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Being arrested does not necessarily show a lack of character. It sometimes shows great character (Nelson Mandela) or simply a lack of judgement. An arrest is not that big a deal, especially in GF where cops have nothing better to do than arrest underage college and highschoolers out having a good time. Some of the best people I know have been arrested.

If it was not a big deal, why would Hak have suspended TJ? Going into St. Cloud at a critical time of the season without your best player is a big deal in my book but that's just me.

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If it was not a big deal, why would Hak have suspended TJ? Going into St. Cloud at a critical time of the season without your best player is a big deal in my book but that's just me.

Hak should suspend him for letting the team down if that is what the facts support when they are all layed out. That has nothing to do with the character of T.J. That is just how team athletics goes

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If it was not a big deal, why would Hak have suspended TJ? Going into St. Cloud at a critical time of the season without your best player is a big deal in my book but that's just me.

hes suspended because hak felt thats what he needed to do. i guess people have diferent opinions on what BIG means. 4-6 game suspension would be a BIG deal in my book. but thats just me. i hope people remember all this crap they are saying if these charges get dropped. either way it happened, move on and if this effects your day then wow, feel bad for ya..........go sioux and go oshie

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hes suspended because hak felt thats what he needed to do. i guess people have diferent opinions on what BIG means. 4-6 game suspension would be a BIG deal in my book. but thats just me. i hope people remember all this crap they are saying if these charges get dropped. either way it happened, move on and if this effects your day then wow, feel bad for ya..........go sioux and go oshie

I hope they do get dropped but that will not change the fact that Oshie will not be in the line-up come tomorrow night. Apparantly Hak thought there was enough of an issue to make Osh miss a game.

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What bothers me most?

This is twice.

I've long said it's not the mistake that concerns me; it's how you respond to, what you learn from, the mistake.

He learned nothing from January.

so fine, dont cheer him on anymore as you think hes a bad person obviously since hes a big criminal......

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What's irking me is that all these people ripping on those of us who feel that Oshie screwed up won't comment on Hakstol's reaction to the news. He suspended TJ. Obviously Hakstol wasn't very happy with TJ.

I'm guessing that most of us would probably have reacted about the same as Hakstol. Put a game or so suspension on Oshie and moved on.

Instead, those of us expecting more from Oshie get ripped, while no one but azsioux (Hak did what he had to do) will address Hakstol's response.

Why does Hakstol get a free pass from some of you when the rest of us are so "out of line"?

I'd like an answer to that one.

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Why does Hakstol get a free pass from some of you when the rest of us are so "out of line"?

I'd like an answer to that one.

Hakstol finally showed some spine. Bravo!

I was beginning to wonder where Dean Blais was when you needed him ....

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That's a child's response if I've ever heard one. And after three kids...I have.

just frusterated and im not a child, but thanks for the response DAD. apprciate that a lot. im 26 and love sioux hockey and the players that come through UND and its obvious that many people here have different views on this situation but oh well....what can you do

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What's irking me is that all these people ripping on those of us who feel that Oshie screwed up won't comment on Hakstol's reaction to the news. He suspended TJ. Obviously Hakstol wasn't very happy with TJ.

I'm guessing that most of us would probably have reacted about the same as Hakstol. Put a game or so suspension on Oshie and moved on.

Instead, those of us expecting more from Oshie get ripped, while no one but azsioux (Hak did what he had to do) will address Hakstol's response.

Why does Hakstol get a free pass from some of you when the rest of us are so "out of line"?

I'd like an answer to that one.

exactly, hak dealt with it for now the way he had to with the charge that tj recieved. it may be dropped down the road but for now he did that and thats the decision. theres nothing wrong with that at all. like you say, 1 game suspension and you move on

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I have read the much larger thread full of speculation on TJ's behavior, his habits off the ice, even people searching his facebook page. I wanted to start this thread for standing by TJ. First of all, an arrest is not a conviction, and in this country you are innocent until proven guilty. Second of all, I'm sure he feels dumb about this whole thing, and from what I know about him, what hurts him the most is probably the suspension and the feeling that he is letting down his teammates, we fans, and especially kids. Do not berate this outstanding young man. TJ, you have my support 100%. We believe in you as a leader on the ice as a scorer and off the ice as a person . Thank you, TJ. Good Luck and God Bless.

finally, a positive thread about this whole issue. Its not like he commited a murder! :lol:


i support you, osh!

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Why do people forget that college sports are still college sports. And the players are still college students. As I think we all know, college students do stupid things from time to time. As for the post about the athletes owing us, wrong. The athletes owe the team that they signed up for, they owe the teamates and themselves. They don't owe the fans. Not at that level of play, maybe they do in the Pros. Also, the fans have the right to say what they are going to say and think what they are going to think. But they also have the responsibility to remember that the athletes are still just college students.

Come on. Sure they owe you. You pay for it. Don't kid youself -- College sports at this D-I revenue level IS a big business - it is professional hockey in all respects except for direct cash payment to the players. The Sioux generate serious revenues, and those revenues come mostly from you and your friends. Without you and others like you, do you think UND would have the hockey program they have?. The die hards that post here are the core fans who enable the whole ship to float- the ones who spend the money on the tickets, the jerseys, the arena food and finance the whole program, Uncle Ralph notwithstanding.

Yes, the athletes are college students - but they MUST be held to a higher standard of conduct, since those players represent state and school, and get enormous benefits that are not available to the rest of us. The athlete acknowledges this extra responsibility when they sign the scholarship. These are young men that should honor their commitments. To whom much is given, much is expected. North Dakota is one of the finest college hockey programs on the planet. I would expect ND fans to have very high off-ice expectations for the players that wear the green.

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Come on. Sure they owe you. You pay for it. Don't kid youself -- College sports at this D-I revenue level IS a big business - it is professional hockey in all respects except for direct cash payment to the players. The Sioux generate serious revenues, and those revenues come mostly from you and your friends. Without you and others like you, do you think UND would have the hockey program they have?. The die hards that post here are the core fans who enable the whole ship to float- the ones who spend the money on the tickets, the jerseys, the arena food and finance the whole program, Uncle Ralph notwithstanding.

Yes, the athletes are college students - but they MUST be held to a higher standard of conduct, since those players represent state and school, and get enormous benefits that are not available to the rest of us. The athlete acknowledges this extra responsibility when they sign the scholarship. These are young men that should honor their commitments. To whom much is given, much is expected. North Dakota is one of the finest college hockey programs on the planet. I would expect ND fans to have very high off-ice expectations for the players that wear the green.

maybe its just me but when i go to games live or frozen 4's if lucky enough i dont sit back and say dammit, play harder or stay out of trouble because you owe me. they dont owe me a damn thing. sorry. i understand the expectation point but sht happens swami and you know that. what do you want fans to do, stop cheering or just voice their opinions on message baords because thats all really they can do. its handled by coach hakstol and whatever he does is fine but its stops there. thats all that can be done.

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Hak HAS to suspend a player for getting in trouble with the law. HAS TO. If it were a serious issue, he would be suspended indefinitely.

I do not condemn people like Sikatoka, you are entitled to your opinion and your posts have taste and class. I just disagree with you on the severity of something like this.

I do hold players to a high standard, but not higher than a standard to which I would hold myself. There are many examples of arrests that are silly. How many statutory charges have been filed against 18 year old with 17 year olds? LOTS. What if at a recruiting function a 17 year old player has a beer and a 21 year old player gets charged with contributing? Sure its legit, but is it really a crime? Does it show bad character and letting down "your father, your maker, and your coach"? I think not.

TJ is a fine young man. He is a decent person off the ice as well. He takes his representation of native americans seriously. He loves the Fighting Sioux program and tradition.

I support Hak's suspension, as a coach must do that sort of thing, but you do not need to add insult to injury by not believing that it is a stupid incident without malice and without intent.

It isn't a whole lot different than the Blarney stone incident with the Goofs. I supported those players then too. God forbid a young person be a young person.

If you can't have some fun and let loose at 21, when should you? When can you? The game is fun, being 21 is fun. It is not his job to be perfect on and off the ice. None of us could be.

Hak is doing it right. Support the kid, but follow the rules to maintain team discipline. The Osh Reloaded will be back on Saturday.

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It could have just been Love in an Elavator :lol:050719_SN_JockStraps_tn.jpg

Workin like a dog for the boss man

Workin for the company

Im bettin on the dice Im tossin

Im gonna have a fantasy

But where am I gonna look

They tell me that love is blind

I really need a girl like an open book

To read between the lines


Love in an elevator

Livin it up whn Im goin down

Love in an elevator

Lovin it up till I hit the ground

Jackies in the elevator

Lingerie second floor

She said can I see you later

And love you just a little more

I kinda hope we get stuck

Nobody gets out alive

She said Ill show you how to fax

In the mailroom, honey

And have you home by five


In the air, in the air, honey one more time

Now it aint fair

Love in an elevator

Lovin it up when Im goin down

Love in an elevator

Goin down


Gonna be a penthouse pauper

Gonna be a millionare

Im gonna be a real fast talker

And have me a love affair

Gotta get my timin right

Its a test that I gotta pass

Ill chase you all the way to stairway, honey

Kiss your sassafrass

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:lol: I heard of this about 1 hour ago. Sure enough had to head over here and watch the fireworks. 12 pages so far of immature juvenile bickering over what: A MEASLY DISORDERLY CONDUCT CHARGE. My god people get off your damn soapbox.

TJ if you happen to read this let me give you a bit of advice from a Gopher fan: Take this criticism from these so called "fans" and shove it right back up there @$$.

Your right its a misdemeanor (sp), not exactly very serious.

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The only problem with T J is that there aren't more of him. If the whole team played with his intensity and heart we wouldn't split every series. We don't have anyone in our freshman or sophomore class that comes close to his talent. Lighten up you people on the morals committee.

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The only problem with T J is that there aren't more of him. If the whole team played with his intensity and heart we wouldn't split every series. We don't have anyone in our freshman or sophomore class that comes close to his talent. Lighten up you people on the morals committee.

Amen. Man I quit reading this site for 2 days and it explodes over this little incident. TJ will come back on Saturday kick some puppy dog butt and things will keep on rolling for the Sioux. Oh yeah we win on Friday too.

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Amen. Man I quit reading this site for 2 days and it explodes over this little incident. TJ will come back on Saturday kick some puppy dog butt and things will keep on rolling for the Sioux. Oh yeah we win on Friday too.

yeah i cant wait for the game tomorrow night!! cstv, thats sweet!

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