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Taz Boy

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Everything posted by Taz Boy

  1. Both games were chippy, which was something I expected (but did not happen) when the Sioux came to town. I liked the intensity, but there were definitely some dumb penalties (Mr. Demarchi) I thought the penalties in the 2nd on Friday night were due to a Gopher meltdown, not bad officiating. Mankato is tenacious, but I didn't think they looked all that good this weekend. Goph's had much better scoring chances and generally controlled the play. Mankato just refuses to go down. I like that. Again, I'm reminded of why I hate the big ice. The games appear to run at half speed, too much room to break out allows for more movement side to side and not towards the net. Blah. By the third period, you see lots of smacking the puck around in the neutral zone cause the guys are so tired. Olympic sheets ruin college hockey. Besides that, they were fun games to watch. Wish there was more college hockey on TV. taz
  2. Sorry to beat the dead horse, but I found this interesting in Rachel Blount's 1/23/03 article
  3. Thanks again for the update! taz digs it
  4. OK. After reviewing the threads in question, and the additional "Let's try an experiment" thread, I'm convinced that the POI board is not a place to be for spirited discussion. Having to continually remind myself that each post could be grounds for dismissal is lame. But, certainly the right of the admin who apparently cannot tolerate even the slightest negativity towards the beloved primadonnas. Seems a little more open-minded here, so let me give it a try... Nothing nauseates me more than the "Rudy" complex. The glorified Notre Dame football player that made a meaningless sack at the end of an already decided game. Sure, he worked hard. But, so do a lot of folks. The fact that his talents were nowhere near the level of his annoying persistence is no reason to celebrate and immortalize his pathetic career. Perhaps we can all learn from someone who works hard and does not give up. True. But to hold them to a level beyond criticism-- untouched by ridicule, is a bit ridiculous. As I understand it, Roberg is a member of the Div I Minnesota Golden Gopher Mens Ice Hockey team. Relatively few hopefuls reach that level-- arguably some of them with even more determination, heart and drive. He should have just as thick of skin as the allstars-- and so should the fan(atic)s who worship him. taz-- am I banned yet?
  5. Way too much of a love fest going on here. Please try to keep the kissing to a minimum. Gopher Fans and members of the Goofer Collective--- all are welcome here as it helps for us to expose your mediocre education. As for Hobey Dan, we miss him dearly. Definitely the inspiration for Hobey Taz, who's work at the Hardees in Rochester won him the honorary title of employee of the month for nearly 3 weeks. Shane's site was a free-for-all that lasted a lot longer than anyone imagined. Only a matter of time before a geekster with no job comes in and pollutes a web site (well... besides me). Waxing nostalgia... Let's not get too PC here... and quit with all the fricken smilie icons! taz digs lawkota's POI "group therapy" comment
  6. I was at the game tonight. Somewhat quiet in the Shrine, even after they went up 2-1. Excellent performance by the Sioux, especially in the 2nd. Seemed like things started clicking when Parise was moved back up to the top line. Very good defense in the third. I also thought the Gophs were struggling a little that period. Passing was not on, and oh that miscue in their own end for the #4 goal. That was a tough one for the Collective to swallow. Not as much whining this evening. A few comments about the Sioux roster being old (??) and the lack of calls. Most notable was the Collective "Boo!" when they announced Parise's goal. Not MN nice, now is it? taz
  7. Similarly, I have CC at the top (but by a wider margin) and the Sioux tied with MN for 2-3 place. Then, the Huskies and Denver closely behind that for 4,5 resp. I think 2-5 in the WCHA will be very tight this year, which will make for a great WCHA Final 5-- assuming most or all get in. In the above scenario, I have UND losing a considerable amount the second half. The key for the Sioux is to get at least 3rd and avoid the likes of Mankato or Duluth for the play-in series. Forget about USCHO rankings, the McNaughton Cup, and all that stuff. Focus on improving and preparing for the playoffs. Take some lumps and learn from them. Solidify goaltending and continue to experiment with lines. Get into the expanded NCAA dance and see what happens. Most importantly, prepare for world domination in 03-04. taz digs the bright future for the green and white
  8. Taz Boy

    World Jr.s

    Hi Yane! I've been listening to some of it on the teamline phone 1-800-846-4700 (web link here). Works pretty well. USA is up 4-2 at then end of two. taz
  9. Things I have learned from SDSUFAN's posts: 1) SDSUFAN subscribed to, or otherwise had access to, the Grand Forks Herald throughout 2001. This was SDSUFAN's sole source of information on the Fighting Sioux nickname controversy. 2) Most, if not all, Native Americans polled for the SI article were drunks. 3) Hat tricks can be awarded to participants of an internet discussion forum. 4) Very little intellectual capacity is needed to obtain an ISP account, navigate the web with browser software, and type. taz
  10. Oh, I'm still going to the games. I'll just close my eyes during any of the bad parts Seriously, I expect the team to take some lumps in January-- it is a brutal schedule. However, it's is a good time for the team to go through this and hopefully come out tougher, even more confident. Steal at least one at the Shrine of Whine and one at the World Arena and they'll be in great shape. taz digs all the Goofer agony filling POI threads
  11. I've learned over on POI that UND's schedule is embarrassingly easy. You should be ashamed for mentioning their win total this year, as it has come by beating cream puff teams while being assisted by home ice advantage. Many losses can be expected this January, I understand. I can't bear to watch. taz
  12. I must admit I had my wife get his autograph. I dig him for the way he handled the Russian team in '80, and for his support of college hockey. But, he's still the man responsible for Gopher greatness. Hard to forgive him for that... heh, heh taz
  13. Not sure if this is posted elsewhere already, but I really liked this article by Dave DeLand. Straightforward and to the point. Go Sioux! taz
  14. The team on the ice creates the atmosphere inside the building. I've been to many games in the old REA where you could hear a pin drop. Also been to many where the building was 3/4 full or less. Wasn't always as crazy or hostile as you say. But, no question there were times when it was brutal to the visiting team. The Shrine of Whine was a morgue three years ago. Go to a game now, and you can actually make out some clapping and cheering. SCSU's NHC has become a very difficult place to play because the hockey team has been one of the most talented in the nation the past few years. Easy to cheer when your guys are pumping in tons of goals. The new REA pulled in record numbers even though the product on the ice was struggling. New fans and different neighbors-- all will take time to get into the groove. But, if you were at the HOF home opener when Ralph himself took to the microphone, you were treated to just how loud this place can be. Absolutely deafening. Close behind was the Gopher series last season. 12K fans were generating a lot of noise at times. I have no doubt the new REA will become the most intimidating place to play in short order. It will exceed the old place in terms of "fear factor". In the mean time, I'm enjoying watching the best college hockey team playing in the finest arena on the planet. taz
  15. Thanks for the recap, forecheck! It looks like a lot of work, but Taz Boy very much appreciates it. taz
  16. Thanks, PCM, for taking the time to put the show in writing. It is a pleasure to read this for those of us who are stuck in Gooferville! taz
  17. Taz Boy

    Kato Friday

    Sounded like a very exciting game in the third and OT. Sleepy Sioux woke up to manufacture a tie. Not desireable for the home series, but we'll take it considering what was looking like the alternative for two periods. MSU-M is an excellent team playing a brutal schedule right now. From what I saw against Minnesota, they take advantage of their power plays and are skating very hard. Plus, Jensen has it together in net. I hope the Mavs blew their wad tonight 'cause the Sioux need every home win they can get! taz
  18. Ouch. Jim, is the board software stored on a little memory key, or do you have to go get the server's hard drive? SDSUFAN, the feeling you have of being unwelcome is only because your posts are so abrasive and annoying that you elicit negative responses. If your trying to be funny, it's not working. Nothing personal, you're just coming across as a troll, and getting flamed for it. Please, stick around. Your moronic ramblings are entertaining. taz
  19. 2000 wheelchairs, hundreds of millions in $$ donations, employer of the year, and the press still can't avoid mentioning the two theme parties. Hopefully Sioux fans will be treated to a great weekend of hockey, and that the mood in the arena is full of excitement. Best way to say "Thanks Ralph" is to cheer your a$$ off this weekend! taz
  20. He takes pictures, too. Cool ones showcasing the fine talents of the UND Fighting Sioux hockey team. Certainly by the third year, the Sioux will be very comfortable within the fabulous REA and all of it's techno wow factor. More importantly, the new crowd will become even more familiar with the team, and new cheering "traditions" will emerge. It can only get better, folks. taz
  21. No doubt a very sad day for those who knew Ralph Engelstad. From what I've read, he was an honest man you could trust-- said what he thought, and never went back on his word. Tough to find that these days. Thanks, Ralph! taz
  22. No doubt JBB's thesaurus is smoking after that one. NDSJC's latest distraction is clear example that there's nothing interesting happening on their own campus. The move to Div I is so distasteful to their alumni base that the AD must direct attention to the immoral goings-on in Grand Forks. "Sure, we're totally void of any logical thought in our own athletic department, but at least we're not racist like those evil white supremists at UND." Sorry, JBB, it's not working. The public is laughing at you and the jealous rants coming from your farm college. Even the liberal Herald is asking to give it a rest. You continue to focus on the negative aspects of your world, wallowing in your own misery and self-righteousness. This is understandable given the performance of your glorious Div I football program against the lesser NCC schools this year. Meanwhile, UND has decided to promote the Fighting Sioux image nationally through hard work, discipline, fierce competition, exemplary academics, and overall success. We're proud of the name-- why are you so ashamed of it? taz
  23. NDSJC's downward spiral continues with this latest desperate attempt to direct the public's scrutiny northward. Like SCSU, they choose to ignore the very real problems on their own campus and instead rehash an unrelated, cosmetic talking-point that has been stale for over a year. Even the GF Herald's twisted obsession with the UND nickname has subsided-- realizing now that there are more important issues to report on. What is sad, however, is that these academic administrators are getting paid real dollars to spend their time so foolishly. Let's hope the general ridicule from the local media helps to redirect the focus of the elites back to the business at hand. But, since when has that ever happened before? Go ahead, farm school leaders, pass the nickname "boycott" and implement the same stupid policy as the other area institutions. But, may I suggest you go further where others before have failed. Implement a study and then provide statistics or other such evidence as to how your symbolic acts of good will have directly lead to the improvement of the lives of Native Americans, Sioux in particular, living in North Dakota. I'm betting you will find you have wasted your time, and ignored those you seek to help. Long live the legendary Fighting Sioux name and tradition. taz
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