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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Appears SDSU has made a leap forward on their plans for an indoor facility. http://www.argusleader.com/article/20120803/UPDATES/120803003/Sanford-gifts-10M-SDSU-new-campus-facilities?odyssey=tab%7Ctopnews%7Ctext%7CHome&gcheck=1&nclick_check=1
  2. That is pretty sweet video. I see something different in it every time I watch it.
  3. Montana's transfer has as many collegiate passing attempts as Bartels or Mollberg.
  4. Thus explaineth why no NDSU mens or womens ice hockey. (C'mon Herd, did you forget the "step up" sword has two sharp sides or what?)
  5. You're assuming the Legislature will spend any money on anything. They haven't done it yet for simple, no-brainer things, like fixing roads being torn up by all the new traffic in western North Dakota.
  6. Good to see the NCAA got the address right on that letter.
  7. See here, posts 691, 694-696. PS -- You need to integrate the colors into the logo, like this.
  8. Hope is a town in Steele County. Protect. Protect Hanson for 11 games. Hear that hoggies? And that applies no matter who is on the depth chart or in camp.
  9. That word used ... 'never' ... is a big word.
  10. Good post by you from June, 2010. But I posted the concept in May, 2009. (See posts 26-28 at link).
  11. What UNDBIZ describes has a name: "Publish or Perish."
  12. First it was Montana FB QB issues. Now it seems the MSU Bobcats are having issues: "2 suspended from MSU men's basketball team" http://billingsgazette.com/sports/college/big-sky-conference/montana-state-university/basketball-mens/suspended-from-msu-men-s-basketball-team/article_a0165352-b730-578e-928a-fe090c725d17.html
  13. I'm yet to have a bad meal at any of the Canad restaurants.
  14. More trouble at Montana. Their #1 QB got charged by the DA and suspended from the team today. http://missoulian.co...ugl1Mnw.twitter Based on this post and the previous, they are down to #3 on the depth chart.
  15. With Sanford going into Bismarck (MedCenter1), don't be surprised if Mayo adds an affiliate in that direction.
  16. http://www.ag.nd.gov/NCAA/ncaa.htm
  17. I have your "Gopher Killer" (and Badger Killer) right here.
  18. Isn't the minor league baseball team in Sioux City the Explorers? It just doesn't feel like a strong name.
  19. There are some hard-core Denver Broncos fans in Bismarck that may disagree with you.
  20. Moving west through the state I find that something magical happens at about the Kidder County line. Right about there it seems that the focus turns more westerly. You find more Denver Broncos fans and a greater focus on things "Denver". East of Kidder County it's all about Minneapolis.
  21. SUU beat UNLV last year and that (FCS over FBS) tends to skew Massey upwards for a while. (That's my observation. I can't prove it.)
  22. Seems the Jax State AD doesn't say the same things his football coach said earlier this week about the WAC. http://www.annistonstar.com/view/full_story/19608018/article-JSU-AD--Nothing-in-the-works-with-move-to-WAC-?instance=home_news
  23. In some states, an indecent exposure charge can land you on the list of low level registered sex offenders.
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