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Kessel's comments

Fighting Sioux #1

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During the first week of practice, Kessel has been a media magnet - something he's not exactly thrilled with.

"I'm not a guy who likes the attention," he said. "I don't like all the hype. I like to play hockey."

ARE YOU KIDDING ?!?!? Let me see....how about I call a PRESS CONFERENCE to let everyone know what college I'm selecting?!?!?

Later, the rookie from Verona, Wis., who has been labeled a potential No. 1 draft pick next June, sat on the sideboards, scanned the group who gathered and offered a smile and a shrug.

"But," he said, "I don't mind this."

WHAT ?!?!?!?!?!

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Get past it. Your making this sight like POI in '02-'03.

Not that you'll believe it, (I'm not sure I do) but many have said the Press Conference for Kessel was orchestrated by USA Hockey. Who knows for sure, but continual ragging on a seventeen year old seems somewhat odd to me.

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I read somewhere USA Hockey orchestrated the press conference, not Phil.


I thought it was his mom :silly: At any rate, I don't think the ragging on Kessel, like the ragging on Parise for two years, will disappear anytime soon.

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I, for one, am tired of all of the Kessel talk on this board. It makes us look like the Jan Brady school. If we must talk about him, let's stick to his on-ice performance rather than some silly comments made to a newspaper. It makes us Sioux fans look petty.

I'm not trying to squelch speech or pretend to be the moderator (but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night), I'm just spending my 2 cents on the topic. :silly:

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I thought it was his mom :silly: At any rate, I don't think the ragging on Kessel, like the ragging on Parise for two years, will disappear anytime soon.


Who cares about Kessel.............I hope not to see any Kessel threads beyond this point. Here's to hoping he is the most over rated player ever to wear the so called "treasured M" goofer jersey.

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Who cares?  Leave the kid alone.  He's a good player and will get media attention.  I doubt Parise particularly enjoyed being swamped with it when he was here, but  no one ripped him and why should they have?


Not that I agree with the college kids being ripped on...but wasn't parise ripped on my UofM fans pretty much his whole UND career?

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Not that I agree with the college kids being ripped on...but wasn't parise ripped on my UofM fans pretty much his whole UND career?


His "decision" was ripped and called "foolish" and "spur of the moment", but his actual play was held in the utmost respect. It would have been foolish not to.

Vanek on the other hand...

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His "decision" was ripped and called "foolish" and "spur of the moment", but his actual play was held in the utmost respect. It would have been foolish not to.

Vanek on the other hand...


Vanek WAS the most over rated player ever to wear the so called "treasured M" goofer jersey...

Sorry Sagard... Couldn't resist :D:silly:

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His "decision" was ripped and called "foolish" and "spur of the moment", but his actual play was held in the utmost respect. It would have been foolish not to.

Vanek on the other hand...


There was a contingent (on POI and USCHO) that did little else than rip on Parise (the Ha**y group comes to mind), not that it affected him. Nor will fans here ripping on Kessel affect him.

I've seen Kessel once, vs Russia on Christmas Day in the WJC. I've never posted my opinion of his play in that one game, when he was not yet committed to anyone, and the Sioux were listed as in the mix (even though few of us believed that to be true). I did pay particular attention to him in that game because of all the message board hype (and the constant bickering among Gopher, Badger, and Wolverine fans) that went on at the time. At any rate, too late to post it now, since he is a Gopher and anything negative might be construed as ripping on him :silly:

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Let's see:

Have a press conference and get all of the questions out of the way, or:

Do 100 individual interviews with reporters and answer the same 10 questions over and over again.

I'm sure Phil was calling espn, tsn, and god knows who else and begging them to write articles about him everyday.


No that was his daddy, just like his daddy is calling Coach Chia-Pet right now to assemble lines for the season. :silly:

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Who cares about Kessel.............I hope not to see any Kessel threads beyond this point.  Here's to hoping he is the most over rated player ever to wear the so called "treasured M" goofer jersey.


I believe this would allow him to take the beloved "Spehar Award" from Barry Tallickson (sp?).

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Who cares?  Leave the kid alone.  He's a good player and will get media attention.  I doubt Parise particularly enjoyed being swamped with it when he was here, but  no one ripped him and why should they have?


You and MK Sioux are correct. The kid is a hell of a prospect. I bet he will be a hell of a player. We didn't get him, wish we would have. I think we had a hell of recruiting year and it should be fun watching this team develop. Lets let our play do the talking.

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I, for one, am tired of all of the Kessel talk on this board.  It makes us look like the Jan Brady school.  If we must talk about him, let's stick to his on-ice performance rather than some silly comments made to a newspaper.  It makes us Sioux fans look petty.

I'm not trying to squelch speech or pretend to be the moderator (but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night), I'm just spending my 2 cents on the topic.  :silly:


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I saw a "Duncan" ripping around the ice, "Notermann-ing" a point blank shot, and then scoring on an off-speed job later.

I saw a "Kozek" fire a nasty twisted-wrister from 50 feet past a pretty solid goalie.

I saw a "Toews" draw "Notermann" twice from point blank by being in the right spot at the right time. (No worries Jonathan. You'll bury them when they count.)

Who is this 'Kessel'? :silly:

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I saw a "Duncan" ripping around the ice, "Notermann-ing" a point blank shot, and then scoring on an off-speed job later.

I saw a "Kozek" fire a nasty twisted-wrister from 50 feet past a pretty solid goalie.

I saw a "Toews" draw "Notermann" twice from point blank by being in the right spot at the right time. (No worries Jonathan. You'll bury them when they count.)

Who is this 'Kessel'? :D


And that is really all that matters around here :silly:

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I saw a "Duncan" ripping around the ice, "Notermann-ing" a point blank shot, and then scoring on an off-speed job later.

I saw a "Kozek" fire a nasty twisted-wrister from 50 feet past a pretty solid goalie.

I saw a "Toews" draw "Notermann" twice from point blank by being in the right spot at the right time. (No worries Jonathan. You'll bury them when they count.)

Who is this 'Kessel'? :silly:


He' the one who is bigger than the entire State of Hockey. :D

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State of Hockey, you are funny


Let's see:

Have a press conference and get all of the questions out of the way, or:

Do 100 individual interviews with reporters and answer the same 10 questions over and over again.

I'm sure Phil was calling espn, tsn, and god knows who else and begging them to write articles about him everyday.


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...I've seen Kessel once,  vs Russia on Christmas Day in the WJC. I've never posted my opinion of his play in that one game, when he was not yet committed to anyone, and the Sioux were listed as in the mix (even though few of us believed that to be true). I did pay particular attention to him in that game because of all the message board hype (and the constant bickering among Gopher, Badger, and Wolverine fans) that went on at the time. At any rate, too late to post it now, since he is a Gopher and anything negative might be construed as ripping on him :silly:


By seeing him play you've got more "cred" in evaluating Kessel then 95% of Sioux or Gophers fans who haven't had the chance yet.

By all means rip away if it deserved, those of us with thick enough skin will be able to deal. :D

I've only seen him in the Gophers exhibition and on TV, but I am very confident he is exactly what the Gophers needed for this season. There scoring was very thin once RP cooled off last season and they need some instant punch hopefully similar to adding Vanek in the fall of '03.

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You and MK Sioux are correct. The kid is a hell of a prospect. I bet he will be a hell of a player. We didn't get him, wish we would have. I think we had a hell of recruiting year and it should be fun watching this team develop. Lets let our play do the talking.


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