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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. If losing 200k+ elderly citizens damages a society, losing 50M+ citizens can't be a good thing. Look at the actuarials on just SoSec. We'll be from 40:1 at the start to under 3:1 soon (payees : retirees). We're missing a generation, or more, by our own hand, to support the society we'd built. If losing 200k+ damages a society, losing 50M+ can't be good.
  2. Q: How do you keep a bunch of suckers in suspense? A: I'll tell ya in #twomoreweeks.
  3. Allow me to amend myself. What I state there would be best case for Mr. Lance. Worst case would to be drafted by a weak team with a poor offensive line and expected to immediately perform ala Mahomes/Jackson/Watson.
  4. You don't just disappear 50,000,000+ and vote it all better.
  5. Lock down NYC ... again. Oh, that'll go sparklingly with the locals ... https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/03/nyc-on-the-edge-of-a-precipice-as-coronavirus-cases-grow-ex-cdc-director-says.html
  6. 10% https://apnews.com/article/virus-outbreak-archive-united-nations-54a3a5869c9ae4ee623497691e796083 One spin is "Oh-noez! The other 90!" The other spin is "10%. So it really isn't that deadly."
  7. Russia virus? A U.S. astronaut was potentially exposed to COVID by Russia — which kept quiet, emails show https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/coronavirus/article246174630.html
  8. Worst case scenario of Mr Lance? A team picks him up (mid-first round) to play behind a starter who is late in a contract. Mr. Lance runs the scout team for a year as the pseudo-Mahomes/Jackson/Watson in practices against the first team defense and starts the following season.
  9. What theories have I seen this weekend: - he's faking for pity - he's really really ill (see: movie "Dave") - the guy in the SUV was double - he's actually negotiating another peace treaty
  10. FDR (polio) couldn't walk. The media kept that quiet. What is the standard?
  11. I'd think some folks would be happy that the President is the "lab rat" for treatment right now, you know, "karma" and all.
  12. The President has a diagnosis; thus, this is no longer prophylactic, but preventative. That said, I'm willing to wager the President is also on a Z-Pak as a preventative to biologic based pulmonary infection.
  13. Dr. James P. Phillips (the tweeter of great cataclysm to the Secret Service) is an interesting source and point of reference. Note his photo on his Twitter page. Is that a Wolf he's sitting by? Did he get to keep the coffee mug? The good doctor wouldn't have an agenda, would he? As someone noted: Those Secret Service agents are near the President at all times. The Presidential suite more than likely has it's own air handling, like "the tank", also. I'm willing to wager the minute the President was diagnosed his security detail all got a round of "what he's having." And why no worries for the USMC "Marine One" pilots and Marine aircraft service attendant (the door guy) on Friday? That helicopter has to be sealed (the Sikorsky SH-3 is good to 14000 feet).
  14. British press. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1343305/US-election-poll-donald-trump-coronavirus-covid-joe-biden-exclusive-polling/amp?__twitter_impression=true
  15. At risk of repeating myself, the second wave of this will be worse than the first but it will be all the unattended illnesses and the mental health damage and not the virus.
  16. I’ve seen some here say 35% failing rates in area schools. Can I get $20 on the over.
  17. You know what’s wrong with the video the President put out tonight? He was humble, showed humility, and appeared human and vulnerable and truly thankful. His opponents can’t have that. He must remain the big orange bogey man.
  18. The President is an essential worker.
  19. Let’s clear this up as far as time lines.
  20. When was Hicks’ condition confirmed? Do we know Hicks is the source?
  21. Daily testing before entering the facility and yet top personnel get infected. Titans Chiefs Patriots Which facility were you thinking of?
  22. I hope nobody has the Patriots this weekend against the Chiefs. Cam Covid Newton
  23. 24x = 3y One equation and two unknowns. So fitting.
  24. Nah, he’s at a closed hair salon without a mask. Wait. Wrong person.
  25. Meanwhile, yesterday on Capitol Hill, House members asking when Speaker Pelosi will implement a full plan. Dear Madame Speaker: I am writing again today to reiterate my concern that we do not have a comprehensive health monitoring system and testing program for our Capitol Hill campus in order to help us do our part to stop the spread of coronavirus. https://republicans-cha.house.gov/media/press-releases/davis-writes-speaker-pelosi-concerning-misleading-reports-testing-changes-staff
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