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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. In the trade they call this "a clue".
  2. Portz put on a burst of speed in the offensive zone at one point in the first that had me looking to see who it was.
  3. Honestly, the four centers I see are: Ford, Schmaltz*, Senden, and Jamernik. I just don't see two freshman centers in the line-up until second half. Constantini needs some time out there with an experienced center before he takes over the role full time. I wonder how'd he do with Ford and Calder. *Schmaltz gave me one or two flashbacks to a past "Schmaltz 8" jersey, as well as a couple "he's a freshman" moments.
  4. How are the not? Massey (my go-to) has them at 11 and UND at 13.
  5. Have to agree here. First the complaint is "no over the top receiver". Then it's "no big arm". You don't need a big arm guy if you can't take the top off the defense with a speed receiver.
  6. Man, ... can't even get credit for a quality loss ...
  7. Absolutely worthless trivia, ... but has there ever been another case where UND's defense is eight guys from eight different states/provinces? AB - Bast BC - Jandric CT - Moore MN - Frisch MT - Sanderson ND - Kleven SD - Ferner TX - Johnson
  8. So if Budy and Albrecht and Moore are cleared this weekend, who plays, who sits? I believe they'll have the extra skater be a defenseman for a while to get shifts to guys for when we lose two D to the WJC. I think Albrecht, Montgomery, and Ness probably sit, as does Johnson (Bast is the extra skater).
  9. Saturday after the game the radio guys were pretty sure the top four defense were set: Sanderson/Frisch and Kleven/Jandric. Thoughts on who the next two will be? They all had better be ready come December when Sanderson and Kleven are wearing red, white, and blue. <-- Return of the High Plains Drifters.
  10. I see Niagara with a very upperclassman dominated roster (3 Gr, 9 Sr, 6 Jr, 6 So, 7 Fr). By comparison, UND is 2, 3*, 7, 6, 9. We have some lads that need to become men quick this weekend. College hockey is a game dominated by upperclassmen. *Of our five "old guys", three are here via the portal. However, one is Jandric. By NCAA play he's only a junior but must be way ahead academically because he's working on a master's of public administration.
  11. On a side note ... Imagine going 106-56 and finishing second in your division. #DodgerProblems
  12. If you had the Twins with 90+ losses this season ... you lost!
  13. Watching 7 and 29, are we sure we don't have a "take the top off the defense" guy? Run them on a deep post. At worst the defense has to run a safety with them just in case. More importantly, motion them out of the backfield to a WR position when you run them on that post. That really jams up a defense. Does the LB keep coverage or does the safety get responsibilities. (Please, please, please leave a LB on 7 or 29 running a post. )
  14. You get NDSU 2021. I get my choice of Wentz or Stick teams. I'll give you 6.5 points. I'll win.
  15. That's the specific time you need to remind a guy. (Remember: I'm the guy that preaches fundamentals. --> Make your free throws. Lay down a bunt. Wrap-up tackle. Lift a backhand top corner from 12 feet.)
  16. That's where I wish I knew he'd been told it's OK to eat it and take the FG before the play. Get the FG there and now the other team is playing from behind in the fourth.
  17. Given Bismarck State College* doesn't sponsor hockey ... um, ... no. Clearly the intent was UMary. *BJC no longer exists. BJC became BSC about the same time VCSC became VCSU.
  18. Going for it at your 20. <-- Coaching call. The pick. <-- Yeah, Tommy threw it, but was he told before the play to eat it or throw it away if he had to? Coaching. The other 4th down play. <-- Play selection. You have an All-American back. Coaching. The unrecovered muffed punt. <-- That's on the players, but how was that not receiver interference when we blocked a Bison into their PR?
  19. I do believe you mean the U Mary Marauders.
  20. On defense, clearly, 2 and 6 are going to be works in progress. Both have the vibe 4 gave me at the start of last year. You see the ability, but not the game smarts yet. (2 had a not great +/- when he was at RPI. I can see why with a couple plays he tried.) 33 is as advertised, ... but we don't have to keep proving it by sending clean breakaways at him. Good grief.
  21. I didn't see that. I wondered why 25 was out for the last 0:33 of the game with 26. <-- That's two lefties and you normally want a L/R combo in that situation.
  22. @Sweethockeycan you clarify your source? It's not Google because this does not agree with what you posted. https://www.google.com/search?q=tennessee+covid+dashboard&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS929US929&oq=tennessee+covid+dash&aqs=chrome.0.0i512j69i57j0i512l4j0i22i30l3j0i390.5231j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 State of TN official site: https://www.tn.gov/health/cedep/ncov/data.html (check the "EPI curves" for most relevant info).
  23. I'm going back to my old standby assessment*: Getter/Setter/Shooter No single person is 100% of any of these, but when you put a line together you need 100% of each skill set. *Just like in FB threads where I revert back to OL play or controlling the opponent's OL.
  24. If I had to guess, in a word: Staffing.
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