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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. No. There's a better PC voice than Phil's. A while back one the staunch anti-old nickname folks (I don't recall if it was one of the Taken Alives, Ron His Horse is Thunder, or Tex Hall) came out and said we all could support Roughriders.
  2. My mind's eye just went blind.
  3. After the facepalm start, how many saves did Cam make?
  4. First significant difference of the Berry Era: UND hit an empty net.
  5. Chyzyk ... Gangnam style! (Those of you listening heard the goal music in that rink.)
  6. Sorry, ... ... but I felt that I had to ... "whip this out".
  7. So you don't have AMC on your cable, or NetFlix?
  8. I just call him "Scrabble". His last name looks like the letters I draw when I play Scrabble. Hrynkiw.
  9. Anyone else feel like they're watching "Blazing Saddles" with all these characters named "Johnson"?
  10. What's a "partial deflection"? Isn't it deflected or not?
  11. Women up 2-1 early in the third at Mankow.
  12. Someone bring Cam a change of undapantz.
  13. Scratches: Gardner, Gornall, Chartrand, Wolanin, Anderson Injury: St. Clair, Tomek
  14. 2015-16 Home of Economy UND Sports Radio NetworkCity StationSportsGrand Forks96.1 FMFootball, Men's Hockey 100.3 FMMen's & Women's Basketball 1440 AMWomen's Hockey, Coaches ShowFargo970 AMFootball, Men's Hockey, Coaches Show, WDAY Game of the WeekBismarck550 AMFootball, Men's Hockey 710 AMFootball, Men's Hockey, Coaches ShowBeulah1410 AMFootball, Men's HockeyDevils Lake102.5 FMFootball, Men's HockeyDickinsonI-94 FMFootball, Men's HockeyJamestown103.1 FMMen's HockeyLangdon95.7 FMFootball, Men's HockeyMahnomen, Minn.101.5 FMFootball, Men's HockeyMinot1390 AMFootball, Men's HockeyValley City103.1 FMMen's HockeyWilliston101.1 FMFootball, Men's Hockey, Coaches ShowWarroad, Minn.1410 AMMen's Hockey
  15. All these NDSU guys are doing this to help UND. Roger that.
  16. The NCAA Executive Committee (or whatever name it was recently given) was granted the power to make rules on the fly, as they see fit. That's a fact as well. Oh, the Executive Committee doesn't like native names at their events and they have power to make rules to keep them away. That's also a fact.
  17. It's not. Some folks are just choosing to be obtuse.
  18. Do we know who stayed back in Grand Forks (or is the whole team allowed to travel to this tournament)?
  19. Masterfully played.
  20. 3-0 COL. < click > < snore > < clock radio turns on > " ... comeback ... 5-4 win." < snap upright in bed >
  21. Allow me to sum up his "standing" (in his mind): Anger != Standing
  22. No, are you? Ask yourself: Are NDSU fans are trying to make this grease fire burn on because it's good for UND? Did you notice when there was no end in sight to this debacle that we heard little from our NDSU "friends"? They may be NDSU folks, but they're smart enough to know "When your enemy is charging headlong down the path to their destruction, get out of their way." Now that the effort has an end near, the NDSU fans are trying to keep the efforts moving on. You are wise.
  23. Why are all these NDSU folks (Bismarck's former mayor, now Kasper from Fargo, previously Al Carlson) now suddenly worried about UND's nickname? Where were they in 2005? Where were they when they could do something that mattered? I'll tell you why they are so "concerned" now. NDSU (et al opponents) have greatly enjoyed UND supporters focused on this issue and fighting within our own ranks. UND's detractors want this issue to wallow on, this quagmire to be eternal. But now they see this thing coming to a resolution*. They know that the amount of time and energy devoted to this issue by folks who care about UND will drop markedly once the issue is voted and sealed. And that energy will be refocused back on building an even better UND. So, when the vote is done and a new nickname is in place, there will be a slight period of adjustment, but then UND supporters will get back to the primary task at hand: continuing to make UND great and even greater. And that scares folks that don't want that. *Not all will agree with the outcome, but show me a contentious issue where that happens.
  24. Masterfully played.
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