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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. I read Chewey's past opinions about how the Spirit Lake lawsuit was going to win in Federal court over the NCAA. I actually attended sessions in Judge Ralph Erickson's courtroom. I saw how the NCAA attorneys and how a Federal judge views these matters, first hand. Given that track record, I temper my belief in Chewey's opinions posted here.
  2. Your last "yes", to "By not selecting a new name and being "North Dakota" UND can still unofficially be known as the Fighting Sioux?" is my concern. I believe (opinion alert) that the NCAA will come back at UND with the word "new" from the settlement agreement and say "nothing" is not "new" and stick it to us ... again. I'm not willing to go down this fiasco path again.
  3. That article has some phrases that need mention here:
  4. How long until "Green Hawks" becomes "Green Horns". That's why. And that's why you choose a nickname. You choose a nickname. You choose a nickname (and a blank is not a nickname).
  5. Source: http://fs.ncaa.org/Docs/PressArchive/2005/Announcements/NCAA%2BExecutive%2BCommittee%2BIssues%2BGuidelines%2Bfor%2BUse%2Bof%2BNative%2BAmerican%2BMascots%2Bat%2BChampionship%2BEvents.html So, having a tribal name in school name (University of North Dakota) isn't the NCAA's issue. That's beyond their control. Having a tribal name in "references in their intercollegiate athletics programs" (see: nicknames and mascots for athletics) is the National Collegiate Athletics Association's issue and focal point, and in their realm of (micromanaging) control.
  6. Duby? Incentive laden contract. Why? I still think he's a "1A", not a "#1", goalie.
  7. You didn't say "Dakota" (the tribe name). It escapes. (Again, not my arbitrary and capricious rules.)
  8. Not in the eyes of the people that made the (admittedly arbitrary and capricious) rules.
  9. I'll state this also: If "North Dakota" is on that list, and intends to mean really "no nickname", I'd like to see a document from the NCAA saying that "no nickname" (a blank space) complies with the settlement agreement in their point of view so we don't repeat this fiasco. One final statement: Pick a new nickname. A blank space is not good enough.
  10. North Dakota State University -- formal name Bison -- nickname
  11. " ... transition to a new nickname and logo ... " I'll state this: "North Dakota" as a nickname would be new (and redundant), but it would also violate the "no tribal names" policy that got us here.
  12. The University of North Dakota is transitioning to a new nickname. There is no recognized nickname at this time.
  13. Chewey said, "University of North Dakota North Dakota" By that statement -- Formal name: University of North Dakota Nickname: North Dakota And there's a nickname with a tribe name (Dakota) in it. Sanctions.
  14. I'd say your estimate is 15-18 years high. I'd guess 2-5 years they'd start advocating.
  15. Pretty good that I already responded to your response, eh?
  16. This is where people jump in and say ... We'd be the University of North Dakota < no nickname here > . And any objectively thinking person can see the meddling, power-mongering, crush anyone who dare challenge us NCAA response to that will be: Once they deem us culpable, they'll put us back on the sanctions list gleefully. That's the reality.
  17. Chewey, here's the undeniable problem with "University of North Dakota North Dakota": < formal institution name > < athletics nickname/mascot > For example ... U of Minnesota Gophers U of Miami Hurricanes In a "University of North Dakota North Dakota" world - the formal name is "University of North Dakota" - the nickname is "North Dakota" Oh, wait ... the nickname now includes Dakota ... and Dakota is a tribal name. That's in violation of the settlement agreement --> back on the sanctions list. A tribal name in a formal name is fine, see U of Iowa* or U of Sioux Falls or U of Miami**, but a tribal name in a nickname is sanctions. *Iowa is named for the Kiowa tribe. **the Miami tribe
  18. After Game 4: 145 - Ray77 101 - The Sicatoka 100 - UND-RedSox fan 74 - andtheHomeoftheSIOUX!! 70 - MafiaMan 60 - jimdahl 54 - fight on Sioux
  19. Now you know how the Niagra ... NIAGARA ... University Purple Eagles feel.
  20. I'm thinking using the Slippery Rock model, "The Rock", won't work for UND. I just don't see the NCAA being good with "The Dakota".
  21. NDCC 39-04-12 defines a "slogan" on the state's vehicle license plates. NDCC 54-02 defines officially recognized state "emblems, symbols, and awards" ... like 54-02-07 ... the "Theodore Roosevelt rough rider award".
  22. I've added to that list since, and a couple schools (I didn't list these) broke the mold and went with "Sky" or "River" instead of < color > Hawks. Talk about "on the edge" consulting work there. Another, Arkansas State Indians Red Wolves, followed the pattern but went "Wolves", not "Hawks".
  23. That's what you get from consultants. Miami University Redskins Red Hawks Dickinson State Savages Blue Hawks Indiana U of Pennsylvania Indians Crimson Hawks Chowan University Braves Hawks Martin Methodist College Indians Red Hawks Seattle University Chieftains Red Hawks Southeast Missouri State University Indians Red Hawks Consultant Template: 1. < insert school name here >< line out Native related name here >< insert primary school color here > Hawks 2. Charge outrageous sum of cash for "market research" and such.
  24. There's a US postage stamp from 1948 that would be a good logo basis also.
  25. We had Sitting Bull, or at least the name of his followers (born near Mobridge, SD, but lived in ND and commanded a war unit). So now it's Teddy Roosevelt, or at least the name of his followers, (born in Manhattan, NY, but lived in ND and commanded a war unit). < shrug >
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