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Focus on the real Native American problems


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ANSWER THE QUESTIONS KRACK.  BRAG A LITTLE.  I promise not to bellittle your family's accomplishments the way you have mine.  Come one, big guy, what besides your whining about the oppression you have suffered from the white man has your family done to make their world, the world of their off spring and future offspring a better place?

Go ahead take more swings at me but answer the da$% questions.  Oh wait, you can't, there's nothing.  Sorry, I'll quit asking.  Go on with your 'white man ruined my past, present and future'. Obviously, that all you've got. Sorry.

Yup, I'm Mexican-American, I'm Fighting Sioux, I'm Catholic, I'm a bleeding heart liberal, I'm a friend, I'm a mom, I'm a career woman, I'm an Aunt, I'm a sister, I'm a whole lot of things. I'm not a victim of my circumstance.


Then if you don't like the NCAA's decision, why don't YOU go back to where you came from? You claim Mexico so much, go back and help your people. Mexico isn't the richest place in the world you know. I know, I've been there on numerous occasions helpin your people by buying trinkets and bottle of tequila.

I don't need to answer you questions.....Why? So I can get harrassed more? Remember, there are only a handful of people willing to even come in here and express our feelings, and why give you even more information....so what....you could compare yourself against me?

Ikce wicasa hemaca. You brag all you want about who you are. We were taught not to. but go ahead and try to make yourself feel better. The Catholic faith explains alot....thanks for putting that in....

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Last season was freaking incredible!

Maybe GK doesn't understand the whole athletic thing, maybe, just maybe, GK has never participated in athletics, or never even been a fan of athletics.

Maybe he's never stood at the top of Hyslop and looked down at the floor completely covered in sweat, wondering how he was going to walk down one last time because he just spent 30 minutes running up and down those steps. Maybe he's never felt the pain of lactic acid building up in his muscles from the hard work of training day in and day out. Lifting weights until you just can't stand up off of a bench. Maybe he's never experienced the blood, sweat and tears that it takes to wear an athletic uniform.


I thought we were talking about the logo here? See, that's your problem, you assimilate a bunch of Non-Sioux running around chasing a puck with HONOR, RESPECT....blah blah blah....for my people. Why don't you change the name, then go honor something else. Its sad that y'all can't just be proud of who you are and what your people accomplished rather than hide behind a name/logo of a people that are tired of your "honor"

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(Read the following text with the theme to As the World turns plays quietly in the background)


GrahamKracker: Perpetually stuck in "I don't get it" mode. :blush:

And as someone once said, that's no way to go through life.

Edited by PCM
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I thought we were talking about the logo here? See, that's your problem, you assimilate a bunch of Non-Sioux running around chasing a puck with HONOR, RESPECT....blah blah blah....for my people. Why don't you change the name, then go honor something else. Its sad that y'all can't just be proud of who you are and what your people accomplished rather than hide behind a name/logo of a people that are tired of your "honor"


:blush: and it's sad that you turn the conversation whenever you feel cornered...I too would be interested to hear your answers to Sioux-cia's questions...why would you get harassed...perhaps because the answers to those questions are not the greatest...even to you...but if your culture truly dictates that you don't share such things...that's your right...I also appreciate the Catholic comment...what do you like...that also reminds me of a question I have for you...unless you are Christian...which I don't think is a Native religion, I thougt missionaries brought that to the new country..and of course you will point out my ignorance...why do you care if Jesus would wear a Sioux jersey? I'm thinkin he would...but you know us Catholics....I better run and go to confession and then do a Rosary. Another thing...maybe the act of chasing the puck is not what this is all about...maybe it's the hard work, dedication, honor, sacrafice, sportsmanship, etc it requires to be an athlete at this level and to be associated with the Fighting Sioux. Maybe it's the success of these programs bringing attention to our state and your people...maybe it would be an opportunity to use this for good....not evil perpetrated by the white guys!

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To paraphrase a great American linguist: (Native) "...Americans don't realize how good they have it. They get bored and feel the need to protest..."

GrahamKracker even must admit that as soon as this is "over", and that is whichever way it ends up, that the Lucy Ganje's, the Russell Means', and the Vernon Bellecourt's of the world will simply grab their little placards and sharpies and move on to the next protest.

They have no meaningful purpose in life that would do anything for the betterment of ANY of the causes that they "adopt". No original thoughts/ideas. No solutions. No significant contribution to the society that they portray to be "rescuing".

I doubt that GrahamKracker will move on, simply because of the attitude that has been put forth in this discussion. I'm not sure there is a "cause" that would want you on their side. The manner in which you have shown zero respect to "Sioux-cia" on here lets others see the great (lack-of) "character" that you portray. And all of this under the guise of internet anonymity.

How proud you, and your spouse (KnowtheFacts), must be.

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To paraphrase a great American linguist: (Native) "...Americans don't realize how good they have it. They get bored and feel the need to protest..."

GrahamKracker even must admit that as soon as this is "over", and that is whichever way it ends up, that the Lucy Ganje's, the Russell Means', and the Vernon Bellecourt's of the world will simply grab their little placards and sharpies and move on to the next protest.

They have no meaningful purpose in life that would do anything for the betterment of ANY of the causes that they "adopt". No original thoughts/ideas. No solutions. No significant contribution to the society that they portray to be "rescuing".

I doubt that GrahamKracker will move on, simply because of the attitude that has been put forth in this discussion. I'm not sure there is a "cause" that would want you on their side. The manner in which you have shown zero respect to "Sioux-cia" on here lets others see the great (lack-of) "character" that you portray. And all of this under the guise of internet anonymity.

How proud you, and your spouse (KnowtheFacts), must be.


Very well stated. My thoughts exactly!

These "people" can go bitch about some other thing that makes them feel bad about life. Pi$$ and moan all life long.....give me a break!

P.S. Awesome Avatar!!!

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The Catholic faith explains alot....thanks for putting that in....

Please explain that to me. I keep hearing about all this Sioux culture that is so spiritual and I can't understand it. I'd like to know what about my Catholic faith you don't understand when you make that comment......

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Getting back on topic, here's some educational resources I've found:

Here's something from Native Health on Graduation rates in Sioux Falls, SD. Article Perhaps these students would do better if they changed the name of the town.

Here's some information from 2000 about the Native American Graduation rates per state.

56% that year. Wow.

I wonder what it was in 2004?

In all defense, the number HAS been growing...

I couldn't find anything about the absentee rate among Native Americans in schools. I don't know if that is a statistic that the schools keep track of.

Edited by redwing77
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Yeah, I lived on a reservation for most of my life. And I can tell you that "honoring" us with green wigs, Sioux Dogs, Siouxveniers, and SiouxSearch, is inappropriate.

No one is honoring anyone by wearing green wigs. It is simply called school spirit. Every sport on every level has fans that wear wigs with the team colors, paint their faces, bodies, etc. Just showing they are a fan. Would you prefer fans wearing a headdress? I don't think anyone here hates Indians. Some people are liked and some are disliked, regardless of sex or race. I just don't understand why people pull out the race or sex card whenever a group doesn't like something. Look around the state and check out what the mascot is for other teams. Someone can be offended by almost any mascot. Here in ND for example, Minot State....the Beavers! Nuff said.

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KnowtheFacts,Oct 2 2005, 11:33 AM

Was that insulting?  Im sorry, that's they way people talk on this board isnt it?  I was just trying to honor the Mexican Culture.  Go Taco Bell!  Run for the border!! hurry before the patrol catches you!

BTW the mexican people despite the horrible (and I mean horrible) things that happened to them both in the current western US and in Mexico, still have their own country. 

Sioux-CIA  why dont you quit worrying about being pro-logo and go back home to mexico and focus on diabetes, drug trafficking, Orphans having to fend for themselves, and public health?

You are one funny, bitter woman. Go back to Mexico? I'm a fourth generation American of Mexican descent. You'd be more accurate in telling me to go back to Texas ; that's where the first three generations were born. As for diabetes, drug use, public health, etc., I've already been working in that field for almost thrity years, sweetie. The people I help in my field come in all colors and nationalities-even Native Americans. And what have you done with your life besides putting your lifes energy in blaming a label for the evil in yours and others lives? Taco Bell, hey, why not, I drive through and pick up a meal a time or two. Who am I hurting?

Don't hate, baby. Finish your education and hope that you can do half the things with it that I have for ALL people that need it not just Native Americans.

Vaya Con Dios.


I apologize, in my haste to answer you, I think I may told an untruth. I might only be a third generation Mexican American. The first generation to live in the US actually was living in Mexico than the evil white man came, took over that part of Mexico and it became part of Texas. So really, I may not be a fourth generation American, only a third plus generation American.

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Was that insulting?  Im sorry, that's they way people talk on this board isnt it?  I was just trying to honor the Mexican Culture.  Go Taco Bell!  Run for the border!! hurry before the patrol catches you!

BTW the mexican people despite the horrible (and I mean horrible) things that happened to them both in the current western US and in Mexico, still have their own country. 

Sioux-CIA  why dont you quit worrying about being pro-logo and go back home to mexico and focus on diabetes, drug trafficking, Orphans having to fend for themselves, and public health?


I thought the Sioux were a sovereign nation? At least that

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KnowtheFacts,Oct 2 2005, 12:36 PM

Why so defensive all the time?  It doesnt matter what you do or where you or your family is from.  It doesnt matter what I do.  These comments are heard despite those things.

Go back to the Reservation, If you dont like it, leave, Why dont you worry about bigger problems facing Native americans..... Interesting how you react when it is focused on you.

And if anything miss Fighting Martinez.  I want nothing to be like you.  because you are self-absorbed, prideful, and ignorant, and apparently care nothing for the poor people you serve in health care.    Im not bitter, "sweetie", I was just trying to show you what it feels like to hear those kinds of comments.  apparently it worked.

No, sweetie, your resorting to name calling, attempting to degrade who I am and where I come from isn't anything new in my life. I've heard it all my life and not in the polite terms you use. You missed the point again. In spite of all of that, I have made fantastic achievements in my life. My point, dear, is that anyone can do what I have done. IF they want to, if they drop the cloak of self pity and the 'white man' won't let me' mentality.

"Self absorded" is that what you call knowledge and pride in your heritage, ok. I am damed self absorded. "Prideful", you betcha!!! "Ignorant", I don't know why you said that unless it's because I don't agree with you? "Ignorant" because as a minority I don't lie down, face the wall with my head covered and accept only what life offers me? OK, I'm ignorant.

When did I ever ask you to be a Fighting Martinez? I was asked if I had a problem with an ethnic name, I don't. This prideful woman, me, did say I would love a team called the Fighting Martinez'. Don't remember that statement directed at you. You, sweet thing, could never be in the Martinez clan. We don't feed on self pity, hate, lies, distortions, unwillingness to change, we do not believe we are the only one's in the universe to have suffered injustices nor do we accept that there's nothing we can do to make our lives better than they are. We don't believe that a label, Greaser, or how you use it, "lazy wet-backs go back to where you came from" is who we are.

Let me indulge in a little more pridefulness, the Martinez clan is made up of teachers, ministers (oops, someone left the Catholic faith), nurses, lawyers, a couple of doctors, day care workers, social workers, nursing home administrators,

homemakers, construction workers, engineers, on and on. Damn, I'm PRIDEFUL. :):lol:

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I don't hate white people. I even have white friends. And I even root for the Vikings once and awhile, but that's only when I'm trying to learn about the Scandanavian culture.


You think you will learning about the Scandanvian culture by watching a football game?

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You think you will learning about the Scandanvian culture by watching a football game?


Why not? Sioux Hockey has educated so many people about the Native of this country. While my sons and I sit around and watch Viking football, we read the newspaper, check out Hagar the Horrible, and I educate them on the Sons of Norway, and the Vikings......

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You seem to be the only one that claims people think going to hockey games educates them on Sioux culture. I myself would go to hockey games to educate myself on hockey not Sioux culture and I would go to class to educate myself on Sioux culture not hockey.

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You seem to be the only one that claims people think going to hockey games educates them on Sioux culture. I myself would go to hockey games to educate myself on hockey not Sioux culture and I would go to class to educate myself on Sioux culture not hockey.


GK is big on literal interpretations. It's his thing.

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