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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. I see a QB room ... finally. Should the 2023 Walter Payton Award Watchlist starter have a problem both 3 and 6 look to be able to step in. Do not burn a year of 11.
  2. Softball: https://fightinghawks.com/news/2023/8/25/general-north-dakota-athletics-announces-plans-groundbreaking-for-memorial-village-ii-on-campus-softball-stadium.aspx Might as well bring these back: https://www.grandforksgov.com/home/showpublisheddocument/47674/638191595078670000 https://forum.siouxsports.com/topic/6529-facilities-master-plan/page/96/#comment-1310445
  3. Won't fit in the space. There's not the extra 100 feet down the lines; things like buildings (MVII) and streets are there.
  4. I looked it up so I’m DQ’d from any “prizes”. https://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/leagues/seasons/teams/0070632014.html
  5. Ulmer can still run the hockey academy.
  6. Fact check: true
  7. KG is a generational shift from Bubs and Dane. Simpson is a generational shift from KG. ... just realized that.
  8. Quiet reality: You spend more than three seasons with an AHL franchise you're being kept around for more than on-ice play. You've effectively become a de facto coach within the organization. https://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/pdisplay.php?pid=123970 PS - The final threshold has been broken. Assuming a Simpson hire, UND has a payroll coach that could be my kid.
  9. If "fifth" is the over/under I'll put on the homer green-tinted spectacles and say "better".
  10. Roster. Check. Captains. Check. Now, the most important season line item as defined by @geaux_sioux: Do we have a fishbowl? Somebody, please, channel your inner Evan Trupp or Coltyn Sanderson and wear one, for @geaux_sioux's sake, ... please.
  11. To my seats in REA during period breaks? Or would the ground robot have to hand off to an aerial drone to deal with steps.
  12. See: Sanderson, Jake
  13. Some can stop fretting now: Tommy is in this photo. I'd call it slightly more important. https://fightinghawks.com/news/2023/8/23/football-north-dakota-announces-2023-team-captains.aspx
  14. Then allow me to be positive: - I'm positive the mayor of Fargo is looking to raise property and utility taxes outside of this proposal (already raised the utility franchise fee) - I'm positive this requires 60% supermajority to pass - I'm positive in this (inflationary) economic climate this will have trouble at the polls
  15. Taco Bell after the W!
  16. Subsidy? Like a lodging tax going from 3 to 6%? And that $30M should've been put to use doing facilities improvements already. The lavatory facilities at Fargodome are a joke*. *I am so struggling to not make a Bud Light NDSU sponsorship, no one would notice Dylan in the men's room because women have to already because it's so bad, joke here.
  17. James Hagens LJ Mooney Logan Hensler Zachary Morin (BU) Sascha Boumedienne Sam Laurila Garrett Lindberg Cullen Potter Cole McKinney (UM) William Moore Lukas Sawchyn Charlie Trethewey Andrew O'Neill (UND) Caleb Heil Masun Fleece (PSU) Drew Schock Jake Stuart Jacob Rombach Cooper Simpson Carter Murphy
  18. A past UND AD told me about 1/3 of UND MIH season ticket holders live in Cass County. I-29 on a Saturday night confirms.
  19. @Teeder11 let it slip (facilities master plan thread) that a new campaign may start at Homecoming 2023.
  20. The bold part: https://www.google.com/search?q=enrollment+cliff+higher+education&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS929US929&oq=enrollment+cliff+&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i512j0i67i650j0i512l5j0i390i650.6271j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  21. Fargo city sales tax. On 13th Ave the WF/Fargo line is Spitfire*. *A little shout to Spitfire because last I knew it's owned by a UND graduate.
  22. Anyone seen any "Day One" enrollment numbers from any of the NDUS schools? @Teeder11 any insights? Yes, yes, ... "official" fall numbers come in like week four ...
  23. I'm gonna tell that you told! As I've said, my will says UND gets half. No need to call me again.
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