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Taz Boy

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Everything posted by Taz Boy

  1. Taz Boy

    Final Five

    Slappy, Your point is silly and not worth arguing. The "Goofer Night" is certainly advantageous to the Gophers, but I would agree not necessarily a disadvantage to the #1 seed to play in the afternoon. One could argue that, for college teams, it is less desireable to play afternoon games simply because it breaks their ritualistic pre-game schedule. Although, both teams have to deal with it. A more legitimate beef is that the Friday night game is loaded with the Moron-in-Gold faithful, making it even more of a home ice advantage to the already pampered Goofer. This is especially true whenever the rodent has to do the play-in game and then, if successful, gets the full day's rest for Friday night. THAT particular scenario is certainly unfair for the #1 seed. Just another example of how the WCHA's favorite child gets the best present under the tree, whether they've been good or bad. I would like to see the WCHA Final Five travel every fourth year or so. I really like having the tourney at the Xcel Energy Center, but would also be interested in travelling out west to see it in Denver. Sure, the $$ would certainly be less, but it would be nice to share the experience with those folks whose teams are no less powerhouses in college hockey. taz
  2. The game is not listed on the DirecTV 642 schedule. I thought this was going to be televised?
  3. Taz Boy

    Go Sioux

    Yeah, one has to love a quote that celebrates hard work and failure! Even though the frustration is somewhat understandable, I don't like reading such negativity on a public forum. I think the boys are busting their butts out there and should be recognized for it. Tough season to dominate, and the Sioux are certainly a program in transition. I support Hakstol and encourage everyone to give him time to mold his team. By fostering coaching talent, UND is contributing so much to the WCHA with Sandy and Hak that all alumni should be proud. Just last year, the Sioux demonstrated they can be dominating at home in the new REA and win the McNaughton. This was huge in my opinion. It "breaks the seal" on the Ralph and eliminates any concern over whether or not home ice can be an advantage. Now they just need to put together a strong post season team and the next banner is just around the corner. Sure, it's likely not this year, but with lessons learned, maybe next. It is the decade of the WCHA-- Sioux, Gophs, Denver, . Enjoy it! (except for the Gopher part) When you see the Green-and-White hit the ice, cheer hard this weekend for those of us who cannot be there! The best program in the country needs its fans now more than ever. taz digs da Sioux!
  4. As for the Vikes, I let them rip my heart out back when they took "the knee" against Atlanta. After that, it just doesn't matter. taz will always dig da Sioux!
  5. I have to admit the matching goals thing is extraordinary. DU is getting serious payback for the past couple years against the Sioux. You'd think winning 1-0 enroute to a sleeper national title earns you a direct trip to the cellar the following year. But, no. Denver is back for more. If there's ever a time for a miraculous third period, now would be it. taz
  6. As William Munny so eloquently put just before he blew Little Bill's head off, "Deserve's got nothin to do with it." One of Taz Boy's all time favorite flicks. Sound's like the boys pushed real hard on a brick wall this weekend. W = F x d = 0 Nm = 0 points for you physics fans. I see NoDak finishing 5th in the WCHA; and that's home ice for tourney time. I don't blame them for getting swept at the Mile High Club; although holding a team to 3 goals in two nights should give you some points for the weekend. I do get a little chapped remembering the dismal home losses to AA and M-St. Blah! But, this is clearly a talented team; they are a group to be proud of. I'd like to see more aggressiveness towards the net and less moronic penalties, but that's about it. The loss of Bochenski is what really hurts this squad. Lot's of setup guys but no one to bury the puck. They are just one player away from being in the top 3. taz always digs da Sioux
  7. OK, thanks. At least the player banner has some chicks on it.
  8. My "Team 1040AM" feed is also in a stall. Is there anything better? taz
  9. This is almost too good to be true. Go Canada! taz digs our hockey neighbor to the north
  10. And for once we didn't have to read how the arena was built by a Nazi-loving, logo-obsessed, gambling magnate. Thanks, Greyeagle. Yeah, nice piece indeed. I think this is exactly what Engelstad wanted. A great arena for Sioux hockey, but also something for the city to be proud of and to show off to the world. The REA facility makes possible these major events, and by doing so gives the community a chance to demonstrate that they are a warm, inviting people-- not red-state racist hicks. Glad to see good things happen in that nice town. taz
  11. Canuck, you cannot possibly expect to come on this board with that moniker and claim you were "appalled at the lack of class shown by the so-called great hockey fans of Grand Forks" and then expect to be taken as neutral or unbiased. Really, not the best way to make your point with this crowd. The implication is, that under similar circumstances, this behavior would never occur north of the border. Right. Record beer sales at the REA didn't happen because of the German contingent in Grand Forks. Like you, I was disappointed in Team USA's undisciplined penalties. But, unlike you and apparently Hradek, I don't attribute it to players with vindictive attitudes more interested in fighting than hockey. Rather, I saw a tired group of guys pour their guts out and then get their noses rubbed in it in front of the home crowd. Is it right to lose control? No. Is it understandable? Absolutely. Combine the hand-to-the-ear thing, the diving, 2 deliberate net violations, the post-ENG taunting, the coaching involvement, and Robo-boy actually pointing to his own name on his jersey and you have the most childish display of non-sportsmanship I've seen since I beat my 4 year-old in Chutes and Ladders. So, while USA can be faulted for getting p!ssed and taking some dumb penalties, I think the Russians should be grateful they got off the ice with only a little bit of blood spilled. You may not find that very suitable for a group of young athletes, but then you've probably never competed for a world title. taz says, Go Canada!
  12. His wife is reeeeeeeealy pretty, too. taz digs the Great One
  13. Bleh! That was lame. I thought Belarus played quite well, but the USA defensive game was pretty much at a spectator level. Is the "flu" making it's way through the home team locker room? At no time in the first two periods did I see USA get a sense of urgency, they just didn't seem to care until it was too late. That softie from the blue line when Montoya came in was icing on the cake for any Canadian fans in the audience. Quite comical. But, on the other hand, why not get embarrassed at home? Take your beating and come out guns a blazing for the Czechs. It's a cleansing experience for most teams (except the MN Vikings) being embarrassed like that in front of the home crowd. Renewed appreciation for the level of talent at this tournament. Yo. Respect. taz listen up to what da main man Ali G have to say for real
  14. Wow. I didn't expect the level of speed and skill from this group. What a great game to watch. It is clear that both USA and Russia had that tourney "high" going for the first two periods-- resulting in some of the best back-n-forth I've seen in a while. Lot's of speed from the forwards, who were allowed to buzz around all over the ice. Montoya made the saves when he absolutely had to. That game made for a great Christmas Day family event. How cool was Stafford's goal, in front of the partisan Sioux crowd? Would have been nice to be there to hear the "USA!" chant. Can anyone comment more on the crowd last night? Enthusiasm? It seemed pretty good on TV. Kudos to ESPN for showing the game. I'm not always a fan of that network, but many thanks for giving me the opportunity to watch. taz
  15. The wheels are not falling off the wagon, gents. This was a hard fought game, and one that Duluth desperately needed to win. 9-6-1 is by no means the end of the world. In fact, it's pretty damn good considering the competition. Plenty more games to come. I'm impressed with the way the team is coming together. I think they showed some mental toughness tying it late in the game. But, Sandy's boys are not what their record is, and they weren't going to be denied. Congrats to them. As for the little Goofer cheerleader who's up late using Daddy's laptop to troll the Sioux faithful. You haven't won another banner yet, muffinhead. Your cushion schedule just may bite you in the buttocks come February. So, cue up one more Ashlee Simpson mp3 you stole from Kazaa and then it's off to bed, sweetie. Sleep well, knowing that North Dakota talent is keeping your otherwise mediocre program in the hunt. taz
  16. The Sioux offense needed to have a huge game today, and they did not. Sounds like a very impressive machine in Pitt State. I wouldn't mind seeing them smoke Valdosta with big points. Congrats to Gorilla team/fans on what looks like a dominating season! AND, a Big-Up to the Sioux for once again showing it is one of the top programs in the country right now. taz digs da Sioux
  17. Taz Boy

    Rip on Hak

    If memory serves, I believe it was Hak who distracted Karl in overtime long enough to allow Kolanos to slip in that goal for the Eagles title in 01.
  18. Taz Boy

    Rip on Hak

    I saw reports of Hak stuffing the electronic ballots in Philly! He missed the first two periods at BC to commit voter fraud! taz
  19. The 3 goals aren't too surprising, as BC has some serious offensive strength. They "sound" like they are moving the puck very well. But, UND appears to be beating themselves tonight. Forwards can't control the puck, and the D cannot stay out of the box. After watching this Sioux team in Mankato and at the REA, I have not been too excited about this season. BUT, I don't see this slip as catastrophic. This is a tough UND schedule, and they are learning about what it takes to play at a top-10 level. There's talent in this team, no question. They just aren't executing. They need to pop in a goal and get their feet moving again. Put one in, and the rest will follow. Don't jump off the wagon just yet. taz
  20. As always, thanks PCM. taz digs the recap
  21. In game 2, the Sioux made a concious effort to abandon the hard physical play they executed on Friday, and it failed miserably. The Gophs skated freely, and had energy for all three periods. However, the previous night's hitting was excessive, and with all the 5-3's could have easily gone the other way in scoring. There is a happy medium, perhaps biased towards the physical play, that will bring this team good results. Saturday was a debacle that probably needed to happen. It was such a combination of crap that this weeks areas of focus in practice are no doubt plentiful. I think our d-corps is outstanding. I hope they continue to play hard and punish the opposing teams forwards. They just need to work on keeping it legal. Multiple cross-checking calls are inexcusable. And, some of those open ice hits, while great highlight shots, were uncalled penalties. Need to clean this up. The forwards need time to click. It will come. This is hockey. You play poorly, take your beating, and then go home to regroup and hopefully to return the favor in the future. taz digs this team
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