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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. When you don't have the money to run from the State, you have no options.
  2. Think about it: He basically just fired how many coaches? If you've never fired anyone, it's just as hard to, as to be. Like I tell people, you haven't been a manager until you've: set budget, made budget, hired, fired. None of those are easy.
  3. And that's $1 million in expense with only $70k in revenue. Dead. Red. Ink.
  4. The State of ND, the Legislature, and Gov. Bergum's budget, mandated UND Athletics cut $1.3 million. You do what the guys who cut the checks for you tell you to do.
  5. The numbers are here. It costs (Op Expenses) just about $1 million for M/W S&D.
  6. Ask the ND Revenue Department in Bismarck. Or get your checkbook out.
  7. What I learned: UND went beyond $1.3 million to reallocate dollars to fully fund some other sports (scholarships) as a part of moving to the Summit. UND is still holding men's golf to the "survival deal".
  8. Yup. I was wrong. (There's my once for 2017. )
  9. I'm going with my prediction: Kennedy -- initial statement and announcement with broad numbers fiscal impacts Faison -- talk about teams and information Consultants -- gory detailed numbers and Title IX discussions
  10. That won't be Kennedy. That'll be the consultant that they hired. Gay-ron-teed. Kennedy will make the initial statement; Faison will make some words about "informed teams"; consultants will explain the numbers. Takers on that prediction?
  11. The latest numbers I have: Operating Expense: WIH -- $1,492,827 <-- remember that number has NONE of the cost of REA in it (MIH carries all that) MSD -- $358,041 WSD -- $591,646 Operating Revenue: WIH -- $29,239 MSD -- $31,458 WSD -- $39,194 Net: WIH -- $1,463,588 MSD -- $326,583 WSD -- $552,452 Source: UND's NCAA membership financial reporting system for reporting year (FY)2015.
  12. If (big if) this is true in ten minutes, I note that they've chopped significantly more that $1.3 million.
  13. I noted that just now in my original post. (Same source as my other numbers.)
  14. Two hundred nine. Nope. Doesn't look any better written out.
  15. That was for FY2015. (It was slightly lower for WIH, MSD, WSD in FY2014 at $2,029,065.) So yes, that is an annual number.
  16. Talk is cheap; it takes money to buy whiskey.
  17. $2,342,623. Source for my numbers: UND's NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System document for Reporting Year (FY) 2015.
  18. The latest numbers I have: Operating Expense: WIH -- $1,492,827 <-- remember that number has NONE of the cost of REA in it (MIH carries all that) MSD -- $358,041 WSD -- $591,646 Operating Revenue: WIH -- $29,239 MSD -- $31,458 WSD -- $39,194 Net: WIH -- $1,463,588 MSD -- $326,583 WSD -- $552,452
  19. Now that would be a legit reason and pipeline for Milewski to know. Milewski has deep sources there.
  20. Say wha'? Kinda bad form to be caught in "alternative facts" like that. (And yes, somewhere in there is a pretty good one-liner about not knowing where the ice is.)
  21. So, how would Milewski have this before Schlossman, Miller, or Wayne Nelson?
  22. When in Grand Forks, Milewski drinks with the #gobc.
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