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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Oh yeah, the world of college athletics needs more hawks ... Brad E. Schlossman @SchlossmanGFUND's weekend: wbb vs. HAWKeyes on Friday, wbb vs. SkyHAWKS on Saturday, hockey vs. RedHAWKS on Fri/Sat.
  2. The ND SBoHE just changed some of the logistics on selecting a new president. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/education/3880160-state-board-higher-education-changes-president-search-policy
  3. Whew ... I'd heard some radio sports show speculate on AJ Pierzynski 2.0: The Return.
  4. Did someone say "cliche"? https://media.giphy.com/media/3o85xoXPXOLoFIgd4Q/giphy.gif
  5. Coach's former teammate. Too bad I have yzer's wrist shot.
  6. What happened to the "no animals" sentiment* that was out there for a while? Was that just a couple select members of KG's committee? *Birds are animals, yes?
  7. I agree with "Dicta Yzer". As far as looking like there is no opening, I had a shooting coach who had us line up dot to dot in front of the net. He put a goalie in net. He told us to shut our eyes. He had the goalie move (went down butterfly with glove very low and blocker moderately high). He told us to open our eyes for just a one-count (open, close). We all had to then turn around and go to the locker room. He'd set a pencil and paper in each stall. He told us to draw what we saw. We all started by drawing a net and then put a goalie in front of it. He went to the white board and started drawing: first a weird shape with two straight sides and then an odd shaped curvy line; then another odd shape, kind of mirroring the first; then a triangular shaped area between and below them. He drew what HE saw. He drew the open spaces around that thing with pads and inside the pipes. He'd made his point: We all saw "goalie in front of net"; he saw "open spaces".
  8. He recognizes you. It's intentional. He's not worried. He's seen your wrister.
  9. It was snark, but good natured snark. We're good at that around here. Considering the schools these two facilities are at, UND and SDSU should be very proud of what they have. Even moreso when you realize you don't need a tire pump to keep the roof up.
  10. Yeah, but Drew created some serious baggage for himself.
  11. The Hope Hustlers and Page Panthers are now photos, as are the Finley-Sharon Raiders. When Hope-Page/Finley-Sharon is on the court tomorrow playing for a Region II volleyball title and a trip to state it'll be all about the Spartans to those girls. And they aren't disrespecting the Hustlers, Panthers, or Raiders in any way.
  12. The only sad thing: http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/3879849-shafer-serve-interim-president-und
  13. So DMX is the big performing artist of the 1890s? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThlhSnRk21E There's your old/new tie together.
  14. Problem with HAWKS? Five years from now ask an incoming freshman what it meant, and who the Sioux mentioned in it are for that matter, and you'll get a dumbfounded stare. They'll just know a beaked logo.
  15. I just said the first one in 1883. He's the only one that matters. The rest followed.
  16. Two golf balls off my shelf (via Bully Pulpit).
  17. Is Peter.Johnson@und.edu reading this thread?
  18. If it ends up being FH, I expect someone to stare at the Atlanta Falcons logo a long time and find a way to integrate "N" and "D" into it.
  19. But they (Nazis) did exist, and that is that.
  20. Current MSU-Moorhead Dragons guy or ... Former Valley City Hi-Liner guy Boschee ... but which one: Mike: http://www.bsubeavers.com/athletics/staff/6128/mike-boschee/ Jeff: http://www2.kusports.com/news/2014/mar/30/jeff-boschee-settles-college-head-coach/ or http://www.mssulions.com/coaches.aspx?rc=26 And they say The Sicatoka doesn't know the orange hoopsy-bouncy short-pants game.
  21. Clown College is not in the Congo. It's at Minnesota Highways 15 and 23. And it was founded in 1869.
  22. Well, Ed's dad (Harold) did found and fund the TR Medora Foundation ...
  23. Uh ... Clay is head coach of M/W cross country and M/W track and field (31 years). http://www.undsports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=13500&ATCLID=750283 Tom Wynne (24 years, M/W tennis): http://www.undsports.com/SportSelect.dbml?&DB_OEM_ID=13500&SPID=6385&SPSID=58543
  24. TR moved to ND to ranch in 1883. UND founded in 1883. Harold Schafer founded the TR Medora Foundation. Now Harold's son Ed Schafer is interim president of UND. < "Abe Vigoda" guy's head to explode in ... three, two, ... >
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