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Everything posted by DamStrait

  1. DamStrait


    Sorry, I confused the satellite FSSN with the cable FSSN. The satellite FSSN was not at its usual coordinates. I wonder if this had anything to do with your cable company not getting the game on in its entirety?
  2. Artistic license.
  3. Can we all please now ignore this moronic troll?
  4. Sorry if I came on too strong. I was trying to convey the humor of learning that "y'all" is singular and "all y'all" is its plural equivalent. IMHO "southern hospitality" is the equivalent of "Minnesota nice", and neither exist.
  5. On the first morning of my first trip 'down South' in my life I went into the hotel restaurant for breakfast. The hostess, who was shuffling through some paperwork at the same time and not looking at me said, "Would y'all like to sit in smoking or non-smoking". I looked around thinking, "she must not mean me because she said y'all and there is only one of me, besides she's not making eye contact with me so she must be talking to someone else, but...there...doesn't...seem...to...be...anybody...else...around". So, confused as I was, I said nothing, hoping that someone else, inexplicably out of my sight would respond. The hostess then (icily, but sweetly, if you know what I mean) repeated her query only this time looking right at me (over the top of her reading glasses). This time I reponded, "You mean me?". To which she (again icily, but sweetly) replied, "Well yes, honey, I mean y'all. Y'all don't see anyone else around here, do y'all?". I replied, "No, but you said y'all and there's just one of me". She said, rolling her eyes and with even more ice and more sweetness in her voice (clearly pained by having to suffer yet another damn yankee fool), "Honey, if I'd meant all y'all, then I would have said all y'all". This in my experience, is what passes for southern hospitality. Instead of just coming right out and telling you what is on their mind, they talk to you in a super phony sugar-sweet voice, laced with sarcasm. As soon as your back is turned, they tell the nearest co-southerner "I declare, those damn yankees get more stupid by the minute!". Where I'm from, we call it being two-faced.
  6. DamStrait


    Sorry guys, should have checked the board earlier, but I gues PSB did give out the correct coordinates. I foolishly thought the game would be on both the FSSN and the Huntsville, AL NBC affiliate. It was only on the latter, however. This makes sense since UND got UNA to pay for the satellite uplink, and, in a remarkable coincidence, the Huntsville NBC affiliated feed is carried on the same satellite as is the FSSN feed, which means that if you had the equipment to get the FSSN feed, you could easily get the UNA feed and you wouldn't even have to move your dish.
  7. squirtcoach, I watched the game off satellite no prob. Tomorrow's football game will also be on. Send me an e-mail and I'll try to give you a hand. If that doesn't work, call PSB. He's a pretty knowledgable guy, so I'm sure he'll know just what the problem is and how to rectify it.
  8. Just got done watching Huntsville, AL local sports. The two players suspended are Mooneyham and Glenn. Supposedly Mooneyham is their leading receiver (according to the broadcast, I've no idea whether this is true). Glenn appears according to the UNA athletic site roster to be a strong safety. They also said 12 players were tested, which does not square with the 6 previously reported.
  9. This is over twice what I paid for my system (inc. delivery), but the Ralph system is looks to be a higher end receiver than what I have. I went in looking for the most inexpensive system possible, since I was only interested in picking up FSSN via satellite. PSB pointed my dish for me and I know he does installation of systems, but I don't if he supplies the systems (hardware) as well.
  10. Please, Pat, don't ever feel the need to 'get it on' on our account! jk, I couldn't resist. Thanks for the summary of the show.
  11. We'll never know, but I highly suspect that if UND does continue the rivalry w/ 'SU, when 'SU finally becomes DIAA tournament eligible, they'll drop UND from their schedule like a hot potato. That is, unless UND has moved up to D1AA by then. Why? Because it would hurt 'SU's playoff chances. If such were to come to pass, I'd be willing to bet a substantial amount of money that no accusation of "spite" on the part of 'SU will come from McTouchy-Feely.
  12. DamStrait

    DII TV

    Not sure how much interest there is in this topic, but I'll ramble anyway. If others think this should be taken elsewhere, I have no problem with answering additional messages off board. I should remind everyone that I am by no means an expert, but I'm more than willing to share what I've learned through the process of getting my own system. You need to have the frequency and symbol rate (at least for my receiver) in order to get other feeds off the same satellite. This is really pretty simple to do. Of course the signal (for a digital receiver) must be digital and unscrambled, unless you have the means to unscramble it (more hardware). Galaxy 3C has 3 or 4 chinese feeds as well as (it seems) all the local affiliates for Huntsville, Alabama. Everything else is analog, scrambled, or intermittent feeds (like FSSN). Strangely, it would appear that this Saturday, of the 10 or so feeds I can watch from this satellite, 2 will be for the UND-UNA game. You can also use this same equipment to watch these same kind of feeds (digital & unscrambled) on other satellites, but you have to change the direction that the dish is pointed in order to do this. I have found pointing the dish in the right direction to be the most difficult part of the whole process, so I just leave mine always pointing at Galaxy 3C. I already have cable, so I'm not really counting on the dish to pick up anything but FSSN. If you want to be able to repoint the dish to various satellites with minimum hassle, you can get an additional piece of hardware called a "dish mover". Additional hardware means of course additional $ (and additional hassle, as there is more equipment that must now be maintained).
  13. DamStrait

    DII TV

    Actually, no you do not need to have a big dish. You can use a small dish as it is Ku band. You can get the equipment you need brand new for as little as a couple hundred bucks. Dish Network and DirecTV, from what I understand, are very difficult to get on. I'm pretty sure they'd never be interested in a part time network like FSSN. Right now, after you've gotten the right equipment, you can watch the feeds for free, whereas if the games were on Dish Net or DirecTV, you have to pay a monthly fee for their services, and, if it were available, most certainly a premium package fee in order to get the games you want. Right now I've got mine set up so that I can watch FSSN off satellite and still have cable on all the other channels.
  14. DamStrait

    DII TV

    The Huntsville NBC affiliate has its brodcasts carried by the same satellite that the Fighting Sioux Sports Network uses (Galaxy 3C). I wonder if this had any bearing on the decision by the Huntsville station? By the way, for those of you non-plussed by the Sioux going to a digital signal, the Huntsville NBC feed is also digital. A link to the programming for this satellite is below, for anyone interested in trying to get the game (the FSSN frequency is 12041). Galaxy 3C programming
  15. jk, as usual, has hit the nail squarely on the head, IMHO.
  16. Sprig, That's the only change that could be made to make that picture even more offensive!
  17. Can someone edit that picture of the handsomely attired MN guv so that the beaver headed squirrel next to him is removed? It's especially offensive to see on the hockey home page of this site.
  18. Sorry you don't like Jim's decision. I guess he's not out to make you happy. My apologies Jim. I just couldn't resist. The devil made me do it (my apologies also to Flip Wilson).
  19. Oh, okay, so you are a jerk. And tony, there is no defense, even if it were full of merit, that you would accept, so why bother? I have not seen a stirring defense of the D1AA playoff system either btw.
  20. I believe UND should go D1AA in football (and, by necessity, D1 in all other sports). I also believe that NDSU moved up with the attitude of damn everyone else. Fine, they're only looking out for #1. However, I also firmly believe that NDSU wants to continue the rivalry for the next few years because it is in their best interest to do so. If they should become D1AA tournament eligible without UND moving up by that time as well, I FIRMLY believe they will drop UND from the schedule like a hot potato, and NDSU mouthpieces like tony (the petulant child) and WYOBISONMAN will defend that decision to the death. In other words, their story will not so mysteriously change. By the way WYOBISONMAN, change your sig line - it makes you sound like a jerk. Then again, maybe you are a jerk, in which case, leave this site and never return.
  21. Thus the subtitle to this thread .
  22. Without a doubt. At this point, it seems to be one of the best decisions I've ever made.
  23. At the risk of incurring the wrath of Jim , let me just say that Pete is the guy that helped me out with my system. He's very knowledgeable and helpful, and his prices are very reasonable, IMHO (he's also a good scotsman, as if there are any other kind ). Again, I don't have any axe to grind here, just figured I'd give those that are considering putting in a system the benefit of my experience. mkSioux, it is my understanding that any games on the Fighting Sioux Sports Network, whether home or away, will be on digitial Ku band. The Denver series was not on the FSSN, but only on dataflix. Hope that helps.
  24. These are a couple of different, more flatttering pictures of Meghan Mutrie. In the first one she is on the lower right and in the second, she is on the far right. Looks like she's easier on the eyes than any yellow vermin!
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