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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Regarding NDSU saying they'll just stay home, my first thought was "budget" also. I'd say Kab confirmed that for NDSU, but that doesn't appear to be an issue for UND. I'd be apt to believe NDSU's short bench (injuries) plays into it also.
  2. And it looks like no BSU or Purple Cows tonight either.
  3. I find it somewhere between depressing and appauling that I couldn't watch Q'piac or BC on television this afternoon.
  4. All the moreso in the current State budget situation.
  5. How'd we miss this ... < facepalm > .... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_Martin_A-4AR_Fightinghawk
  6. Who's in net for CC?
  7. But it's no Grain Belt Premium.
  8. See, Trainwreck knew the Grain Belt Premium would close the deal.
  9. The next 48 hours is the window that a Jones team needs to finally far exceed expectations.
  10. Dang. He was my lead. Now it's Kennedy. Here's more on what's going on at ASU and how it may be affecting UND: http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/arizona/investigations/2016/02/25/ex-asu-officers-sue-say-they-were-forced-make-school-appear-safer/80860216/ I guess we know what they were talking about in the hall in this tweet ... Anna Burleson ‏@AnnagatorB 2h2 hours ago Meeting still hasn't started --- co-chairmen are in the hallway with the system chancellor. Don't know what's happening #UNDprez
  11. The media hacks and fish-wrapper producers are doing their darnest to keep this resolved and closed issue alive as a "controversy" so they can continued to claim to be "enlightened" in comparison to the great unwashed here in fly-over land ... and to keep selling mouse clicks and fish-wrappers. They create the alleged controversy; we deal with it to their claimed desired outcome; they can't accept that so they keep rehashing it. And they wonder why respect of the media and the press by the American public has fallen markedly over time.
  12. Spring break officially starts at UND today a 4 pm ... which means it's been spring break since noon Tuesday.
  13. Hockey insider EF Hradek is reporting that Trainwreck won the free agency war by upping the Golden Goons' offer of Old Milwaukee to Grain Belt Premium.
  14. The Herald has a tweeter at today's meeting to recommend finalists. https://twitter.com/hashtag/UNDprez?src=hash
  15. To everyone that claimed the old nickname meant "snake" (which even the most rudimentary search of etymology will show is false) here's my thought about where your efforts will ultimately put you and where you'll end up.
  16. In my opinion Shirley has no business being mentioned in the same breath as Olson or Kennedy.
  17. Really good question. I would think the NCAA would be more worried about the overall student-athlete population and the sustainability of the department that supports them. With that mindset wouldn't the total attendance (all sports through the turnstiles) the school generates be the most important factor, not just football attendance?
  18. That's what really gets me at times. I pay based on the job responsibilities. If I need a warehouse worker and I find a PhD who wants the job I'm paying for a warehouse worker, not a PhD. If the person still wants the job, great; if not, I keep looking. We've produced a bunch of PhDs that expect to get paid because of the degree, not because the job they want requires the degree. The rest are overproduction (see below). I must be getting old and curmudgeonly; I'm starting to sound like and agree with John Calvert (frequent writer to the Fargo Forum): Source: http://www.inforum.com/letters/3946977-letter-universities-scrape-bottom-barrel
  19. It's a university. Are these people talking about students or talking to students. That's the same criteria I've used in business when times get tough (are you talking about customers or talking to customers). I tell people make sure you're talking to customers because if all you do is talk about customers, odds are you're not generating revenue and your role may not be necessary.
  20. How many people does it take, and at what pay grades, does it take to run a nine-digit dollar budget organization that provides an intangible to a broad and diverse customer base where customer interaction, service, and satisfaction can make or break you? Before you answer, consider that the "question" just might be rhetorical and that I just might have a very strong and unique insights on that answer based on what all I do in life.
  21. OK, show me an organization tree/matrix* starting at "President" from the Clifford era and from the Kelley era. We'll start there. * I'd like to see direct reports to the president (obviously VPs), their direct reports, and their directs, so basically the top four tiers of administration.
  22. Please don't sound like MVFC fans regarding placement on which side of the bracket.
  23. Whoever is the next president of UND, that person should be happy that Ed Schafer is doing the heavy lifting before they arrive: nickname implementation (new logo) -- before you say it, Kelley oversaw the selection, not the implementation state mandated budget cuts (that all schools in the State face) Student learning, serve the State, and train people for useful, productive careers. What. A. Concept. Clearly, Ed's background is not academia. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/education/3983046-update-difficult-decisions-ahead-und-job-and-program-cuts-possible-schafer
  24. Uh ... folks ... the "bracketology" experts before Sunday, March 20, 2016, matter as much as the points on "Whose Line Is It Anyway". There are a lot of games to be played yet and the PWR will shift around. Tell me what the PWR looks like, and start making bracketology guesses, after the last conference tournament game is done. Until then, why worry about it.
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