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Taz Boy

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Everything posted by Taz Boy

  1. Someone has to say it, and of course it must be Taz Boy. ndgoofer, your post shows quite clearly you are an expert on stupidity. A member of the band, are we? The Mariucci was a morgue during the previous lean years-- it was possibly the least interesting place to watch a hockey game until the middle of last season when the Collective realized they had a diamond in the making. The regional this year was a laugher. Sure, when you pump in 16 goals in two games you're going to get some home crowd cheering. In fact, many were giggling and squealing like little sorority girls at their first rush party. Weeeeeee!! It's fun to win!!! I'm like soooo drunk!!! Championship teams create atmosphere on their home ice. Expectations are raised as each game is more likely to be a "W". Let the Gophs drop back to around .500 for a couple of years and then help yourself to that wonderful 'ucci "atmosphere" you're talking about. The REA is indeed comercialized, but there is also something special about that place. The Denver series unleashed some of the loudest crowd noise I've yet heard at a college hockey game. Sure, tight games will do that, but this was beyond typical overtime excitement. I recommend, ndgoofer, you join your beloved team for the series up in GF next year. The Sioux faithful are already salivating. I'm also tired of the "old REA nostalgia" presented usually by those too young to remember when that place sucked as well. Don't get me wrong, I love that old building. Spent much time in there. But, there were plenty of snore-fest games with plenty of empty seats during the early 90's slide. Of course that place rocked in 97-01. Gee, I wonder why?? Perhaps Karl Goehring knows the answer. As for the students, in time you'll settle right in to your new home. I'd personally rather have you near the penalty box and across from the opposing team's bench. But, I think this corner can work as well. A few suite owners will need to get used to the "excitement", but I'm sure they'll adjust. Realize you're getting a great deal on excellent seats in a wonderful arena. Keep cheering and good things will happen. taz
  2. Taz Boy

    Go CC

    Go Big Red! (did I just say that?) taz
  3. Please let this be true. As of this writing, Michigan is up 4-3. Go Tigers!! taz still nauseated from Friday
  4. Tough to say anything positive right now. Except, I can say that they are a great group of guys (especially the seniors), and hopefully they will rid themselves of the ghosts and goblins for next year. Have a great summer everyone! taz
  5. By far the worst performance this season. I feared this after watching the lackluster effort last week against the UMD dogs. Amazing. A recovery in the third would be very surprising. I'm not demanding they win this game, but at least show up. taz not impressed
  6. I think ROY is the freshman who makes the biggest on-ice impact for a team. Vanek certainly fits the bill. Hobey Baker is an award that identifies the finest college hockey student-athlete; it's not just a stats based award. Perhaps that's how Parise can be on that list and not be ROY. I've thought all along that Vanek has a quicker route to the NHL than Parise. Both are great players; the WCHA is fortunate. Go Sioux! taz
  7. Nice post. Go Sioux in the big(ger) dance! taz
  8. I was at all the games this weekend and for the most part was very impressed with the arena atmosphere. A few things, however... First, beware the Shrine of Whine! Fueled by a week-long media campaign regarding the questionable officiating at Denver, the Sioux fans exhibited some serious whining this weekend anytime Bochenski and Parise were touched. Now, certainly a case can be made that the first period of Saturday's game was aweful, and the dynamic duo had to carry extra weight around with them pretty much all three games. But, don't fall into the Goofer trap of crying and pointing anytime there's a scrum in the corner. I did notice that the b!tching settled down after Saturday's second period when UND failed to convert on the 5-3. Sunday had even less complaining and more intense cheering. Wonderful. Don't confuse this with what the Student section was doing. I dug all the crap they gave Shepard, the signs, and the yelling. Very good. I just thought there was an overblown reaction by the arena anytime Parise was in the corner getting hit. Again, this seemed to die down as the series went on (perhaps because Denver was getting tired of clutching and grabbing). Second, the overtime goals generated some of the most ear-splitting noise I've yet heard. Again, wonderful. The confetti drop at the end on Sunday was great. For some reason, that was the coolest thing to me. Third, I've come out hard on the students in the past for standing, but I thought this weekend they were excellent. Still, standing the entire time is lame to me. I'm thinking about all the folks with season tickets who miss half the game. "Well, then they can get off their a$$ and stand." you say. No. Not the solution. Why? Because, many of those folks are parents with children, or old geezers with bad hips-- good luck getting that to work. Also, it seems less safe to me (is it that obvious I'm a parent. Ugh. I've become my Dad). Whatever. I think there's a compromise here that involves sitting by the students during a majority (some, a little?) of the time the puck is in play. No? Fourth, the REA is becoming an unpleasant place for opposing teams. Hang another banner, and it will be unbearable. taz digs it, see ya Thursday
  9. Exactly what they needed. I thought the Sioux looked strong tonight; good forechecking, great hitting, and really moving that puck around. Schneider's sniping was on display as well. It's looks like the confidence is returning. UND came out strong and took control early. Man, that Parise goal at the end of the first was huge. Perhaps Ranfranz was given the chance as a make-up for the premature "pulling" last night. Apology was accepted, apparently. Still, Wisco generated little offensive threat. They are in tough shape-- 'Kato St. is getting the better deal being in third. I think the team will be looking forward to having another shot at DU, especially since we didn't see them in GF for the regular season. The Ralph will be rocking for this first ever post-season Fighting Sioux weekend!!! Go Sioux! taz
  10. A great win last night for the boys. I was especially pleased to see the Speedster pop two in. He continues to be Taz Boy's pick for the Hobey. As for turning the corner. We'll see. There were a few lapses last night that fortunately didn't turn into more goals for UW. Puckluck was also on the side of the Kelly Green. Long overdue. UND needs to come out hard tonight and set the example for future opponents. They need to build on their confidence and take it into next weekend. A tie or loss at this point would nearly erase the positives they gained last night. Go Sioux!! taz digs it baybay
  11. Thanks again, PCM! Go Sioux! taz digs the updates
  12. Taz Boy


    Someone let me know when the scary part is over so I can look. Bochenski's stick was near crossbar height. Either way you call it, someone is b!tching. The key is to not get yourself into a situation where your game relies on that. The Sioux performance was pretty much phoned in today. Definitely noticed the lack of enthusiasm on the first shift. Blah. I did enjoy the crowd response with the tie-up goal. The REA sounds pretty good when there's something to cheer about. The Dog's go-ahead was a fitting tribute to the way things have gone for UND the past two months. Still, ya gotta think this team is becoming dangerous. Either they explode for like ten goals in Buckyville, or they get 3-4 game DQ's and spill blood. taz
  13. This is a great thread. Thanks! We hope to be travelling back for both games and we'll give it our best to help the boys do well. taz digs da Sioux
  14. Taz Boy

    Swept again

    Poobah and jk: It is encouraging to hear someone have a more positive take on the game. I'd be lying if I said the loss didn't bug the living cr@p out of me-- perhaps distorting my memory. Went to the Wild game on Sunday night and still spent most of the time thinking about what could have been for the mighty Sioux that third period. Fortunately, a short-lived moment of pathetic weakness I shall not repeat. A 24hr bug that will no doubt be squashed next weekend with a dominating performance by the Kelly Green. Hammy: An excellent question. Fortunately for you, I have had the opportunity to study the collective singular wit known as the Goofer for some time now. As you know, the Goofer mindset is driven by a unyielding jealousy of the University of North Dakota and it's incredibly rich hockey tradition. The basis of the Collective thought was formed long ago by the Wooger and his beloved Pride On Ice recruiting policy. The POI religion was infectious, as it played upon the xenophobic nature of the urban resident Scandinavians and their dislike of the Outstate lesser class. POI followers grew vast in numbers as the "members only" policy provided not only a moralistic high ground from which to judge other hockey programs, but also a convenient crutch to use as NCAA titles became elusive for so many years. Group affirmation, consolation, and condemnation became the yearly rituals used by the Collective to stengthen their beliefs in the Wooger and his journey along the road-less-traveled. The culmination of all that is POI is manifested in the Shrine of Whine: a spectacular venue of agony and complaint. A place of worship for those who find victory a series of injustices that through divine intervention lead to a righteous outcome, and defeat as simply a series of injustices. Nowhere else can one observe an equally sized group of individuals with seemingly diverse socioeconomic backgrounds operating in such a synchronous state of sanctimony. The Goofer Collective mindset of self-importance and haughty arrogance is merely a shield to cloak the underlying jealousy and disdain for the highly successful Fighting Sioux hockey program. A storied tradition of excellence that has few, if any, equals. This undeniable fact is what pains the city folk most. How such a small town in such a rural state can attract and sustain so many highly capable athletes and scholars. Indeed, this is truly the work of evil. I had thought that the replacement of the Wooger with Lucia, weakening of POI policies, and the eventual National Championship year would have quelled such nonsense. But, in fact, it has become even stronger. The Goofer Collective no doubt wrestled with the conflicting feelings of joy and guilt that last April evening as they realized the era of excuses and moralism were to be left behind. How, then, shall the new Champions address their lesser rivals? Have they now dipped into the sinful bath of open recruiting and delighted in it's wonders? Truly, joyous chants of "USA!" can no longer be celebrated in the Shrine. An era has ended, but the Collective lives on with the media leadership of Wooger, Nanne, Sonmor, et al. Add to that the defection of Minnesota's finest to the Vegas funded cow-town to the northwest, and you see the agony is alive and well. As a result, the focus of POI's group therapy discussions on the internet can be found daily in that little school with the many glorious NCAA banners. taz
  15. Taz Boy

    Swept again

    True, I think Handy's posting flurry has me seeing double, triple. Mostly Kato fans + Handy, I was confused. I stand 100% corrected and offer any and all apologies to the Goofer collective. Hammy, nice try arguing that the attention to the Sioux struggle as of late is merely a standings concern. Poobah, not sure if you were saying this regarding my posts, but I don't recall blasting Ranfranz at all. I thought he played well and had a couple of unfortunate, unlikely goals scored on him. These are #1 and #4 in your discussion. Your level of detail is excellent, by the way. I also don't disagree with your assessment. Not sure where you think we differ. Perhaps my previous post comes across as more negative than I had intended. My impression was that Mankato had the better overall play (physical, passing, attack to the net) through the first two periods, but certainly not the third. They played relatively mistake-free hockey and allowed Jensen to do his job in net. I also believe they got the better of the "bounces". Not just in the two goals, but it seemed at times that the puck just landed on their sticks in the offensive zone. Whatever, it changes nothing. The mighty Sioux have much work ahead of them, and hopefully this past weekend didn't weaken their resolve. They are a great bunch of althletes with incredible skill. I see 6 more points in their future, and a fourth place finish. This is not inconsistent with the pre-season projections. The big surprises are Mankato (competing for cup) and Denver (not). However, the post season may change things yet again... taz
  16. Taz Boy

    Swept again

    Saturday's game was good at the start, and I had a good feeling until the Sioux blew that line change and gave a 2-on-0 to MnSt. Ugh! My heart just sank into my gut. This was not helped at all by the terrible second period when UND couldn't get going offensively. Missed passes and no penetration. With the early goal in the third, I started getting ready to leave. I hate doing that. The rest of the third period, as far as I can tell, was an act of desperation-- but in a good way. UND finally woke up and really hammered Jensen, who was obviously up to the task. I think they threw 22 shots on net in that period, but many were right into the mid-section. I didn't see Jensen moving a great deal, but he did make an incredible save on Money that pretty much indicated it wasn't meant to be. Mankato overall played better than UND. They scored off of mistakes, they played hard and physical, and they didn't wither and die when UND was giving them the business. This team was as solid as you can be when going up against a potent Sioux offense. I recommend putting a lot of the MnSt. blowhards on your ignore list over at USCHO. The level of stupidity is amazing. Most ripping Parise, which is of such collossal ignorance I cannot comprehend how such an intellect can manage operating a computer. All the smack talk may just come back to haunt them. Consider this. Had the Sioux tied up the game or actually won it, we'd be having an entirely different conversation here. They were very close to salvaging a successful 2pt. weekend. It just didn't happen. A couple of points about the atmosphere. Midwest Wireless Arena was definitely loud, but credit the PA guys for the ear-splitting volume. My head still hurts. Then, the visiting team is paraded out the end of the rink and right through an obnoxious section of drunk morons enroute to their locker room. This is effective, no question. But what kind of an a$$hole leaves his seat to join other like-minded idiots to line up near the exit and taunt each player as they leave the ice (behind security mind you). Laughable. Lot's of smack talk after the game, as expected. Watched as two middle-aged drunk men walked over to a group of Sioux fans and gave them some rather mild crap. No big deal. Some guy shook my hand and wished me a very sarcastic safe trip home and then laughed. Whatever. All in all, MnSt. fans were very very excited and for good reason. It was actually kind of nice seeing folks, albeit drunk and stupid, so happy for their team. Still, Mankato is not really a hockey town. Perhaps this success can help to grow the programs popularity in the area. Sioux fans left sad. Tough to have such high levels of expectations for a team and see them get manhandled by "new blood." I have hopes they can turn it around, but it likely won't be this year. I also think this hurts, but certainly doesn't kill, their momentum for the predicted world domination in 03-04. Almost like we slipped a whole year this past month. Anyone get a kick out of the Goofer fascination with the Sioux demise? Parise, the once highly touted 1-year-and-gone candidate, is apparently now a bust. Well, then, perhaps we won't worry as much when he goes pro, huh? Silly people. taz
  17. Taz Boy

    Swept again

    Went to the game tonight and thought the Sioux played well enough to lose. A very lackluster second period put them into a 2pt hole that quickly turned to three points early in the third. Too bad for Ranfranz who had a couple of weird goals slip past him. Also, the Sioux getting caught on a line change was just plain embarrassing. The third period was all Sioux, but not enough to overcome Jensen and the point deficit. This team has lost its ability to focus and move the puck. They played scared, and to the contrary Mankato played with the confidence of a champion. Amazing how strong they were at times, just swarming, waiting for any little mistake. UND was beat by a better team this weekend, no question. I'd say CC has a battle on their hands next weekend. taz not impressed
  18. That's alright. Hammy clearly missed the point of the post anyway. The indictement was against the WCHA officiating crew and their favoring U of M, not the Goofheads themselves. It matters not. All will be made right after this evening's game. taz
  19. I can't stress enough how important this win is tonight. No question Dean is relaying that to his leadership, and they are taking it to heart. It's time for the Sioux to resurrect their season, similar to what Denver did against them. A pounding would be delightful, but a win no matter what. Let it be so. taz
  20. You gotta think the POI "cupcake patrol", MN blowhard media, and all other naysayers are just peeing in their pants with this thread. Is all lost? No. Here's how you recover: you come out hard tomorrow night, dominate State, and win decisively. Then, with renewed confidence, you win the remaining games. This is not out of the question, but does put a lot of pressure on UND. We knew all along that the schedule would create these streaks of wins and losses. The only surprises are the loss against Tech and the 1pt missed at Denver. If UND could run the table, they would end up well exceeding expectations for the year. If they get another loss or two in there, they would still be at expectations. I see this all panning out for a 3rd or 4th place finish for the Sioux. Should not surprise anyone. taz
  21. Taz Boy

    UND vs. MSU-M

    What excuse will Dean use tonight? This team is starting to look all too familiar... taz
  22. Definitely you will want to stop into Chevy's for a nice pre-game meal and beer, and then Mettler's for some post-game beer and lap dances. Both use the same kitchen, so you can get good food in Mettler's as well. Bring plently of cash. taz will be there Saturday to watch a Fighting Sioux sweep!
  23. Spiewak is educating the freshmen on what this is all about. What a performance! There has never been a game where I haven't marveled at his speed and determination. Add a gigantic heart and work ethic, and you have my choice for Hobey Baker. taz digs the speedster
  24. Spiewak is truly a Fighting Sioux. taz
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