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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Be nice to Stamkos: He met the mandatory minimum by playing in one Cup Finals game (2:43 ice time) and actually got a goal.
  2. Buxton is unreliable (health) so that hurts his trade value. Like someone said, he should've been moved earlier.
  3. Um ... how does "white Hispanic" fit into that? I get so confused by all these labels. Me? I'm a North Dakotan.
  4. Eighteen. The longest streak in the majors extended!
  5. Polanco goes down ... looking.
  6. One out to 18. Down to JorgE Polanco.
  7. Sano chases. Two outs to 18.
  8. A bunch of ND counties were put to stage yellow and by the criteria Cass should have been but wasn't. And this game gets announced shortly thereafter. And then Cass has a spurt and is forced to be put to yellow. And now this. That this game was even allowed still boggles my mind (see: should've been stage yellow initially).
  9. I know what the Herald reported, but going to ND DOH, specifically https://www.health.nd.gov/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/north-dakota-coronavirus-cases under the "State Level Information" heading, "State Hospitalizations and Deaths" subhead (about half down the page) Non-ICU Beds Covid occupied: 71 All occupied: 1335 Total beds: 1617 ICU Beds: Covid occupied: 18 All occupied: 153 Total beds: 284 18 of 284 sounds like the Twins batting against left-handed pitching.
  10. Youth, and diversity. The Ds had both on stage during the primaries, and yet they end up with the 78 year old white guy.
  11. Oldest candidates in history. The young one is 74. Instead of the usual bottle of water, the podiums tonight will be supplied with Ensure. Debate sponsor: Depends ...
  12. You said: St. Mary's in Notre Dame, IN? The locals have heard of it ... maybe ... Notre Dame is in South Bend, IN. St Mary's College in Notre Dame IN ain't, just flat ain't, University of Notre Dame in South Bend IN. Your historian source is from a private Catholic women's NCAA DIII college. He's maybe a very bright fellow, but then why isn't he working across the street in South Bend at ... U of Notre Dame.
  13. On those dates she was.
  14. Wrong. I've been told there's nothing in Trump's brain.
  15. For a fellow so knowing, you'd think you'd know that St. Mary's is not Notre Dame. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Mary's_College_(Indiana)
  16. https://www.wired.com/story/testing-wont-save-us-from-covid-19/
  17. Two years and a day of term is my guess on when he'd official step out. Why? A22 says if you serve less than half of a term of President (meaning VP had to move up) you can still be elected twice. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty-second_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution
  18. Packing the Supreme Court is not a move of stability. Calling for a $4 trillion tax increase will not stabilize the economy. And hearing his VP candidate talk about "a Harris Administration" is a clear tell of where they believe they'll be.
  19. Two letters. Three color scheme. Simple layout for reproduction. If you know the team moniker you see the logo/mascot immediately. North Dakota? Los Angeles.
  21. Unless you can show me: - balance sheets; - income statements; - cash flow statements; and - statements of equity; you can not tell me any entity's financial condition. I'm not an accountant and yet I know that.
  22. That says so much about so much.
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