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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Why'd my ears start ringing?
  2. Meredith Baxter-Birney the new mascot?
  3. The tweet with Brutus Buckeye and the Oregon duck back on July 25 ... hmmm ... Has all this been pre-ordained and they're just putting on a drama. https://duckswire.usatoday.com/2023/07/25/cryptic-post-with-ohio-state-buckeyes-and-oregon-ducks-mascot-draws-big-ten-questions/
  4. Knight site, how/where data and methodology.
  5. https://knightnewhousedata.org/about#aboutdatameth
  6. Like I said ... https://forum.siouxsports.com/topic/16061-conference-realignments-take-2/page/313/#comment-1314759
  7. I won't be surprised if Cali-Stan ends up not in the B1G, but the ACC. Stanford would be bait to try to keep Notre Dame ACC affiliated.
  8. I did not see Washington and Oregon gone before Arizona. Reports are ASU got squishy last night. I bet they're signing the BXII app now!
  9. Want preseason predictions? Most overrated this pre-season: Idaho
  10. If Hong goes to the post does that make him ... Hong way low.
  11. UND: Fighting Hawks Union: Hold my beer …
  12. The PAC in 90 seconds: https://twitter.com/RedditCFB/status/1686946798902857729?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1686946798902857729%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=
  13. I need transparency in this case only as far as "FPD officer" (to know it wasn't CCSO, NDHP, other).
  14. I disagree with it but I'm not in charge of it.
  15. Chaves better be living up to that statement and paying close attention for the next 100 or so hours. May you live in interesting times
  16. UW BOR meeting in dark of night tonight. ASU folks are meeting tonight too and now seem inclined to stay with UA who is bought in to the BXII. The PAC could be an empty husk by morning.
  17. I like to trunc it to just B-vile.
  18. It looks like the PAC 12 will soon be down to two, the 2 PAC. And this all started when the B1G peeled away USC/UCLA. Dare we say ... in the end, 2PAC was done in by Notorious B1G ... DISCLAIMER: shamelessly stolen from elsewhere
  19. He'd be unconventional, but capable.
  20. If you say "half" I'll still probably take the under. Offer $30-32M and they'll bite. Why? Rumor was the PAC deal presented this week was $20M plus incentive kickers to maybe $25M. But that difference will be eaten up in travel. But claiming B1G membership is long-term value. You take $30M.
  21. The Dak4 as a "pod" of a conference saves everyone money.
  22. Will B1G take more PAC schools than just USC/UCLA? Likely. Will they be getting full B1G shares at first? Likely not. Will they get more than if stayed in PAC? Likely. But much of the difference will be eaten up in travel costs.
  23. Despite your claim as "fact", what you presented was your opinion and beliefs. History says the BSC wanted only one of the Dak4, and they had opportunity to take each of the four.
  24. Another "quick view": USD is $4.8M grants*, 17 sports. *2021 data, didn't report 2022; all others are 2022
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