nativeamericanson Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 Although I am not Sioux, I am of Native American descent (Cherokee), and I am proud of the Fighting Sioux name. I know that the school and its athletic teams are proud of the name and represent it well. Most Native Americans I know take pride in seeing their heritage displayed so prominently as it is with the Seminoles, the Fighting Illini, and the Fighting Sioux. I believe the NCAA should drop this whole mascot issue. These nicknames and mascots can do more good raising awareness of Native American history than they will ever do harm. I enjoyed the following article (although it is a couple of months old) and I hope all Sioux fans do as well. NCAA Name Game Quote
Uncle_Rico Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 nativeamericanson said: Although I am not Sioux, I am of Native American descent (Cherokee), and I am proud of the Fighting Sioux name. I know that the school and its athletic teams are proud of the name and represent it well. Most Native Americans I know take pride in seeing their heritage displayed so prominently as it is with the Seminoles, the Fighting Illini, and the Fighting Sioux. I believe the NCAA should drop this whole mascot issue. These nicknames and mascots can do more good raising awareness of Native American history than they will ever do harm. I enjoyed the following article (although it is a couple of months old) and I hope all Sioux fans do as well. NCAA Name Game <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Great link, thanks for sharing Quote
PCM Posted August 6, 2005 Posted August 6, 2005 Thanks, nativeamericanson, for supporting the Fighting Sioux and for posting that link. Here's another good column on the subject by Dave Fairbank of the Daily Press in Hampton Roads, VA, titled " Noble cause for NCAA? You've got to be kidding." Quote
Goon Posted August 7, 2005 Posted August 7, 2005 PCM said: Thanks, nativeamericanson, for supporting the Fighting Sioux and for posting that link. Here's another good column on the subject by Dave Fairbank of the Daily Press in Hampton Roads, VA, titled " Noble cause for NCAA? You've got to be kidding." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thats a really good article with some great points. I wounder if the NCAA has gotten many calls on this subject. I don't think they are going to win the battle of public opinion. Quote
GrahamKracker Posted August 8, 2005 Posted August 8, 2005 ! nativeamericanson said: Although I am not Sioux, I am of Native American descent (Cherokee), and I am proud of the Fighting Sioux name. I know that the school and its athletic teams are proud of the name and represent it well. Most Native Americans I know take pride in seeing their heritage displayed so prominently as it is with the Seminoles, the Fighting Illini, and the Fighting Sioux. I believe the NCAA should drop this whole mascot issue. These nicknames and mascots can do more good raising awareness of Native American history than they will ever do harm. I enjoyed the following article (although it is a couple of months old) and I hope all Sioux fans do as well. NCAA Name Game <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That sums it up, EXACTLY!!! You are NOT SIOUX, and not only that, but you don't even practice your INDIAN WAYS.........I AM a member of the L/D/N Nation and I do practice my Lakota ways, and I am DAMN proud of what the NCAA did, but honestly I didn't think it was enough, but its a good start!!! Lila waste'!! Hetche to yelo!!!!! Quote
Diggler Posted August 8, 2005 Posted August 8, 2005 GrahamKracker said: and not only that, but you don't even practice your INDIAN WAYS <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How do you know? Quote
iramurphy Posted August 8, 2005 Posted August 8, 2005 Diggler said: How do you know? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Graham always forgets the part about honoring his elders and the decision they made years ago to allow the U. of N.Dak. to use the Fighting Sioux name. He ignores the fact the UND asked permission and was granted permission by his elders . This was back in the days when one culture respected the other and his elders were intelligent enough to understand what our culture was doing and they accepted the honor graciously. To many Native leaders today seem to forget that fact. Graham also seems to have very little room for discourse on this issue as shown by his bias and insulting remarks to those Native Americans who support the use of the Fighting Sioux name. Quote
GrahamKracker Posted August 10, 2005 Posted August 10, 2005 Diggler said: How do you know? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Because if he/she did, he/she would understand the hurdles that the Native Americans face every day and he/she would understand why we are going to get the name changed. Quote
GrahamKracker Posted August 10, 2005 Posted August 10, 2005 iramurphy said: Graham always forgets the part about honoring his elders and the decision they made years ago to allow the U. of N.Dak. to use the Fighting Sioux name. He ignores the fact the UND asked permission and was granted permission by his elders . This was back in the days when one culture respected the other and his elders were intelligent enough to understand what our culture was doing and they accepted the honor graciously. To many Native leaders today seem to forget that fact. Graham also seems to have very little room for discourse on this issue as shown by his bias and insulting remarks to those Native Americans who support the use of the Fighting Sioux name. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Those "elders" you talk of, they did not officially give the name to this university. And if you truly believe that a handful of Ikce Oyate, or Common people, can go somewhere and represent the entire Sioux nation without its approval, and that case would actually be legitimate, then you need to become more educated on how governments and societies operate. As for dogging on other NA's, If they want to come talk to me, I'm at NAPS all the time, just come ask for me. Oh wait, he/she didn't claim to be Indian, just that he/she had some Cherokee blood, there's a big difference. I am enrolled, and I am against the name. hetche to yelo. Quote
Diggler Posted August 10, 2005 Posted August 10, 2005 GrahamKracker said: Because if he/she did, he/she would understand the hurdles that the Native Americans face every day and he/she would understand why we are going to get the name changed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So any Native American, Lakota or otherwise, who disagrees with you, does not practice Indian Ways? Wow, that is quite an accepting attitude you have. You seem to have an elitist attitude where what you think is law. You say you want to discuss thingss, but it certainly seems like you don't nor do you want to hear other viewpoints. You just want others to acept your views as fact and when they don't they are racist or not true Indians. You act no better then the people who call Native Americans freeloading whiners, despite your claims otherwise. Quote
GrahamKracker Posted August 10, 2005 Posted August 10, 2005 Diggler said: So any Native American, Lakota or otherwise, who disagrees with you, does not practice Indian Ways? Wow, that is quite an accepting attitude you have. You seem to have an elitist attitude where what you think is law. You say you want to discuss thingss, but it certainly seems like you don't nor do you want to hear other viewpoints. You just want others to acept your views as fact and when they don't they are racist or not true Indians. You act no better then the people who call Native Americans freeloading whiners, despite your claims otherwise. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL.....we have been talking.....and talking.....and talking.....and talking, and you know what? Everything I tell people just goes in one ear and out the other. We are discussing the same issues that we went over before. It gets tiring. The bottom line is my opinion about the name is the name of all but 1 Sioux tribe, and that is that UND needs to find a new name. I have heard many viewpoints, and I have not heard one that is solid yet. But I'm waiting, and listening, for any "good" reasons to keep the name. Quote
PCM Posted August 10, 2005 Posted August 10, 2005 GrahamKracker said: I have heard many viewpoints, and I have not heard one that is solid yet. But I'm waiting, and listening, for any "good" reasons to keep the name. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Where do you stand on the issue of burning the American flag in protest? Should there be a constitutional amendment to make it illegal? Yes or no. Quote
Diggler Posted August 10, 2005 Posted August 10, 2005 What rights are being infringed upon by the use of the name? Quote
fightonsioux Posted August 10, 2005 Posted August 10, 2005 Calm down cracker. We don't want you to have an on-line heart attack. So now not only can you tell white people how they should think and feel and what they should honor, but now you can also tell Native Americans what they can honor. Has it ever crossed your mind that there are many, many Native Americans that don't have the same view as yours and don't honor the same things that you do? Just a side note: After Feb. 1 do we have to cover everything on campus that has to do with Native Americans, like the Native American Center. Quote
ESPNInsider Posted August 10, 2005 Posted August 10, 2005 fightonsioux said: Just a side note: After Feb. 1 do we have to cover everything on campus that has to do with Native Americans, like the Native American Center. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I would think anything that is directly involved with the Sioux "nickname" and athletics only. The NCAA has NO bearing over the school itself, only the athletic teams. Quote
PCM Posted August 10, 2005 Posted August 10, 2005 GrahamKracker said: I spent 9 years defending this country. But as an American, we have rights that should not be taken away. I agree. It's our right to freedom of expression, which means that I can't stop someone from burning the US flag no matter how much it offends me. Quote If a person wants to burn a flag, that is their right.I agree completely. As much as the practice of flag burning offends me, I respect every American's right to engage in it. I'm also against a constitutional amendment to outlaw it. Quote But these rights should not infringe on the rights of others in this country, such as the SIOUX people. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you saying that the Sioux people have a right to not be offended? Quote
GrahamKracker Posted August 10, 2005 Posted August 10, 2005 fightonsioux said: Calm down cracker. We don't want you to have an on-line heart attack. So now not only can you tell white people how they should think and feel and what they should honor, but now you can also tell Native Americans what they can honor. Has it ever crossed your mind that there are many, many Native Americans that don't have the same view as yours and don't honor the same things that you do? Just a side note: After Feb. 1 do we have to cover everything on campus that has to do with Native Americans, like the Native American Center. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You are so ignorant, maybe after Feb 1st Indians won't be allowed on campus, is that what you'd like next? If there are other Indians who don't have the same views as me, that's fine, but where are they? Quote
Diggler Posted August 10, 2005 Posted August 10, 2005 GrahamKracker said: You are so ignorant, maybe after Feb 1st Indians won't be allowed on campus, is that what you'd like next? If there are other Indians who don't have the same views as me, that's fine, but where are they? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nice job of not answering the questions and instead calling names. You don't discuss, you dismiss anyone who disagrees with you. Whether they be Lakota, Dakota, Nakota, Irish, German, Hispanic, etc. if they disagree with you they are ignorant, racist, don't practice Indian Ways or some other reason which you use to dismiss them. There are Native Americans all over the country that are for nicknames, just like there are Native Americans all over the country that are against nicknames. If all people have the right not to be offended, not many things would be allowed. The First Amendment would certainly have to be repealed because offensive things are said all the time. If the First Amendment is repealed, it would certainly hurt your ability to protest the nickname. No one has the right not to be offended. Even if people did, it is a impossible standard to achieve. Quote
Diggler Posted August 10, 2005 Posted August 10, 2005 So what about some sort of compromise? Some sort of discussion between UND and all the Sioux tribes or at least both the ones in North Dakota? Include the Sioux tribes in on the use of the name, keep the name but drop the Fighting part, drop the name in an official capacity but still use use it for merchendise and a large portion of the money goes to teh tribes, etc. Something like that so both sides are happy. You can rarely get exactly what you want. Life is about compromise. Quote
The Sicatoka Posted August 10, 2005 Posted August 10, 2005 Diggler said: No one has the right not to be offended. Even if people did, it is a impossible standard to achieve. Quote
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