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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. I think I may have underestimated South Dakota. I thought replacing Warren would be tough, but it seems like they always find another guy to step in and do the job at QB. Montana is tough at home. That stadium is just a bee hive.
  2. Hhhhyeah.....What a unit that would be. You could even throw different looks in like Rowney for Schmaltz to have a body with good hands in front of the net. Or add in Rodwell as your net front presence. I remember that Grimaldi saw a little bit of action on the point last year. That adds another interesting wrinkle.
  3. I hope he's full of surprises. Was pretty green the last time he was thrown into the fire. At least this time he'll have the home crowd behind him. Got to be able to run the ball......got to be able to run the ball....
  4. Hanson going down leaves the season in a bit of jeopardy. I think that this team has a fighting chance of getting into the postseason, but now it all comes back to "what about the QB position"? I agree that Marcus is a tremendous athlete, and its nice to have a fifth year senior at the helm, but when it comes to the conference games, he has as much experience behind center as a Freshman. Glad next week is at home, gives UND a great chance to win the game.
  5. Not sure on the Hanson redshirt question. I would assume its a no with all the time he spent in Chapel Hill. But someone with more knowledge than I can answer that question. One thing I've seen that makes me more interested in this football team is athleticism. Never can have too much of that. PS: Kind of started watching late. Did Jer Garman get many/any touches?
  6. Efff........... Six weeks......maybe he's a quick healer.......depends on surgery........yah that sucks.
  7. Joey Bradley.....Joe Mollberg.....I can see the confusion.
  8. I'm sick to my stomach about the Hanson thing......talk about unlucky....wait how long to start a game, and be out before halftime. If his ankle is broken does that mean Joe comes into serious contention to be the starting QB? Or do you let Hendrickson run the show until Hanson comes back? Remember, Hendrickson is looking good against a horrible team.
  9. Hanson waits however long to start a football game and he gets hurt. Hopefully its minor.....
  10. If Chyzyk has a year like Parks did last year I'd take it in a heartbeat.
  11. I really don't see there being a ton of difference between UND's second and third line. Wherever he's at Rocco will get time on the number one or two unit of the powerplay, likely the top unit. Wherever he's at he'll likely contribute as well. It'd be nice to see them keep Rocco and Rowney separate so they can have that scoring possibility from lines 1-3. Whether you have Rowney or Rocco centering the third line you're still going to likely roll three lines 5X5 (maybe four if that unit comes together well). IMHO with the forward depth that UND will have this season I think any of the top three lines could match up with a top line of any team that they play, with the top defensive pairing on the ice at the same time of course. I think yzerman has it pretty close, but we differ just a tad bit.... Kristo-Knight-O'Donnell MacMillan-Grimaldi-Parks Rodwell-Rowney-Chyzyk Cagguila-Pattyn-St. Clair (Gaarder) Poor Jimmer....poor poor Jimmer....
  12. Just read over the week #1 game notes and the media people claim that UND was 11-1 at the Alerus in the DII playoffs. I thought that the Sioux never lost a home playoff game at the Alerus..... Program historians.....you're on call here.....
  13. Yeah....after I graduate and move out of the Forks this happens......
  14. It still totally baffles me that the NCAA could make the Ralph change logos all over the facility. UND rents the facility....unless that has changed recently, but not to my knowledge. Obviously the logo on center ice will be gone, but who foots the bill if the rest of the logos (impossible by the way) will need to be removed?
  15. Opener is always exciting...but this reminds me of when Crookston would come to town. No reason to run the score up, but UND should win this game by 40+. Everyone plays, get ready for the real opener.
  16. Regardless of what the lines are, its at least a little bit refreshing to know that UND SHOULD have enough healthy bodies to fill out a full roster with healthy scratches on game nights. The wild card in the whole line setup is Grimaldi. Whether the coaching staff thinks he'll be better suited playing in the middle or on the wall. I personally think they'll start him on a wing and maybe let him grow into a center role as the season progresses. I think the only thing we know for certain is that Knight and Kristo will be with each other, and Parks and McMillan. After that.....any guess is as good as mine.
  17. How dare you leave out Frattin-Malone-Trupp.....how dare you....
  18. Funny story....I was sitting in the Wilkerson dining center with some friends when we see this puny little hockey player with a Salmon Arm fleece on sit down with what I would assume would be his dad and have a meal. Later that day we see him getting a tour of campus with I believe Cary Eades if I remember right. The whole conversation with my friends was "who the heck is this little guy?" No way is he going to make it at UND, way too small to be any good. Heck, when I walked past him when he was touring campus I had half a fricken foot on the kid, and I'm not the tallest guy in the world. We look the kid up.....Ryan Duncan.....no way he'll have that big of an impact though.....
  19. For me it was a toss up between Gleason and Kristo. But I think Danny will really take his job as a team leader to heart and lead the team in scoring this season. Big Mac is a great captain for this group. Does his job, very consistent on the back end, and a great role model for the younger guys.
  20. This is how BC wins national championships....having the depth to wear teams down. If UND has three consistent point producing units with a fourth line that can steal you three to four shifts a period, you can wear a team down while keeping fresh bodies attacking for three periods. If you've got Carter Rowney centering a third line, imagine the mismatch you could have. Heck, I'd match up a Rowney centered line against most top units in the WCHA.
  21. Just think of the options that the Sioux have this year in goal line situations: ~6'5 200+ pound QB for a QB keeper. ~Jake Miller is never the wrong choice. Or you could give it to Sutton who is tough between the tackles. ~6'3 Blair Townsend/6'4 Seth Wisthoff in a tight end set. ~6'4 Jameer Jackson (possibly 6'4 Golladay)
  22. Ahhh....makes me breathe a bit easier. I'm one hundred percent on the "Redshirt Joe" campaign.
  23. Question: Today in the Herald, they referred to Joe Mollberg as "True Freshman". Does this mean that his shirt has been pulled? Anybody have the official status? *Edit* Just saw on the official roster that the R was taken away from the whole Freshman part. This makes me believe that he will be the second string QB week #1 against Mines with the possibility of getting his first snaps in next Thursday night at the Alerus.
  24. The way the coaches are talking it sounds like the shirt is as good as pulled. Not to beat a dead horse, but if it does get pulled I'd like to see him on the field instead of the sideline holding his helmet.....
  25. If Hendrickson ends up taking more than 30% of the snaps for UND's offense I don't see it being a very productive year. I think a successful season depends on the 800 pound gorilla staying healthy. Completely agree with using Hanson. Unless UND is in serious playoff contention. Then its Joe time.
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