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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. A whole lot better than scared officials.
  2. Then the officials have to officiate.
  3. Great sweep. That game is the reason fighting needs to be allowed in college hockey. Anyone who knows anything about Murray and Western knows that there was going to be a lot of dumb stuff in the third period. Instead of the game policing itself its take free runs at people until you cross the line on a play where you have a kid get decked from behind after you already had a nasty charging major earlier.
  4. Don't let up. They're gonna take runs, they're gonna get embarrassed.
  5. All because the officials let it go earlier..... Dangerous and stupid.
  6. 4-0..... Watch.....your heads....... Now Western is really going to take liberties......
  7. So if you're Trey Lance do you try and graduate early and transfer to a P5 or just kill under manned teams for three more years?
  8. D@mnit.....knew I should have taken Nichols to cover when NDSU went to -28.....grrrrr......
  9. Scheel just composed and in the zone all game. He'd probably tell you he was okay at Mariucci, not great, and sometimes as a goalie your team scores enough to where you don't have to be great. He was the difference in a big road win. I'll say it again.....when this team's season is over someone is getting one helluva hockey player in Colton Poolman.....
  10. I miss Stecher......three Frozen Four appearances in three years. He just refused to lose a battle.
  11. Sounds like Bast could have played if they absolutely needed him, but smart to hold him out and have him 100 percent for the second half. Always physical hockey at Lawson. Keep your head up Freshmen.
  12. This is a dream for Canadian kids. I hope against hope they don't use him going to college as a way to hold him off like they've done to countless other kids. The only way I see him not making Canada based on talent and not politics is if he gets hurt.
  13. Wait, you aren't the other A besides me?
  14. Yup, my bad. Call it a win now!
  15. Valpo....win.. 1-0 K state....loss...1-1 Youngstown. Away game....glass half full....2-1.... SDSU.....at home....but a loss. 2-2 Missouri State.....3-2 Western Illinois.....4-2 South Dakota....5-2 Portland State....6-2 Illinois State....6-3 NDSU at home....6-4. But we may set a DI attendance record.... SIU....at home....season finale.....7-4 That was glass half full all the way.....4-7 very real possibility.
  16. This kid is the steal of college hockey recruits. A long Island kid in Kelly Green???? How bout Gooch? Kid could of had 7 goals this weekend. IMHO should be in Hobey talks if he continues to elevate his game.
  17. 1. Ahhhhhh yeah. 2. Yup. 3. Gotta get some fatties. Need a transfer or JUCO kid to help inside. 4. This area is a God damn embarrassment. 5. Need a bell cow. Where do you get one? 6. A heartbeat away from disaster. 7. Do you move Holm to safety with Fort being a starter next year? He's intelligent, cocky, and could make a difference IMHO. Good corner though. 8. See SDSU, NDSU, My biggest concern going into next season is the line. And boy does Tommy need the weight room. I think the kid can play, and would run a great RPO offense with some speed at WR.
  18. NDSU is going to fricken destroy that team....destroy. Thankfully the hockey team just swept the goofs or I'd be in a really really bad mood. How do you get smoked, make a ton of poor coaching decisions, and then have the backing of the AD?
  19. That was the dagger. The way we couldn't stop the run that was hoping for a fluke play or something....
  20. On a positive note Holm will be back. (Ducks and runs)
  21. Are you paying for your season tickets next year with cash or credit?
  22. I watched every game, downloaded apps, put life on hold for three hours every Saturday they played.....given money to the school to help all athletics.....I'm not a bandwagon fan..... Time for Bubba to go....
  23. There is just so much more to do on a cold Friday evening in Minneapolis though.....I mean there are lakes, and bars, trees, and college girls, warm sandy beaches, and they have the Gay 90's (still there right???).
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