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NCAA must ban itself!

The Sicatoka

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Raid their cabinets. That's pretty good. I wonder if they have Mohawk carpets in the lobby in Indianapolis, Indiana. :D

Sadly, no cabinet (or fridge) raids. We only had to look in their driveway.

They have a stated policy one direction, yet they choose to take the money from Pontiac, a company with an Indian name and with an Indian-related logo (arrowhead).

"Do as I say, not as I do," must be the NCAA motto, eh. I guess money talks when it comes to names and logo at the NCAA too. So much for the "righteousness" of the NCAA on this topic.

Or does the NCAA tribal approval of Chief Pontiac's Ottawa tribe so they can display their official car and its Indian name and imagery at NCAA Championships?

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Or does the NCAA tribal approval of Chief Pontiac's Ottawa tribe so they can display their official car and its Indian name and imagery at NCAA Championships?

And where is GrahamKracker's righteous indignation over this? He's supposed to be against "cultural assassination." Yet when we point out the obvious hypocrisy of the NCAA, he calls it an honorable organization and attacks us.

But that's okay because it reveals both his and the NCAA's true agendas. It's not about moral, ethical or racial issues. It's about getting revenge.

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As for the Aztecs, well I can't really comment on them because were assimilated/beaten/raped/conquered 100's of years ago by the Spanish, heck I don't even know one person who can speak Aztec and I know many many natives.

Yes sadly, many Native American tribes are extinct, Illini, Mohawks, Aztecs, Natchez, hundreds more. But they live in our memories in our respectful use of their names in athletics, automobiles, buildings, cities, states,etc. This prompts many to GOOGLE.com to look for information about these tribes. They're not forgotten and will continue to live as long as their names are out there to spark an inquisitive mind. We are such an assimilated society in North America, it's likely many of us have a gene or two from one of these 'extinct' tribes. Those who study history, geneology, genetics, will confirm this.

After the Spanish conquest, the empire of the Aztec was destroyed, but their civilization remained an important influence on the development of Mexican culture. Many contemporary Mexicans are descended from the Aztec, and more than 1 million Mexicans speak Nahuatl, the native Aztec language, as their primary language.


Careful with the racist remarks/insults, you may be speaking ill of someone you love.

Edited by Sioux-cia
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Getting desperate? lol, Diggler I have not yet begun to fight. As for "ignoring things", has anyone told you the INDIANS that you HONOR don't want you to HONOR THEM ANYMORE? I don't know, maybe no one has informed you of that simple fact. Talk about ignoring.......

So GK are you a one man army? Who are you going to fight? UND. I didn't know you were part of the appeals process?

Edited by Goon
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Ironically, I did bring this up to Mr Brand regarding the Pontiac support. He of course didn't reply to my message, but his secretary/administrative assistant/or any other word that won't offend his right-hand-person that basically does his job for him did give me a response. The response was a riot to say the least.........."Sir, there is no way Mr Brand can honestly know if he is offending anybody by just driving a car. Afterall, it's only a car and how can that be 'hostile or abusive', Sir you are reading too much into this. Unless his or the NC$$'s cars are actually hurting the "native americans" in a physical, financial, or emotional way how can that be considered to be hurting anybody." To which I said, "that is my point exactly!, Thank You". :D

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who wants to chip in to my fund to send GK to NCAA headquarters in INDIANapolis INDIANa so he can ask the NCAA about their accepting a BIG CHECK from PONTIAC for corporate sponsorships??

The problem with GK is he wants to piss in his own pool but thinks the NCAA is GREAT for promoting a non-discrimination policy! :D WHAT A SUCKER! In the "ideaology" of Russell Means - "you're trying to kill the field boss while the MASTER laughs all the way to the bank!"

Did you catch FSU's Bowl game the other day? 50,000 people screaming the TOMAHAWK CHOP in the stands - YET! FSU is "A-ok" by NCAA standards :D What they did is 50 TIMES worse than ANYTHING a UND fan does...but in the mind of your politically-correct "saviors" - that's OK? ???

Maybe you need to refocus your energy my friend...either on your studies at the "horrible racist institution" you attend...or on the institution that you think is your savior but is REALLY the "laughing all the way to the bank" while bending you over at the waste as their little money making bitch! (apparently you like it!)


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This reminds of a story Sean Hannity told about his former call screener. He nicknamed her "Flipper" because she was something of an animal rights activist. She bought a live Maine lobster for the express purpose of setting it free into the wild, which she did.

But there were two problems with her plan. The first was that because she feared getting pinched by the lobster's claws, she let it go with the protective rubber bands still on. The second was that she didn't know that lobsters were sea creatures and released it into a freshwater lake.

So through her grand symbolic gesture, she not only killed the lobster, but also guaranteed it a death more slow and more painful than being boiled in a pot of water. She defended her action by saying, "But my intentions were good!"

I don't question the intentions of the NCAA. I know that Myles Brand and company think they're making a noble gesture that's loaded with symbolism, a gesture that will somehow make up for the past injustices American Indians have endured.

But as with Flipper's plan for the lobster, the NCAA's plan is fatally flawed and will have the same effect. All it does is create a brief "feel good" moment that enables it proponents to pat each other on the back for having done something about racism. The significance will quickly fade and the people who were racists before will still racists after.

Some literal-minded person out there will probably accuse me of comparing American Indians to lobsters, but I'm willing to take that risk to illustrate a point. :D

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Talk about insensitivity to American Indians! Just look at how NCAA President Myles Brand opened his "2006 NCAA State of the Association Address." How can the NCAA be so totally blind to Teddy's racist comments about Native Americans?

We all have heard the story.

The 1905 football season resulted in 18 deaths and 149 serious injuries, at a time when there were far fewer college teams playing. The public was outraged, and rightly so.

President Theodore Roosevelt summoned the leadership of Harvard, Princeton, Yale and other football powerhouses to the White House to press the point that the sport had become too violent. Roosevelt was a man who advocated for the vigorous life and who was favorably inclined toward sports; but college football had simply become unsafe.

Fix it, or end it, he said.

After some wrangling by the sports community, Henry MacCraken, chancellor of New York University, called together the entire leadership of the football playing schools, which numbered over 60. From this conference, and with the strong leadership of Captain Palmer Pierce of the U.S. Military Academy, a new organization was born, the Intercollegiate Athletics Association of the United States. Its purpose was to oversee college sports. Some years later the name was changed to the

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If anyone's interested, here's a link to Myles Brand's "2006 NCAA State of the Association Address." Note that his message about the NCAA being a catalyst for social change comes through loud and clear.

Given the relationship between sports and culture, it behooves us to get it right. The NCAA
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I skimmed Brand's entire address and I notice that one topic is conspicuous by its absence, despite all the puffery about the NCAA being the "conscience of college sports." I wonder why Myles suddenly grew silent on what has been his favorite subject of late?

PCM, I noticed the exact same thing when I read through his comments last night... makes you wonder what reasons were involved for its absense. Legality reasons perhaps?

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PCM, I noticed the exact same thing when I read through his comments last night... makes you wonder what reasons were involved for its absense. Legality reasons perhaps?

I'm no legal expert and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. However, I'm thinking that when one of your members brings up the potential of an anti-trust lawsuit based on breach of contract and rampant disregard for the NCAA's bylaws, constitution and power structure, you don't stand in front of the organization's entire membership and say: "Hell yes that's what we're doing! Which one of you sorry sods wants to be next?" :D

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His comments about the need to be "pragmatic" may be telling.

pragmatic, relating to matters of fact or practical affairs often to the exclusion of intellectual or artistic matters : practical as opposed to idealistic <pragmatic men of power have had no time or inclination to deal with... social morality -- K. B. Clark>


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PCM, I think you should submit this piece as an open letter to Myles to all the newspaper editorial pages in the cities that house 'hostile and abusive' teams on the NC$$ list of shame.

I'll be more than happy to get those email address for you.

Great letter! :D

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