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Possible replacement names


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This issue was pretty much put to rest at least 3 years ago:

NCAA Meeting - MOIC

Asking a school to 'self-assess' it's climate with respect to how it's mascot/nickname may be offensive to Native Americans?? What was the point of that if the NC$$ had already made up its mind?

Why would they want information from faculty and students? Would you either spend thousands of dollars to attend, or earn a living working for, an institution that was (in your opinion) causing offense to a given ethnic group if it was so against your own morals or standards? I'm guessing then that the complaints came from the community, Native Americans, and/or conference membership?

I guess it is rational that the NCAA executive committee give this charge to a sub-committee that is itself (by NCAA rules) made up of a group of men and women -at least half of which must be minorities and include X number of women. I'm guessing none of them were Irish?

The NCAA reiterates this policy of 'cultural diversity', but aren't there around 40 million more Irish Americans in this country than Native Americans? Wouldn't one think that there would be more Irish people complaining about the negative stereotype associated with the 'Fighting Irish"? What are the Irish 'fighting' about?? Maybe there's something other than the stereotype behind that, but perhaps I'm just not educated enough. Either way, maybe the Irish want to be thought of as more pacified here in America..

I admit that at first I was unconditionally opposed to the ban on American Indian mascots/nicknames as a die-hard Sioux fan, but I can see the other side. I wouldn't be opposed to some team somewhere called the 'Fighting Whites', but then again, as a member of middle-class white-bread suburbia, I've not been subject to the stereotypes and/or discrimination that's a large part of the history (and in some cases, still ongoing) of other ethnic groups..

The point is, it should be all or nothing.. Just because one school says their mascot is presented in a respectful manner or has a high percentage of Native American attendees, it makes no sense that they should be exempt from the ban.

I suppose it won't matter as eventually we'll just go on with our lives and a Sioux by any other name, would still spell defeat!

GO UND (Insert PC school mascot here) !

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This thread has been dead for a while, but starting a new one would be wasteful.


In all seriousness, how about Generals? Cavalry? Something else along the same lines as Rough Riders as someone already suggested? Any frontier imagery.

Arctic Blast? Snow Storm? Borealis?

Could piss off the PC folks by using any "Red" reference and claiming it is derived from the Red River.

Fighting Asian Guys? I'd be honored if you used this. :D

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how bout this....The University of North Dakota........wait for it.......wait for it....


nuff said

Yes. The fight is a long way from over, and I'm confident that UND will prevail.

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I wouldn't be surprise if there hasn't been any opting to remain optimistic about the appeals taking a page out of Churchill's book from the Battle of Britain, but has there been any serious talk among officials as to what new nicknames could possibly be used?

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I wouldn't be surprise if there hasn't been any opting to remain optimistic about the appeals taking a page out of Churchill's book from the Battle of Britain, but has there been any serious talk among officials as to what new nicknames could possibly be used?

None of which I'm aware.

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Drop the name and go with no name at all. It fixes several problems.

1. We are telling the NCAA to stick it while getting out of our problem

2. We are telling the offended Sioux, "Here, take your name back, we'll see you in the history books"

3. Lets the new name evolve or allows us to keep the name. The fans will stick with "Sioux" at first and maybe forever, but maybe not. We'll figure something out. We may never take an official name or it might be several years before one grows on us.

4. Taking a new name immediately is just nasty-cheesy, and if we change, it must have some relevence to North Dakotans; and Gold, Sundogs, or names fashioned after natural disasters or verbs doesn't do that. We'll hate an embarassing name like that. North Stars, Roughriders, Berserkers, Norsemen, Norse etc at least have some sense of identity but please don't let some suites in a back room pick it out of desperation.

5. It allows our new motto as suggested here: "We Are North Dakota And We Are Here To Kick Your A$$"

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We are now and will be forever (my life time anyway) the University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux. There's no need to have any discussion regarding replacement names unless we're talking about the Goofers Gophers.

Geeze, :lol: .

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The University of North Dakota Country? :lol:

Or, based on this song, should the nickname be changed to the UND Crazy Outcasts? ;)

I agree with Sioux-cia, however. All this talk of adopting a new name is premature.

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None of which I'm aware.

I would suggest that they not worry about that until they have exhausted all legal avenues.

I even would suggest a fax to the NCAA telling them no way. Deciding on a new name would only suggest UND admits defeat.

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I suspect that this has been discussed. While I agree that legal challenges are the immediate focus, you must always have a contingency plan. I like the idea of just dropping the name if necessary. I am also curious what the NCAA'a take on the Fighting Dakota would be. The claim would be that the name comes from the residents of a geographic region. Further, the logo could be the same as it was drawn by someone in Dakota. I really prefer the Sioux, but this would stick it in the eye of the NCAA.

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I agree with replacing the nickname with nothing IF it is "pulled." The fans of North Dakota are very passionate of their tradition. I believe, without a doubt, that the fans will do the "announcing" of the words "FIGHTING SIOUX" for the PA guy after he introduces the University of North Dakota (which has already been suggested on another thread, just thought I'd second that). This way, we're still the "Fighting Sioux," it just may not say that on the uniforms.

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I agree with replacing the nickname with nothing IF it is "pulled." The fans of North Dakota are very passionate of their tradition. I believe, without a doubt, that the fans will do the "announcing" of the words "FIGHTING SIOUX" for the PA guy after he introduces the University of North Dakota (which has already been suggested on another thread, just thought I'd second that). This way, we're still the "Fighting Sioux," it just may not say that on the uniforms.

Sounds like the perfect reaction from a passionate fan base to give the finger to the PC folks if you guys find yourselves in that situation. We are in a similar, yet somewhat different, situation down here in the Cities. The PC folks, for some obscure reason without any public explanation, has banned our pep band from playing R&R II (that song you guys shout "Hey! Go Sioux!" to). It was so embedded into our fan cheers here that our fans sing it without our band, though it is less organized.

And this is just for a song. I can imagine a lot more happening for a team name.

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... has banned our pep band from playing R&R II (that song you guys shout "Hey! Go Sioux!" to). ... And this is just for a song.

Please don't tell me they banned a song because the guy that made it famous was convicted as a child molester (in Vietnam).

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