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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Might I be so bold as to recommend that you read section 20, specifically 20.9, of the NCAA DI manual to become more educated on the subject.
  2. But FBS games matter/count more for SoS than FCS games. And they pay better (see the analysis by NMSU).
  3. Quite simply, the CAA was never an FBS conference. The WAC and retains the "magic power" to make FBS invitations to FBS. That is clear from the report Idaho put out.
  4. I enjoyed the interesting perspective: They're overjoyed at 9600.
  5. Yeah, but didn't you tell me they kicked you out when you start drinking out of that brown paper bag.
  6. I'll listen to Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis on KFYR out of Bismarck (either over the air or iHeart.com ). http://www.groundzeromedia.org/ I'll listen to Coast on http://www.640toronto.com/ They run the previous overnight from 8 to midnight central and then go to the live show.
  7. If SV is right and Idaho's move to FCS/BSC is a ruse, NMSU's data and analysis yesterday is better than Idaho could've put out. Why? Instead of coming out with "mea culpas" the Idaho president now can come out with something like, "In light of NMSU's recent analysis and our fans' and constituents' reactions to it, we are reconsidering our options ... "
  8. When I need music therapy I put on either Chicago's greatest hits, something from Eagles, EWF, or the Doobie Brothers and grab a bottle of Jack Daniels. Oh, wait, would I be considered "self-medicating"? Oxbox, is that a problem?
  9. http://www.coasttocoastam.com/stations/north_dakota
  10. Again, thank goodness for Ed Schafer. His take on what's been done: http://www.grandforksherald.com/opinion/op-ed-columns/4032681-ed-schafer-budget-cuts-enable-investments-unds-future And now, here's what we can do because the waste and fat and low value has been eliminated. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/local/4032069-video-und-focus-new-priorities-investments-after-cutting-215-million No disrespect to incoming President Kennedy, but I wonder what else Ed could clean up with another six months. (I hope Kennedy is smart enough to keep Ed as a mentor and adviser for a while, and that Ed's willing to do it.)
  11. I used to be a die-hard Twins listener. Now when I hear them on KFGO I get mad because I know they'll preempt "Coast to Coast AM with George Noory". (Thank goodness for KFYR and "Ground Zero" and "Coast".)
  12. I think NMSU was realistic on tickets and guarantees. Their home schedule won't look the same and FCS teams don't get paid the guarantees that FBS teams get. I think they're fooling themselves if they don't think they'll take a hit on Donors. Maybe not immediately, but if they go anything under 8-4 in their first year in FCS the donors will punish them.
  13. Two million dollars is a huge number for a non-P5 school to try to make up for at their own gate. Their stadium hold 30,500, so 61,000 for two games. To make up $2 million that's two sellouts at $32.75 a stub. SV has this point right --> The guarantees are FAR better if you carry that "FBS" label.
  14. I believe their ticket forecast. Here's why: "Hey, let's go see the Aggies play the UNM Lobos!" "Hey, let's go see the Aggies play the UC Davis Aggies!" Any questions?
  15. Yeah-right. "Do as we say, not as we do." -- NCAA
  16. Based on that, NMSU going FBS Indy makes sense. It wasn't Idaho, but you know Idaho fans are going to latch onto this with "Why are we going FCS!?!?!"
  17. Data courtesy @JPGroves ( Las Cruces NM Sun-News Sports Editor ) Seems going FCS would cost (as in net negative) NMSU over $1 million.
  18. All you need to know about the NCAA is that they won't play in a facility with this logo, but they'll play the 2017 Frozen Four in a facility with this logo splashed all over the place. Makes total sense ...
  19. Are we talking four year players or the guys who were a playa for four years? Two very different answers.
  20. As I said back then, ... 7 and 9 make 16.
  21. The Sicatoka

    2016 Season

  22. I'd say they're setting them up for the "stink eye" ... patience.
  23. They're talking about frost on Saturday morning. It's mid-May and we have case in point.
  24. I moved the divergence here about baseball into the Faison Press Conference thread. Thanks for understanding.
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