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Everything posted by choyt3

  1. choyt3


    Going out on a limb here... Looking for a McIntyre jersey for my son. Anyone have one that you'd like to sell?
  2. choyt3

    The Herald

    It works on all Forum owned sites. You just have to log in at each one.
  3. I thought the email said it would be an online process this year.
  4. choyt3

    Hobey Baker

    Pure class.
  5. I have no idea about this as far as factual, just found it interesting. I don’t know this person, but saw this a week or so ago:
  6. https://fightinghawks.com/news/2020/3/25/north-dakota-athletics-announces-new-seating-opportunities-for-football.aspx
  7. Hunter Pinke -- link to full documentary and written stories from WDAY/GF Herald visit to Denver.
  8. Craig Orlando story. Might have to search for this, or scroll down, if John posts another story this weekend.
  9. Or Grand Forks
  10. hmmm...
  11. choyt3

    2019 Season

    #gojimmies perhaps?
  12. That’s how I see it. You certainly could have done that on or prior to November 27th. However, assume all priority numbers from 1 to 1200 purchase their full allotments, that’s only 9600 tickets. I doubt that will happen but of course it could. I know everyone that sits in our vicinity at the REA is not going to the game. There will likely be lower bowl seats available on Saturday when they go on sale at 10:00.
  13. From the email sent to CC members: Ticket availability is based on NDCC Priority Point Rank. The final NDCC priority list for the Nashville event are based on priority point rankings as of 5:00 pm on Wednesday, November 27, 2019. Priority rankings may have changed based on contributions received before November 27th.
  14. Change last name to Motzko and re-submit?
  15. Friday - Senden Sayurday - Pinto
  16. Max Gunderson fits this possibly.
  17. Clock never stopped there after Maag made first down? Would have been ok to step out of bounds though too.
  18. June 1996 birthdate. Played for Fargo Force in 16/17. Redshirt in 17/18 maybe? http://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/pdisplay.php?pid=177666
  19. When you know you’ll have playoff games again each year, it makes more sense to buy them than it does to rent. At least that’s what I was told about tents for graduation.
  20. And if he makes the field goal, it’s a tie game at that point, and you are praisin..., err... nevermind.
  21. Ya know, usually you might hear commentators say “that field goal would have been good from 60 yards”... that one would not have been good from 30.
  22. And if Kett getting flagged is “taunting”, how is that reaction of the db not the same?
  23. No call for targeting?
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