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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Had the team had Klosterman healthy there is no way they lose to SCSU/Omaha/Minnesota State three weeks in a row. Heck, they probably could have backed their way into the playoffs some way some how. They still beat NDSU with a backup QB in Fargo.....I call the season a sucess.
  2. I remember thinking during the CW meltdown that if Klosterman had to run for his life this much during the season he was going to get hurt.....I think it was pretty close to the next game that he was hurt at South Dakota State..... *Edit....it was three games later he was hurt in Brookings.
  3. I think the key player is Hanson. He has the keys to UND's season. I think they have all the talent in the world on offense....Hardin, Garman, Miller, Jackson. To me, if he can spread the ball around and provide enough of a threat in the passing game to where teams won't put 8 or 9 in the box, UND could be potent offensively.
  4. Wilbur

    Buy or Sell

    1. Sell-Mitch Sutton and Miller see too much of the ball for that to happen. 2. Buy-Miller had a great season last year, I'm pretty confident in the kicking game. 3. Sell-Both will see time when the offense goes into the usual funk.....
  5. I can't see the Rau-Duncan comparison.....I guess you could argue the finding the soft spot in the zone and finding the back of the net, but thats just about all.... As far as speed and a quick shot goes....I think he'll be okay.... http://www.snappytv.com/snaps/goldengopherhky-goal-kyle-rau-on-a-rush-into-the-undmhock-about-final-five-semifinal-north-dakota-vs-minnesota-on-fox-sports-north
  6. I hate to give a gopher player too much credit, but Rau was tremendous for them. Got underneath the skin of other players, scored some pretty big goals, and had a great freshman year. If Grimaldi has the type of Freshman year that Rau had I think UND wins the league. If he has a better one, special things....
  7. I would think that Dell would probably have to have a decision made by August. I'm not really sure what to say about whether he stays or goes. A lot depends on the type of contract if any the Canadiens offer him.
  8. Wilbur

    Buy or Sell

    I'm going to buy this one. Jake Miller. Buy or Sell.....Garman becomes a featured guy in the offense?
  9. Wilbur

    Buy or Sell

    I'm going to buy the fact that the game against the Vikings will be a wakeup call. Coming off the game against SD mines I think the team will be a bit flat and take a bit to get up to speed. Buy or Sell.....Road win at San Diego State?
  10. Wilbur

    Buy or Sell

    I'm selling this. Could be good or bad....could mean that UND has a dual threat.....or could mean our QB's can't get the football down the field, and Hardin doesn't have a good year..... PS: Arden Beechy shows up in a buy or sell UND football thread? What?
  11. Wilbur

    Buy or Sell

    Walker was one helluva QB, tough to put him against a UND QB because of the different offensive systems that the teams employ. I'd like to see what Walker would have done in the Mussman offense when Freund was under center. Going out of the gun on a majority of the passing downs, etc.
  12. Wilbur

    Buy or Sell

    Right now I'd sell UND finishing higher than NDSU in the forseeable future. NDSU coming off a national championship with a QB that just finished his Soph. year.....Give it three years at the very earliest. I believe Joe from Detroit Lakes will be a very good player, but if he is by chance a bust the UND coaching staff better get three or more QB bodies into camp to find a guy that can lead an offense down the field.
  13. Wilbur

    Buy or Sell

    The first one is a buy. Better opponents in the building should make things a tid bit more interesting. If they don't stay....nothing will make them stay. The second one is a sell. Don't have the QB's to throw for a ton of yardage.....ground game will face stiff tests against bigger bodies....Hopefully its not a school record for most yardage given up in a game....
  14. Took the tour the first year the facility was open. The team had just lost the Friday night game against Anchorage, and was going through their Saturday morning skatewhen my dad and I got to see the glitz and glamour. We didn't get to see the men's locker room because according to the tour guide "a beloved head coach was not in a good enough mood to be around the tour takers....." PS: A couple of years later when I was working at UND campus postal, I had a delivery for the equipment guy and begged and pleaded for a look. Fifteen seconds of glory!!!!!!
  15. I for one am glad that Genoway will have a defensive partner that can skate with him. It worried me that he'd get stuck with Jared Spurgeon or something like that. Anxious to see who Zach centers.....You could have a Heatley-Parise-Setoguchi line.....Or even see him play somewhere else. The wild have a roster full of centers....Cullen, Koivu, Bouchard....Anxious for the first time in many years to see how the wild try to mold their scoring units.
  16. Pass the crow, I thought there was no way.... I like that the gopher fans will get to cheer for former Sioux players, and former Badger players, and a former SCSU guy we all know pretty well......
  17. If the Wild land Parise and Suter they will no doubt have a chance to make the postseason. Stanley cup contenders....meh.....As a Viking/Twins/Wild fan it just doesn't make any sense to land one, albeit two big free agents. If for some reason Parise is on the wild, and Genoway gets more of a shot this next season, I'll have an excuse to watch more games.
  18. Quick question for any with knowledge. Is Zach Parise's fiance from Minnesota? Or is she from a state nearby?
  19. My guess or vote is Pittsburgh. No more Staal, a bit of cap space to bring in a good team guy, and its not too far of a move for him. Being so close to the Stanley cup has got to make him want it even more. So, a contender it is..... I'm a Minnesota sports fan (minus goldy of course...), and they just don't get the big name free agents...I mean maybe when he's 38, but not when he's in his prime.
  20. I...uh....You watched him play in college right? We are talking about Chay right? Charles....the younger brother?
  21. Parise would be an idiot to sign with the Wild. I know its home, and they'll throw a lot of money at him, but if he ever dreams of winning a Stanley cup he can't come home just yet. The same can be said for Suter....
  22. Not pleased by this. I wish he had signed with a team that actually had a decent future ahead of them, and one willing to give him a chance. Last year Chay was the best defenseman on the Aeros yet he only got called up for one game (which he was one of the best players on the ice). Its tough to call myself a wild fan when they'd rather bring up a higher drafted player, than a player that is producing for them in the minors.....
  23. I think what Gothberg provides something the Sioux haven't really seen in a goaltender in his ability to play the puck as almost a third defensemen. I love his size and his lateral movement is excellent for a big goaltender. Have not seen Saunders whatsoever....just a big kid that has seen a lot of rubber in Alabama.....
  24. Brad posted that we may see a penalty clock....blasphemy....
  25. It means so much to me because of the special link to my dad that Fighting Sioux hockey has given to me. We went to a ton of games when I was young but I remember one specifically when UND was playing St. Cloud State at the Old Ralph. UND scored late in the third period to take the lead and the pep band (after of course playing the school song) went right into the beer song. I'll never forget seeing my dad wipe the beginning of tears from his eyes, as it meant so much that we were sharing that moment together (and of course the Sioux were going to win). Even going to football games, when the team ran onto the field at Memorial Stadium, or onto the turf at the Alerus, I always see it get to him. Now that I'm a dad I just get emotional as all hell when my wife puts our one year old in his fighting sioux jersey, or other Sioux outfits before a big Sioux game. The torch is definitely getting passed!
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