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Oshie suspended one game


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I have little respect here? Well doesn't that just break my little old heart. Truth is I don't ask for any, but in turn I don't have to give any either, especially to holier-than-thou people like yourself.

That's your bent on it, so be it. Holier than thou--no. Proponent of responsibility/accountablility--yes.

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As I understand it, Oshie gets a one game suspension for violating team rules for fighting in an elevator. Radja gets an indefinite suspension for getting his ass kicked. :lol:

I think youa re on to something.

Once again I will ask, does anyone know exactly what happened?

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IMO What's the big deal! They are college students. Just because they are athletes doesn't make them different than all the other college students that like to party and socialize. As far as people who believe these athletes should be role models, set good examples, etc. - that's the parents' job! You set the good example and upbringing, and let them learn a lesson by mistakes other people can make.

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IMO What's the big deal! They are college students. Just because they are athletes doesn't make them different than all the other college students that like to party and socialize. As far as people who believe these athletes should be role models, set good examples, etc. - that's the parents' job! You set the good example and upbringing, and let them learn a lesson by mistakes other people can make.

The difference between students and student-athletes is the reason TJ is sitting out a game. By being arrested he violated a code of conduct that all student-athletes sign at the beginning of their season. Like it or not, they ARE representing UND. An athlete being arrested casts the school in a bad light. Guilt or innocence is for the court to decide, but just being arrested means you violated your responsibility as a student-athlete, thus the suspension and this little "debate".

Was that redundant enough?

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Wow, how bad do some of you hate Hakstol today. I mean, Hak actually suspended him for a game. All we're doing is talking about it on the internet.

I'm sure Hak was slapping Oshie on the back and telling him what a great guy he is while he handed down that 1 gamer, too.


"Umile said Radja, a senior, told him later Sunday of his arrest, which followed a fight between the two players in an elevator on campus. "

"I told him I'm very disappointed. He's disappointed. I'm sure his family is. He's hurt the team and he's going to miss two important games for us."

Umile gets the word from Radja and suspends him for at least 2 games. I guess Umile must be overreacting too. He, too, must have been just pleased with his boy during that conversation.

I'm trying to figure out how, if these coaches reacted in this way, us fans can't be disappointed in these players as well?

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Wow, how bad do some of you hate Hakstol today. I mean, Hak actually suspended him for a game. All we're doing is talking about it on the internet.

I'm sure Hak was slapping Oshie on the back and telling him what a great guy he is while he handed down that 1 gamer, too.

Umile gets the word from Radja and suspends him for at least 2 games. I guess Umile must be overreacting too. He, too, must have been just pleased with his boy during that conversation.


I'm trying to figure out how, if these coaches reacted in this way, us fans can't be disappointed in these players as well?

Wow slamdance, guilty befor innocent, Ware were you during the OJ Trial......Judge Slam

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I find it funny how so many people on this board think lack of personal accountability is acceptable....just a blame it on someone else mentality. I don't have any idea what occurred that night but one thing I do know is that Hak, who does know what happened, has suspended one of our best players on the team heading into a crucial series on the road. To pass this off as something that is no big deal is just plan assanine as Hak deemed it a big enough issue to suspend Oshie.

That does not change my opinion of Oshie - great player and an even better person.

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I find it funny how so many people on this board think lack of personal accountability is acceptable....just a blame it on someone else mentality. I don't have any idea what occurred that night but one thing I do know is that Hak, who does know what happened, has suspended one of our best players on the team heading into a crucial series on the road. To pass this off as something that is no big deal is just plan assanine as Hak deemed it a big enough issue to suspend Oshie.

That does not change my opinion of Oshie - great player and an even better person.

That seems to be the general theme of this thread by those in the know!

Agree on last line as well.

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Here's the Triouxper's candidate for 2008...

And...uhh...siouxbomb...I think you have me confused with dagies, do a little bit better checking of who you are quoting.

I haven't convicted TJ of anything (nor has dagies as far as I can tell), I just think he was stupid for getting himself in trouble and (as stated on the TJ support thread) I hope the charges are specious and dropped for his sake.

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:lol: k seriously he needed to be suspended for at least one game. do i think thats panzee yah.. but in this day and age you cant not do anything. if i was him i wouldve done the same thing any guy on here would be lying to say he wouldnt...

if some tard from an opposing team showed up in my house and beat me late in the third i'd have a little pent up anger too. than for him to come in my home. shout i'd do whatever i could to make em ugly.

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Oh look, I found your favorite magazine.


Boy that's a good one scott. You call me an internet tough guy yet you are the one saying someone needs to be kicked in the ass. Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. For the record, I still want to know, are you volunteering for this kick in the ass, cause I still want to see that.

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Aleah - I admire you for apparently knowing "the real story" of what happened and not wanting to cause further trouble for anyone by telling it. But by dropping little indications that you have said knowledge - it almost seems like you want us to ask about it but don't want to tell it. Not trying to sound like a ash-hole - it is your right to post what you want - but why not set us all straight or just not drop anymore hints that you know the hole story? Sorry in advance if I am picking up the wrong vibes from your posts.

If the coaches aren't saying anything why should Aleah - the coaches know exactly what happened & they aren't talking. I have a hard time believing that one of the guys from the team gets into trouble like being arrested & the coach doesn't know the whole story. C'mon - we aren't stupid.

The difference is the coaches aren't on this forum saying that the media/public has the story wrong -she is and thereby indicaties she knows the correct version. I have nothing against Aleah AT ALL and I'm not expecting her to tell us what she knows. I just think if she really wants to keep it quiet - then do just that OR set us straight. Otherwise it seems lie a "I know something you don't know" kind of thing. She might not mean it that way - but it does seem like it. I dunno... maybe I'm wrong.

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The difference is the coaches aren't on this forum saying that the media/public has the story wrong -she is and thereby indicaties she knows the correct version. I have nothing against Aleah AT ALL and I'm not expecting her to tell us what she knows. I just think if she really wants to keep it quiet - then do just that OR set us straight. Otherwise it seems lie a "I know something you don't know" kind of thing. She might not mean it that way - but it does seem like it. I dunno... maybe I'm wrong.

she a long with a few more know every detail. she or the others cant say anything so shes not meaning to come off like that at all. just cant say much about situation as there is a process that still needs to be done regarding the situation. im guessing these may be dropped but who knows right now. its not a "i know something you dont know" its just that a few peeps know whats up but cant reveal all details as of now but at the same time defending tj as well for what has or hasnt been reported. long live the oshie

bad reporting here and there as well like many cases like this, tj wasnt arrested last year, he was given a friken citation. woopty friken doo...i still hope tj is able to get released from death row for the game saturday night

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Do I know what happened? Yes. Is it ok to share the story on a forum? NO. I do not have permission to do so and I will not. I do not mean to "rub it in" at all, I just have stated that TJ was not in a fight. And yes, I do think that paper reported a load of crap. I just get irritated when posters get a case of word vomit and spew the wild tales. The details will emerge soon enough, but it's not my place to give them.

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thats a halarious list of charges except binas dui of course....puckswami the great DU fan with the list probaby with the help of his buddies that troll myspace and facebook to sniff around and i do mean sniff.........i bet 5 of us could throw in the same charges here and there from a past life at 18-23 or however long it took you to get out of college :lol: loud party ticket - man, what a bunch of thugs............... :D

College hockey players have been doing this kind of thing at most schools for 50 years or more. The difference now is that police departments, school administrations and coaches are no longer able to sweep this kind of thing under the rug... Society has become much more transparent and the media and personal communications much more pervasisve.

And I don't think you can reasonably compare UND hockey players to regular UND students - they are not regualr students like you and I. UND hockey players VERY SPECIAL and very different from you and I. They are given thousands of dollars in free education, the best facilities, equipment and coaching in America, great media exposure and instant celebrity status as the most important, high profile athletes in the state. UND is also a very high profile hockey program that has a very proud tradition and is rightfully seen as one the very best in the country. In return for their talents, the players wear the name of their university and state on their chests, and represent your school and your state to all others. Wearing that jersey should be a tremendous privilege for each Sioux player, and when they sign on the dotted line, a player needs to understand that, along with the great rewards that come with it, as school and state ambassadors, they also take on certain responsibilities to act in a manner that brings honor to their school and state. That repsonsibility should include acting in an exemplary manner -- not getting arrested. If they want to party and get into trouble like regular students do, then great - just don't be a D-I athlete then.

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Do I know what happened? Yes. Is it ok to share the story on a forum? NO. I do not have permission to do so and I will not. I do not mean to "rub it in" at all, I just have stated that TJ was not in a fight. And yes, I do think that paper reported a load of crap. I just get irritated when posters get a case of word vomit and spew the wild tales. The details will emerge soon enough, but it's not my place to give them.

I agree with you. It is not your story to tell. We will find out soon enough & when we do another forum will start & people will talk about it again.

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