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Everything posted by DamStrait

  1. The boys also lost a hell of a lot of leadership with Porter and Fabian graduating and JT going to the show. Just something else to keep an eye on.
  2. Is it really necessary to make this same post in multiple threads? SUU is a crappy team - thank you Capt. Obvious. You don't like UND. Great, we get it. Now go away.
  3. Yappy - it's "geography" not "geology" and it's "knowingly" not "knowing". Looks like your reputation as an ignorant jackass is well deserved.
  4. Nice job, Jim - I think the site and the new logo are great.
  5. The issue is not complex. The NCAA executive committee instituted policy without proper authorization. Only a minority of a minority want the name changed. That's all there is to it. It is complex only to those that want the name changed, because they realize that there is no justification for doing so.
  6. The above is nothing but the unsubstantiated ramblings of a UND-hating troll.
  7. And I thought my opinion of Mr. Paulsen could not possibly go any lower...
  8. You're right. I was thinking they went to the current format when MSU was added, but something else must have happened too (can't recall what it was though). In that case, I donate St. Cloud as well. That will definitely end having them as our traditional league rival
  9. In order to help stabilize the CHA, I'm willing to donate MSU from the WCHA. That way we can finally dispense with Donnie Lucifier's crapsack schedule rotation and the moronic "traditional rival" designations.
  10. Sprig, I could run the sample videos on the homepage, but got the same hang up at "connecting to media" as you at the sign up page. Everything else on the site seemed fine though - I didn't experience the same general slowness you have.
  11. Being willfully obtuse in defense of your own specious arguments is a sure sign of a troll. I look forward to your impending involuntary banishment form this forum.
  12. Wow - He practices shooting the puck while he's taped to the post? That my friends is dedication - no wonder he won the Hobey!
  13. Exactly: If you unwilling or unable to back up your accusations, perhaps they ought not be made in the first place. If DL, Hak, et al don't want to have this go public, it is not much of a defense to say you have honored the letter of their confidentiality only to violate the spirit. Surely you don't expect any of us ask for Buning's head without proof. Please help me understand why you have said anything regarding the situation within the AD if you are not providing enough information with which to take action. Please save your breath if your only response is to accuse me of jealousy regarding your "inside connections".
  14. Why are fans of a certain school about an hour south so quiet on this subject now? You'd think that the altruistically motivated concern they displayed previously would now manifest itself in hearty congratulations. How curious.
  15. This and its various permutations are far too FSUesque IMHO.
  16. There's nothing wrong with DTP that a twice-daily a$$ kicking wouldn't go a long ways in fixing. That guy puts the a$$ in jacka$$.
  17. I don't particularly care how this might be shaking out either, but keep in mind: a) It's just a rumor at this point b) Perhaps Denver guaranteed to bring him in this year and UND was always talking a season later. If Denver changed their mind (and went back on their alleged word), Gregoire may have come to the conclusion that he didn't want to commit to a program that didn't deal with him plainly. All things being equal maybe he would have commited to UND in the first place. c) It needs to be stressed that b) above is totally hypothetical, but it does give a plausible explanation of how Gregoire could switch his commitment without "dirty pool" on the part of UND. Everything to date indicates Hak's ethics are impeccable and would not actively recruit a player that has verballed elsewhere. Not to say it's impossible, but I'd be very surprised if it turned out to be the case.
  18. EDIT: Actually, a kelly green oval border would be better. Now one of you graphic wizards draw this up so that my undeniable genius becomes plain to all. Okay Jim, what did I win?
  19. "SiouxSports.com" w/ both cap S's the old crossed tomahawk S's from the old "blackhawk" sweaters. All other letters in kelly green on a white background. The whole thing is encompassed in a kelly green rectangle border.
  20. Why would anybody go out of their way to do anything for Hammy's sake?
  21. I think that if they have everyone come back, the boys would be very successful with even me in the nets.
  22. DamStrait

    Trivia ?

    Minnesota has a NFL team?
  23. Not trying to be a jerk here, but for someone that's not trying to be a jerk, you sure are good at impersonating one.
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