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Taz Boy

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Everything posted by Taz Boy

  1. Thanks PCM. I really enjoy reading your recaps. It breaks up the monotony of searching for free porn on the web. ...did I just say that?
  2. Taz Boy

    Old arena

    My usual kneejerk reaction to some of the discussion here is how ridiculous it is to characterize the first three years of the new Ralph to the last 5 of the old. A lot of the atmosphere in those years was generated by some of the best Fighting Sioux hockey in history. Easy to cheer when the team is winning McNaughton Cups and NCAA titles. A little harder when your team, in an unfamiliar building, drops to 8th place in the WCHA just coming off a year where they played in the NCAA title game. Play the 01-02 season in the old Ralph, especially the dismal series against Mankato-State, and then critique the "atmosphere". As much as the old Ralph was wonderful, there were plenty of lean times there as well. Many empty seats during lackluster series against teams like Mich Tech or Alabama-Huntsville. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to enjoy one of the best years there as a student and pep band member-- 1986-87. Unforgettable. Yeah, I miss that place. But, I enjoy the new Ralph even more. Why? Because it is everything a generous old man wanted it to be. The finest facility in the world. Fitting for a program with such a storied tradition. Dropped smack dab in the country's favorite butt of jokes, North Dakota. Too fancy for midwestern folk? Perhaps. A little to "corporate" and disciplined for raucous students? Maybe. But no question this place has magic to it. My favorite "new Ralph" times are the DU series in 03 WCHA playoffs, Kansas BB, and of course the opening night standing ovation for Ralph on Oct 5, 01. Very special memories for me. Not quite like that come-back game against the Gophers in 98 (I was there, Wow!), but not that far behind either. My vote is both are wonderful. The Old Ralph was just as plush and sanitized when it opened up in the early '70's as the new Ralph appears today. Let the palace wear for a few years. It's already created a definite home ice advantage. 11K+ fans are a force to be reckoned with, even if a lot of them are munching on Sioux-per dogs and beer. It is drawing top talent away from other programs. It is bringing in the World Juniors. It is p!ssing off the leftist goofballs. It is good. taz
  3. Taz Boy

    WE WON!

    Well... there was that one game in early December, 2001. taz
  4. That's it! Nice sweep for the Sioux. It certainly doesn't get any easier, but they have a great start in the WCHA. taz
  5. UND back on their heels a little. Hang in there, Sioux!
  6. Speaking of bedtimes, I've got one down and one to go. Wife left me to fend for myself against a 3 year old. Watching Wild on TV, listening to Sioux on web, and dealing with energetic, independent minded mini-chick is a busy evening. taz
  7. Taz Boy is here, lurking. Who sits tonight for the Sioux? Dean sounded aweful peeved and said some folks would be in the stands tonight. taz digs $$ scoring
  8. That was pretty much a one-play game. But, what a play it was. Nice rush by the Grand Valley D' to force the fumble and the long return yardage for the TD. Otherwise, not much else happened. A credit to both teams defense, but not for their offense. No hanging heads here. Much congrats to GVSU for a back-to-back run, and a little pay-back for the Sioux heroics two years ago. Now, on to hockey... taz digs it
  9. That was a serious punch in the gut. GV appears to be getting their revenge... but will they...? taz still has much hope
  10. A water park with a big ol' slide?
  11. Seriously, just how did the Div II committee get it wrong? Did they sidestep or ignore elements of the post season ranking criteria? Was this criteria not set prior to the season and agreed to by all member teams? As I understand it, UNA hurt themselves when they played outside the division. This is exactly why UND does not want to play NDSU next year. There couldn't be a better example.
  12. Taz Boy

    UND vs. UNA

    I'm working on my next Guinness, gents. Enjoy!!!
  13. Taz Boy

    UND vs. UNA

    I'm starting to grin...
  14. Taz Boy

    UND vs. UNA

    Not much talk of injuries that I've heard. UNA storms right back. 26-16 with 5:27 remaining. Too much time for me to be comfortable. C'mon offense. We need ya to burn the clock!
  15. Taz Boy

    UND vs. UNA

    Time for the offense to put some more points up. C'mon Sioux!!!!!
  16. Taz Boy

    UND vs. UNA

    The Sioux offense really needs to step up now. They can't wait until 1 minute left in the game. Ball control. Keep it out of UNA hands in the 4th quarter. I'm worried about the Sioux's ability to drive the dagger in. Had a chance after that interception. Couldn't convert. They need to answer with some more points. C'mon Sioux!
  17. Taz Boy

    UND vs. UNA

    UNA turning on the heat. Sioux offense really needed to convert at least 3 on that last series. The Mo is turning... then fumble... UNA recovers... crap!
  18. Taz Boy

    UND vs. UNA

    Sounds very intense in the arena. This is good. UNA offense is scary, with big plays like that. Great stop to hold them to 3. Sioux need to hold onto that ball for the rest of the game. Grind it out. taz
  19. Imagine the banner space we would need in the REA. Imagine. taz
  20. Taz Boy


    These Winona guys are kinda funny.
  21. Taz Boy


    Need a big D play to stop the Winona Mo.
  22. Most people people make such statements in jest, but I'm quite certain lawkota is serious about that. Definitely, the '87 team. taz
  23. Excellent job Sioux!!! Tough day for Pitt St. Very tough. taz digs it
  24. Yeah, looks like Pitt St. definitely beat themselves today. Frustrating that the Sioux couldn't capitalize on more of those turnovers. Still can't totally breath easy with Pitt moving the ball right now...
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