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Everything posted by dmksioux

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he hasn't put the 'no nickname' option back on the table yet. He just stated he'd consider putting it back on the table. Or did I miss something?
  2. I would tend to agree, although North Stars is the only rumor I've heard this about. As I said earlier, I don't believe it as their is no actual proof. Perhaps I shouldn't have posted what I did. I'm just hoping our new name isn't North Stars or Sundogs.
  3. Sure, if that's what you want to believe. The source I've heard it from is someone in the business community. I won't go as far as to say they are in the GOBC though. I also won't go as far as saying I believe them as they really don't have proof. Just posted what I heard because it is a rumor that is going around town.
  4. I've been hearing these rumors also. Not from inside Twamley but from people who claim to know people. The only way I see North Stars win a public vote is if it goes against Sun Dogs in the finals.
  5. http://baumsaway.areavoices.com/2015/07/25/the-top-5-original-college-mascots/ Here's a link to a school with no nickname. Sounds like they only offer one sport though, rowing. It's #1 on this bloggers list.
  6. You have been more than fair with your posts Teeder. There is so much misinformation floating around on social media. Siouxsports at least has some informed posters. And yes there are informed posters who prefer we don't pick a nickname also which is ok.
  7. This is what I'm afraid of. The people who want no nickname (not all) but some will do what they can to sabotage Roughriders. Create just enough controversy, such as the letter to the editor about a quote made by Mr. Roosevelt is an example. Any potential controversial name will be eliminated. My second choice is no name, but I feel that there's no way we will be allowed to stay with no name. Ultimately this means we will be stuck with one of the remaining three names, all of which are horrible options. I hope I'm wrong, but that's how I see the process trending at this time.
  8. Just like Jackal posted...which I agree. He may not have formally asked, but I would have to think he 's inquired off the record.
  9. My thoughts as well. How can he not have checked with the NCAA to see if no nickname was an option.
  10. But if you insist... The end result, I expected several horrible options, which we have. I expected one name that would be the front runner, which we have. I was hoping that no-nickname would be eliminated otherwise the debate will continue and take away the focus of what UND athletics will hopefully be accomplishing on the field of play. So in summary...about a five...
  11. Mine too, but Roughriders is my number one by a pretty large margin..
  12. So just out of curiousity, what happens if Roughriders is eliminated but the No nickname option remains? You think these threads were entertaining the last few days, imagine how they'd be if that happens?
  13. Exactly. Have you read the comments on social media about why they want to keep the no-nickname option alive? Many are hopeful to keep it alive until a new president is on the job and can bring back the Sioux name. I really hope that the vote isn't truly open to anyone. Some are worried about what opposing fans will vote for...I'm somewhat worried what many of our own "fans" will vote for. Only people that should be allowed to vote are Students, alumni, faculty, donors and season ticket holders. If that group votes for no nickname, I can live with it. If it's not Roughriders, I'd rather have no nickname at this point. I also feel that if we have no nickname, we will be revisiting this issue constantly until a new name is chosen, just as Jason Hadju has written.
  14. When/if Roughriders is eliminated, I believe there will be many that are on the same team. Remaining North Dakota, no nickname, would be my second choice of the seven that were left.
  15. Exactly. The posters on here saying Social media proves that the majority of UND fans are upset. Go back a few pages to see the posts. I'm just using their logic to show they were making a pretty big assumption based on their circle of friends in the social media world.
  16. Sorry to bring this up again, but the petition is all the way up to 3,000, so roughly 57,000 fans are not worked up enough to sign the petition. How long does the petition need to be posted to get to half (or a majority)? The majority of the fans upset/acting out on social media will be highest shortly after the event that caused them to become upset so I don't think we need to wait a couple years so people "have more time" to sign the petition. If it get up close to or passes 30,000 signatures then you can say the majority of UND fans on social media are upset and want to keep the "no nickname" option. I don't think it will come close to even 20,000...I could be wrong. Edit: Looked at the petition wrong. It's up to 3700. Their goal is 5,000. I'm sure they will reach the goal, but still far from reaching a majority of UND fans supporting their cause.
  17. Marketing is just one aspect. How about cheers? How about sports reporting/sports casters? Continually writing North Dakota get "old/boring." Eventually they will call us something else to describe us. We've already seen Nodaks, Big Green, etc in sport articles. As one poster on here has said, numerous times. Control what is yours to control, or someone else will...or something to that effect.
  18. I'm just playing the social media game like other posters are. Several have posted how the majority of social media is a buzz and up in arms about the dropping of no nickname. I'm just providing a little perspective, playing the same game...
  19. Wow, currently around 2700 signatures, impressive. Considering the UND athletics Facebook page has over 60,000 likes, a little less than 5% have taken the time to sign the petition...sounds like a vocal minority to me.
  20. Yep, makes too much sense...which is why it will probably be eliminated before it goes to a vote.
  21. They have been. The only thing they should have done was eliminate no nickname earlier. They were a committee appointed to come up with a new nickname. Staying North Dakota isn't what they were asked to do. Of the names remaining, I feel only one fits the criteria the committee was given and that is Roughriders. Unfortunately I don't think it will be selected.
  22. No need to, Sundog won't be the new name. My preference is Roughriders, my guess is that it will be Fighting Hawks. Either way, both of those options are better than ermine and can kill a rabbit...
  23. Looks like he initially had commited to Auburn, but when Gene Chizik was fired, he reopened his commitment and ended up at MSU. MSU also tried him out at Safety. http://www.forwhomthecowbelltolls.com/2013/2/6/3961340/national-signing-day-2013-jahmere-irvin-sills-commits-to-msu-will
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