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Everything posted by shep

  1. I was there too and agree with your points. I'd also worry about a hack a Shaq strategy on Evers who missed a bunch of FTs. The outside shots came from Lauck with some consistency, but you're right the 3 isn't a strong attribute of this team. Then again, it may not need to be with EE in the middle and Loyd rebounding like Rodman.
  2. shep

    2015 Recruiting

    I agree. Fix the line before a QB gets killed.
  3. Exactly. How could Hanson be worse than this? Prior to the game, we knew the season was a rebuild. No reason to waste a year of an allegedly promising kid by pulling the redshirt. So now they MUST stick with him otherwise he ends up crushed mentally. The other choice-use Hanson! No way he's worse than this AND he doesn't cost you the RS. This is not a good FB team, and as a fan i accept that but I have hope for the future. Why waste any freshmen this year?
  4. I don't care what the reasons are, his title record speaks for itself. But, someone pointed out the talent level hasn't been the same as the Parise, Toews, Oshie years. Why not? What's keeping that from happening?
  5. shep

    2015 Recruiting

    Rooney looks good. Who are the other known commits? Is a list on the site?
  6. I'll be honest, I believe I should be able to watch good well coached hockey every year AND win a title every 10 or so.
  7. Can't wait. Should be a great season for a team that could go back to the Big Dance.
  8. You're right I do. Thus I don't jump on the bandwagon when we lose a Friday night game v Bemidji State, nor do I find much consolation in sweeping CC in October though I'm very pleased with the result.
  9. The Hak supporters properly point out the success of the team in his time and his .600 W PCT and that's great. If Jones, Brewster and even Bubba did that with several trips to the playoffs/Big Dance they'd be here for life. But this is UND HOCKEY. The standard is higher and every year that we don't get a title it's as though we accept anything less than a title. No one expects to win one every year, and we do give a guy a chance and 10 years is more than fair. Plus how many coaches, even pro, wouldn't want to try coaching here? We would get applicants from all over the hockey world.
  10. Gino Gasparini and Dean Blais did just fine in that "dump." I don't expect one every 3 or 4 years, but every 10... Damn right. And for the record I dont come to my conclusions based on 1 game this weekend.
  11. You're right. Not sure why I put that parenthetical in there as it had nothing to do with my point. Maybe I'm hoping a new coach here would win with Haks recruits.
  12. I get the passion many have on the issue and the loyalty many sound posters here have for Hak. I suspect none of them would be happy if Haks teams go .600 the next 10 years and never win a title. My only question is how long does he get and I know... A. Winning a title isn't easy and B. I don't have a ready candidate to replace him. My belief is he's had a nice, lengthy opportunity to get it done; he hasnt and we try someone else. I just feel he doesn't have that IT factor whatever IT is to get it done. I know they said the same about Roy Williams at UNC basketball, and he got it done (with the previous coach's players) and I'm really hopeful I'm wrong about Hak, but the results are what they are.
  13. So to the Hak supporters, would you be happy if he goes the next 10 with a .600 winning percentage and 0 titles?
  14. I was on Hak last year so it isn't a one game thing for me. No I dont think a title is easy, but I expect one every 10 years. Am I really out of line? Something called Union won it last year. Though thank God it was them and not the Goofs.
  15. Here's why I'm on the Fire Hak bandwagon. It's not one game it's 10 years of no titles. 1980 1982 1987 1997 2000 The longest UND hockey has gone without a title in the last 34 years is NOW! He's a very good coach, someone else will hire him, but it just didn't work here. UND HOCKEY DOES NOT play for very good seasons. UND HOCKEY IS ABOUT TITLES!
  16. Toews, but Tippett epitomizes what a true Sioux hockey player is. And he's been a pretty good coach too.
  17. I question your last point. First, the ONLY sport the B10 could be a leader in is college BB. They collectively suck at FB and frankly I cant imagine what the benefit is to college hockey by having a B10 league when the creation of it ended the greatest hockey conference in the country. Second which other schools are looking at having hockey teams? MAC schools? Former Big East schools? Not gonna be ACC or SEC or PAC 10 teams.
  18. It wasn't meant to be "ballzy" or because I have "real stones" it was more in contrast to the posters who feel it WILL be close.
  19. Of course gambling is illegal, but you're right, I was literally hedging my bets. Yet there are still posters here who think it will be close. It will NOT BE CLOSE! Sorry.
  20. shep

    2015 Recruiting

    I'm not as "up" on all the recruiting stuff as you guys, but wouldn't a school want to keep your top targets somewhat quiet? I realize kids are going to talk about their options and it's very public when a player makes official visits, but how does anyone know who's on top of the list for any school at any position?
  21. I'll give 25 to anyone now who wants THE UND.
  22. I'm surprised so many true freshmen are playing. We will not contend this year or next so these guys are hopefully playing for a contender only in their Jr and Sr years. Plus, IF he does keep the redshirt on some next year, it's more likely this tean doesn't contend until these guys are Srs. Im no expert, so I assume there's some method to this madness.
  23. I don't think all future seasons need to be "lost" but Bubba has a few of his recruits on the team now, will bring in more next year and so on thereafter, but it won't really be his players for four years. Thus, while we can hope for a better season each year, I am skeptical that things turn as soon as next season and we end up with a winning record.
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