Dean Blais can out-glare Chuck Norris.
Chuck's lucky Dean doesn't have a round-house kick.
"The Most Interesting Man on the Planet" puts down his Dos Equis and takes out a pen and a notebook when Dean Blais walks into the room.
This injuries are an unfortunate side effect of limited depth; however, they are also related to strength and conditioning.
Is the UND Football strength and conditioning program where it needs to be?
Couldn't figure out what the trigger was for this.
Found it:
Seven convenience store robberies in Fargo last year? Sorry, that sounds low.
As far as oil being the cause in Fargo? No. It's the explosive growth that city has seen. And their law enforcement is just not able to handle it all.
Get west of Highway 281 (and definitely west of Highway 83) its the oil side effect. I spend enough time out there and it's drastic how some areas have changed.
In honor of Halloween, and seeing how this thread is a vampire sucking the life out of any other reasonable, rational discussions,
I'm driving a stake through it's heart.
Shortest answer: Tribal approval.
The $eminole tribe in Florida $igned off on F$U for $ome rea$on$.
The tribes in North Dakota did not do the same for UND.
1993, 1999, 2013 Nat'l Champion Florida State (ACC) v. 1996, 2006, 2008 Nat'l Champion Florida (SEC) ... annually ...
I'd argue one pushed the other to be better ... or maybe that's the issue.