should have been a lot more deprecating IMHO. Pawlenty definitely looked like he was gritting his teeth through the whole thing, but was a pretty good sport. If his "the REA is a fantastic venue, but not as nice as the John" comment was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, he wasn't very convincing.
  19. Yes, on two very marginal calls.
  20. DamStrait


    From what I understand, game doesn't start 'til 2.
  21. I agree completely. I trust Blais' opinion over anyone else's even over Fedorov's .
  22. I was wondering when somebody was going to ask that! The Condcordia coach said something about them being an NHL line. Murray was drafted the Kings, Zach by the Devs, and Bo by the Sens - hence the Kings-Devs-Sens or the KDS line. Could also have the LANJO line (LA-New Jersey-Ottawa) or The DOK line (Devs-Ottawa-Kings, pronounced like 'doc', the short form of doctor, because the boys have their PhDs in scoring and they're schoolin' the rest of the NCAA ). or the KODa line (Kings-Ottawa-Devs, with a lower case 'a' added at the end to sound like North DaKODa). A bad half-rhyme I admit, but what the hey.
  23. Leaves Brady out, but how about the 7-11 line? Just get us the puck, we're open all night! Or how about the KDS line?
  24. Yeah, but Prpich's only at UND for the hockey program...with a major like mechanical engineering, he obviously isn't taking academics seriously. That's a story I'm sure will never be found on INCH's website.
  25. satellite system - $200 36" TV -$800 Not having to see or hear wig-boy or male member-head in a Sioux victory over UMN -priceless
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