We got the hot crap sandwich minus the hershey-squirts gravy. Yay. GO HAWKS! Which? CHI (NHL)? ATL (NBA)? U of Iowa? Miami of Ohio? UM-Lowell? Dickinson State? Fargo-Moorhead (semi-pro baseball)? Maplesoft youth hockey (Ontario)?
Yup. Those of us vested in UND Athletics started infighting instead of acting and demanding. That allowed Kelley and his minions to take over the process and outcome. In a phrase ... We failed to control what is ours to control.
Yes, completely safe. Bob Kelley smiles. But there will be controversy when those folks that voted for FH figure out the "Maplesoft Hawks" logo won't be at UND.
"What? Ben who? I thought that cool looking Chicago Blackhawks logo inspired bird was going to be the logo." The above is a preview of what you'll be hearing from students within three months. ... wait for it ... book it.
Uh ... back in the late 1980s a guy from Walsh Hall** showed up at a Halloween hockey game dressed as such*, including reservoir tip. Precedent. *He got kicked out. **No, not me.
So who were these announcers? Why not twit (or is it tweet) at the ESPN3 color person for details? Better? Does ESPN3 archive games so the rest of us can hear the interchange?
In keeping this fiasco true to form from beginning to end, it's time to roll out the old, classic joke: Q: How do you keep rubes, chumps, and suckers in suspence? A: Tell you about 10 AM tomorrow.