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Everything posted by OgieOgilthorpe

  1. Wow, true goal scorer shot there by Gardner. Just turn around and blindly shove it toward the goalie. I bet he had his eyes closed
  2. Haha oh comon, just giving you a hard time. But that’s honestly exactly what happened so I had to throw you under the bus to save myself.
  3. No, sorry for some reason I thought siouxfaninseattle was using the nickname Tomey for Tychonick which seemed a little bit weird, but now I realize he's just an idiot and was spelling Thome completely wrong.
  4. Nope Tomey also played last weekend. What is he out with now? I didnt realize he was out too
  5. I can already hear the poolman and berry post game interviews. They have it pre recorded and on repeat. Effort was there but execution came up short. Have to turn the page.
  6. SCSU by 4 tonight. After their slow start and judging by their true colors vs UND’s, it’s not even close. Crazy how badly a small school like SCSU has out recruited, out retained and out coached a powerhouse hockey school like UND.
  7. Refs were bad all night, and ended with an exclamation point. But I think und was worse. Yes they were competitive in the 1st but jeez do they know how to lose. I’m scared to watch tonight, scsu was clearly superior...again. Embarrassing I lost count of how many scoring opportunities scsu had just strictly from UND players coughing it up. Bad passes or clears going straight to scsu point man, getting pick pocketed right in their own slot, and just making poor decisions around the net all night. Shaw needs to be in the stands tonight. Tychonick got better as the night went on. Not sure what else to say other than if was a betting man, I’d be all in on scsu tonight. This UND team has no fight. Post game interviews make it sound like they’re okay with losing and glad the game was somewhat close. Loser mentality across the board on this team and this staff.
  8. I guess I can’t make fun of the goofs or BUs pairwise ranking anymore because now they’re both higher than und. Teams Creeping up fast are michigan state, northern Michigan, Michigan, Dartmouth and New Hampshire. Yikes
  9. Hopefully he reads this board...lol I've fallen behind this off season. Has UND won any recruiting battles over cow college this year? I don't know who this Graetz kid is, or how he plays, but I'd absolutely love it if he came to UND and passed up the full ride to cow college.
  10. And I agree with the comments on hockey being a crazy game and a game of bounces. I wouldn't be surprised to see UND beat Denver, WMU, Omaha, and CC, I just think it's VERY unlikely for UND to steal one from SCSU or especially UMD. Hockey is just as much about matchups as it is about bounces.
  11. It was like the Natty championship game when UND beat UMD that second night. The first night was like college guys playing against Bantam kids and the 2nd night was a perfect storm for UND to win and they acted like they knew it. That was the 1 win out of 10 tried IMO and I would be flabbergasted if UND beat them again. UMD just matches up perfectly against UND for some reason. UMD was clearly the better team in that game, but I didn't see that at all when UND played Denver or WMU. I'm afraid I'll see that again when they play SCSU though.
  12. Not impossible but a pretty tall order. They'll be lucky to steal one from St. Cloud, I can see a split with Denver, then splitting with WMU in their house will be tough but realistic, then I'd be blown away if they were able to even tie with UMD. Omaha and CC are absolute must sweeps. Throw in ties instead of Ws and their chances shrink even more. My guess is 4--7-1 through this stretch and it'll be win the NCHC tourney or bust.
  13. I love the idea, I just think it's a long shot unfortunately. Also, there will have to be a little shuffling of teams going A vs AA based off of competitiveness vs size. Grafton and DL certain years would throttle the A class, and some years FN, FSS, WF and WFS would get throttled in AA. As much as I'd like to see Williston and Dickinson in the AA, they just haven't had the teams to prove it in the last 10 years and that also adds to the travel big time.
  14. Would ripping on another poster about where they're from count as a demeaning comment then? I'm sharing my opinion about the current state of the UND hockey team and their game last night, just like this thread states. Things aren't going nearly as well as they have in the past so not all opinions are going to be playful and happy. Glad to hear you've been a fan so long
  15. Yes it is just an opinion but that's what this site is for. With watching a lot of hockey at all levels, especially this level, I think it's glaringly obvious UND has 3 maybe even 4 guys that flat out don't belong on D1 ice. Nothing personal to them, I'm not angry about it, but I'm just pointing out that those recruits just didn't pan out. They obviously showed success elsewhere, and were showing a good trajectory, but they peaked out before they got to UND. It happens from time to time, but not often does it happen with 3-4 guys all in one season at larger hockey school like UND. Losing that bottom end support and fire power has a bigger effect on teams than most people realize.
  16. Oh yes, absolutely! I 100% agree with that. Johnson and Rieger should be sitting at home. But Yon doesn't quite fit the bill at this level either.
  17. Keane yes, but Yon and Rieger?!?! Neither of those guys deserve to be on d1 ice let alone at UND IMO. If you're speaking directly at their effort and in turn giving some of the other guys wake up calls by sitting for Yon and Rieger, then I kind of get where you're coming from but still. UND's healthy scratches, extra skaters and even a few regular guys baffle me on how they tricked this coaching staff into thinking they could be quality d1 hockey players.
  18. No I thought about mentioning that as well actually. It seemed like UND matched up well with DU, but I still believe DU is on another level with the way they handle other teams that UND couldn't and doesn't. DU has only lost 4 games all season and have stomped on out of conference opponents all year long. They also swept WMU pretty easily which is the opposite of what UND did against them. But yes, I do like UND's chances against DU because UND seems to handle that playing style a lot better than teams like UMD and WMU. I think SCSU plays a comparable style to DU, but even faster, but that might give UND a fighting chance against them. I still can't wait for SCSU to blow it in March!
  19. UND beat a poor team last night. A win is a win, but SCSU, UMD and DU seem to be on an entirely different level than UND, Omaha, Miami and CC. Seems like WMU is stuck somewhere in the middle. Either way, I'm glad to see UND is showing some fight and showing that they actually care and can produce some goals even against a poor team (finally), but the overall skill set just isn't there. I'm prepared for them to go .500 through this last stretch of NCHC play, which should be considered a win for this team. As long as the gophers and both Boston teams miss the tourney I'll be able to calm myself until next season. Who would trade ND native Casey Johnson for Mason Morelli? Tough miss on him While we're at it, who would trade ND native Casey Johnson for: Jared Spooner- Mankato? Me Jon Lizotte- SCSU? Me Jacob Benson- SCSU? Me Cody Haiskanen- Cornell? Me Alec Rauhauser- Bowling Green? Me
  20. The winning 10 out of 14 win or die estimate has to be taken with a grain of salt. Losses to top ranked teams like UMD, DU and SCSU are inevitable, but those won't hurt UND's PWR much at all. As long as they can make sure to win out against Omaha and CC then I bet they won't actually need all 10 wins to be on the right side of the bubble. The crazy stuff that can go on outside of their control can also make for some pretty heavy swings to throw everything off.
  21. Sarcasm? Splitting 2 schools into 3 is going to make things even worse. Never seen the West look this weak before? There have been many seasons in a row where the East has swept the west in easy fashion, at least this season Century should battle with the #4 east team. I think the East has swept more often than not. I am very very disappointed in Minot. With a school that size, and a traditionally decent hockey town, how are they producing and performing so poorly?! I had high hopes for them and Dickinson and they are not showing up at all so far.
  22. Watch, Chris Wilkie will score a hatty this weekend.
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