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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. The Sicatoka

    2016 Season

    We were in remission, and then you came back.
  2. Spitfire in West Fargo has better, and one of the owners is a big UND Hockey fan.
  3. If the Sharks win it's Aaron Dell. If the Penguins win it's Pens Post-Game guy Jay Caufield. And yes, he may be an SCSU Husky, but it's hard to not like Matt Cullen.
  4. What'd you give to help out?
  5. Rob Port and his allies in the Legislature will more than cover that for us.
  6. That whole FFD saying "we'd let it burn" about NDSU's chemistry building to me is a bit of a ruse. Honestly, would any FD send in personnel when they don't know what all is in there that could kill them in the process of fighting the fire? That's why buildings (new or old) have chemical cabinets and fire suppression systems. The only reason I could see any FD going in is if they knew there were civilians in the building that could be saved.
  7. Correct. The old Med School building (formerly St. Michael's Hospital) will be repurposed; it will house new departments. Older buildings (i.e. approaching 100 year old buildings) around campus will be retired.
  8. If Tex Hall (et al) should have their knickers in a twist over anything it should be that Ms. Warren claimed to be something she's not. Ms. Warren attempted to co-opt Native heritage and culture based on her claim of Native ancestry based on "high cheekbones". <-- That's pretty stereotypical and racist right there. I'll worry about Tex (et al) right after they call out Ms. Warren as racist for that.
  9. And to think Drouin and Fabbri were two of the last four "Sicatoka II" eliminated.
  10. I understand that; however, the combination of "we can't maintain what we have" (linked article) with "hey, we want to build more" won't play well with many in the Legislature.
  11. What? You don't think "Sicatoka II" has a shot at catching Fetch?
  12. The jerseys hate each other. It matters not who is in them.
  13. You might get attendance that rivals this: http://b1gicehockey.blogspot.com/2015/03/blame-game-where-does-real-blame-lie.html
  14. If we're going "ifs and buts" I'd go back in time and run the main railroad line and Highway 10 (now I-94) where Highway 200 runs today. That way you'd probably have "Grand Fargo" and "Bisnot" as the two major cities. Then I'd put a university in each and be done for the whole state with the exception of maybe a two-year in the each and a two-year in the west.
  15. How about maintaining what you have before adding in more that won't be maintained? http://www.inforum.com/news/4040000-ndsus-chemistry-building-aging-so-poorly-crews-may-let-it-burn-if-it-catches-fire
  16. You mean they didn't? I'd see enough liquor going around their student section ... nevermind.
  17. SV has posed it as "trade teams" (between WAC and BSC). Per the DI Manual, to be an FBS conference you have to play all sports together.
  18. Nic Jones with the C and Gabe Bast with the A for Penticton this fall. That confirms what many suspected: Bast stays in BCHL this season after losing 2015-16 to injury. http://www.pentictonvees.ca/bast-is-back-veteran-defenceman-returns-for-16-17-named-assistant-captain
  19. Nic Jones with the C and Gabe Bast with the A in Penticton come this fall. http://www.pentictonvees.ca/bast-is-back-veteran-defenceman-returns-for-16-17-named-assistant-captain So as some suspected, Bast won't be at UND this fall.
  20. Kennedy was with Schafer this week at the ND SBoHE meeting. If there are BSC meetings this week they'd probably travel and attend together (to hand things off).
  21. The Herald update article said they were looking into if the key fob the officer had (to lock the car) failed.
  22. They don't allow in guys with three names with an "i" in each. And guys with an "x" in their last name? No way.
  23. It had no where to go but up (figuratively and literally).
  24. < comment here about UND guy knowing more about NDSU than NDSU guy >
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