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Taz Boy

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Everything posted by Taz Boy

  1. I thought it was an entertaining game overall, if a bit on the sloppy side. Sioux were amazing in the first but comatose again in the 2nd. Grieco I thought played well and kept that period from getting out of hand. Miller is impressive; and I sure do like watching Duncan. Strangely vacant in the Midwest Wireless arena tonight. Hope to see more Sioux faithful tomorrow. Don't let the construction keep you away from Mettlers! taz
  2. YaneA gave me real Taz Boy candy treats for Valentine's Day several years ago (Saturday night Sioux game at old REA). She is a sweetie. Of course, I have many women courting me on a daily basis so I'm never surprised by it. Why, just the other day I was having lunch with Keeley Hazell, and, as luck would have it, Brook Burke stopped by to return my favorite lounging robe and toothbrush. Yes, much love for the Taz.
  3. Reverse mullet? ...Director of "Telecommunications"
  4. Is it OK to bring my kids to Mettler's after the game? taz
  5. I wonder what the Vikings' cheerleaders thought? taz
  6. It counted. Wisco won 1-0. Actually, I thought maybe a no-goal since it looked to me like the puck came out of the crease before it was shot back in the net. I honestly do not understand the rules of goaltender interference. The crease is too big anyway. So's the net. And the damn ice is too cold. Can't they warm that up some? And, how 'bout the chicks? Where were they? No chicks; absolutely none on the ice. Nope. And, what the heck kind of a nuke yields barely a kiloton? I f@rt nearly that much after a six of Leinie's. Phew! Did they forget to put in the fissionable material? I mean, it's not like this hasn't been done before, like over 60 years ago. I say the Bison win next weekend at the MetroDome because that Gopher football team is absolutely aweful. Build their new stadium in Hibbing. And, who gives a soft turd about Madonna's child theft? I had a thin crust Old Chicago this evening and it's wanting out. Why does Time magazine have a picture of an elephant's a$$ on the front cover? The giddyness of the media is too much for me to bear. And, that "V for Vendetta" flick really really sucked. Portman just ain't happening with Taz. "United 93" is much better, if ya like being angry for several days afterward. Why oh why can't Northwest just fold. Just fold already for god's sake. Sell the planes to Sun Country, who actually likes the customer-- and has attendants under the age of 60. Mostly female too. Not that there's anything wrong with being a male stewardess. Someone has to sneak up on the terrorists from behind. taz
  7. Wow. A solid performance by the Kelly Green this weekend. Wonderful intensity and grit by both teams. Wisco fans definitely know how to bring it. This was just great college hockey, even if a little light on the O. Leaving that arena with 2pts is fine by me. I'm very impressed with the Sioux thus far. They have an exciting scoring line, solid D and goaltending, and they are incredibly fast. The speed is back, baybay. I think this year will bring some exciting, high-flying hockey to the Ralph. Toews, Oshie, Duncan, Zajac, Porter, Lee, Lammy... this team is going to be something special. taz
  8. One time, at summer camp, I puked after only two beers. But, they were Old Mills. And, I "shot" them both one right after the other. And I was only 16. And I was trying to keep pace with a 310lb alcoholic softball player. The chicks didn't see me though, so it was all good to go after eating some toothpaste. taz also puked while watching "Brokeback Mtn"
  9. Agreed. If all else fails, just drop the nickname and be North Dakota. North Dakota Hockey, North Dakota Football, North Dakota Basketball... North Dakota. Let the fans do the rest. Picking a new PC name is abso-f-ing-lutely wrong in so many ways. I say, put up the good fight and then play that card at the very end. Let them know that there is no other name suitable for this tradition, this great program. I'm so disgusted with the NCAA exec committe I could spew. taz
  10. How can I possibly continue my tirades against the filthy rodent when so much sense comes out of one of their fans? Sagard, you're killing me! No blind "Pride On Ice/State of Hockey" dogma. No Twin Cities/D-I arrogance. No left over Wooger Shrine of Whine excuse-filled mentality. No chest-puffing-big "M"-Grand Forks-is-hicksville sneering. Are you sure you are a Gopher Fan? No, this just can't be. Does not compute with Taz Boy. The Goofer Collective must have kicked you out of the club house long ago for using too many big words. Now the local media refers to you as "Sagard, maverick Gopher fan." I must admit, in my dealings amongst the faithful in Gooferville I have come across a small number of those who wear the "M" proudly and yet still put forth coherent thought on the issues of the day, hockey-related or otherwise. So, perhaps I should not be so surprised. Yet, there it is. Even so, I will still be watching, reading. You'll slip up sooner or later, I'm sure of it. One of the Moron-in-Gold talking points will slip out eventually. A "What else can you do in the Forks..." or a "Mariucci West..." or even a throwback like "you won those with 25 year old Canadians..." type phrase coming out in autonomous, kneejerk reaction. Then I can pounce. But, so far, nothing. I can wait... or not. What's this thread about? Oh yeah, Go Sioux!!!! taz
  11. I was very happy to see Wisco take the win. I just cannot stomach BC. Not at all. I think it's their maroon-like colors that remind me of the filthy Goofer. Congrats, Bucky. Now, prepare to get smoked next year. taz
  12. Agreed. Taz is big time Badger fan now. I dig Maine, but now it's all about those filthy Eagles. They look like Goofers, they dress like Goofers, they even act like Goofers... well... them's goofers. taz says, "Go Bucky!"
  13. Great thread. I didn't post the past two weeks (months?) only because I had that "bad vibe", and I couldn't shake it. So... If you can't say anything nice about the greatest college hockey program in the nation, then don't say anything at all. Well then, now I can go. Damn, I love them Fighting Sioux. How can a team have an off night in the frozen four, and yet still give a great team a great challenge? I mean, seriously, this is why I love the Sioux. 3-0, 6-3, 6-5... They just don't quit. Never. I'm ranting about "defense this" and "goaltending that", and they pull within one. One! And... I'm still bitching. BC is an excellent team. They earned the win. But... Them Sioux... Learning a lesson behind the woodshed and yet still scoring goals. Still compensating for mistakes. Still righting the wrongs. Still scaring the be-jesus out of the opponent. I'm so glad that this team does not think like me. That Lee can stick one in late and show the folks that no matter what, we are going to try to win. We may not win, but we sure will try. I'm inspired. Thank you Sioux. Thank you for that Michigan romp at home. Thank you for taking back the REA and making it your own. Thank you for skating with pride. Thank you for giving an old man a reason to quit being so negative. This summer is my Fighting Sioux summer. Next fall, well, gawd help the opponent. taz
  14. I certainly had my doubts: after the sweep by St. Cloud at home and the first loss against Mankato in the playoffs. But, this team has once again risen to the occasion. Getting into the NCAA was my biggest concern. Once that was locked up, it's all gravy. And what thick, juicy, meaty gravy it is. Hopefully, those in the NCAA name change crowd are able to hear all the positive comments during broadcasting of the WCHA FF regarding the Sioux pride-- everytime they step onto the ice they expect to win, they play to win. Was a lot of fun to be there last night and watch these young kids play hard. I was also impressed with St. Cloud, and feel just a little bit disappointed that UND's win knocks them out of the NCAA. That's a damn good team that the Sioux beat last night. The best part about the victory last night is that UND does NOT hang a banner for it. Unlike some other programs... taz digs the Fighting Sioux
  15. Excellent. Go Sioux! Get them Huskies! taz
  16. Good point (the part about the stinking Gopher that is). taz
  17. Wow. What a night. Honestly didn't see this coming. Just when it appears they're done, they fight their way back into business. Ya gotta love them hostile and abusive Sioux! A special thanks to the Bulldog for doing us all a favor by dispensing of the Smirking Gwoz and his Band of Pio. Very happy to see Sandelin get something out of this otherwise difficult season. Hopefully he can carry his team to the WCHA FF championship game, and to an awaiting tribe. I also had the privilege of watching the Swagger play hockey this weekend on cable-sat. Rarely do we get that opportunity here in the upper Midwest. Goal after goal, the Swagger was relentless against the Seawolf. You know, it's quite fortunate for the Swagger that they dispensed with things quickly, so that they may rest up for their long travel to the WCHA FF tournament next weekend. Only 5 days to prepare! You can expect Friday's game to be chock full of dazzling moves, highlight reel goals, and plenty of, well... Swagger. Can't miss it. taz
  18. Disappointing. Really needed Fabian and Stafford tonight. Well, tomorrow night is the real deal. Finally getting to that inevitable one and done. The possibility of missing the NCAA on home ice is now becoming a very likely scenario. They'll just have to win it all next year. taz still digs his Sioux
  19. This hangin' around kind of game is not good for the Sioux. They need to come out hard in the 3rd and put a couple more in. Don't let this game come down to a bad play, bounce, or call. More cushion, baybay! taz
  20. Taz enjoying a Newcastle and a Sioux victory. Here's to more of the same tomorrow!
  21. Taz Boy

    DU and UND

    I liked the "Saturday Night Sioux" at Mariucci this year. Beaten and bloody with a humiliating season sweep looming, they landed one square on the jaw of the heavyweight Gopher and dropped him for the 10-count. Win tonight and force the Pios to play desperate hockey on Saturday. Then, win again. Go Sioux! taz
  22. From the internet feed, it sounded as if CC fans were booing constantly throughout the period. What's the deal?
  23. Seems to be a common theme among the Gophs' non-Minnesotan players this year. To their credit, they are certainly earning their right to boast. taz
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