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6 minutes ago, ND-fan said:

I was just looking at the Herald lead sport story is Hockey team winning at home last night to get fourth place in the conference. Both basketball programs reach semifinals in the premiere midmajor basketball tournament with story way down list. This is big story for our basketball programs but even our hometown doesn’t treat it like it was. Treyson scoring 51 points was big it was national story but Herald or even forum just didn’t give it much recognition.  I would like to see how they justify this coverage yes they have reporter covering the teams but when coverage is buried in digital paper it shows lack of integrity in their reporting. This some of the reason we have hard time developing these sports players that come to play like to be recognized for their performances. It would also help us getting our fans to game tonight support this team. I hate to have anything negative about last nights performance but it’s time for some accountability by Forum communications on their coverage UND sports.

Agree. Thankfully, I didn't need the Herald, as  I was able to watch the highlights on ESPN Sportscenter this morning and read about the game on the ESPN app.  It was one of their main stories today. 

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I also have follow up to the above comment on Herald and Forum Communication I went to Brookings Register site from smaller city than Grand Forks looked at their sports coverage its unbelievable how well they cover sports their to what we get. They cover the universities sports not just one but most and they also cover the high school sports this is what we used to have for coverage people need to express this to Forum communications and also advertisers to make change or find somebody that will compete with them. We need to have government step in breakup company like this when they dominate area news coverage in all aspects media you can’t have monopoly on this.

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27 minutes ago, ND-fan said:

when coverage is buried in digital paper it shows lack of integrity in their reporting

I think the Herald has a fine sports writing staff, but I can tell you as a friend of a former Herald employee, HOCKEY stories are what drive subscriptions, ads, etc.  Now, we could argue about a chicken and egg thing (i.e. does the Herald need better basketball coverage to drive fan interest or does UND need consistently better basketball teams to force the Herald to place their stories more prominently?  I would say if UND had BBall programs more interesting to follow, fan interest AND more accessible Herald coverage would follow.)  


I am probably older than you can remember  when Herald gave coverage to various sports at UnD when programs were having problems coverage was then pointed to why program were not having success. This created following and things changed to improve these teams but what we have now is basically little coverage and no medium to start change there is no pressure from public to make changes. In return no interest in the programs this what media is there for to inform and build consensus on improving things within the community and we have gone backwards to where we are less informed than we were 50 years ago even though we have all this new technology we need people covering  informing us and following up on things locally not just information from all over the nation. Media has failed in this because it’s easier and cheaper to fill space with content on national or regional basis than creating most of your content yourself. Probably has been more profitable in short run but in long run has killed large percentage media off to where local media is now just dying because it’s no different than national source of not interest to large number of the public. Probably why we are seeing growth of podcasters and YouTubers.

1 hour ago, ND-fan said:

I was just looking at the Herald lead sport story is Hockey team winning at home last night to get fourth place in the conference. Both basketball programs reach semifinals in the premiere midmajor basketball tournament with story way down list. This is big story for our basketball programs but even our hometown doesn’t treat it like it was. Treyson scoring 51 points was big it was national story but Herald or even forum just didn’t give it much recognition.  I would like to see how they justify this coverage yes they have reporter covering the teams but when coverage is buried in digital paper it shows lack of integrity in their reporting. This some of the reason we have hard time developing these sports players that come to play like to be recognized for their performances. It would also help us getting our fans to game tonight support this team. I hate to have anything negative about last nights performance but it’s time for some accountability by Forum communications on their coverage UND sports.

It’s the first thing that shows up on the online version.  Are you talking the actual hard copy?  Hardly anybody gets the hard copy anymore, and the front page doesn’t hold the allure it used to.

8 minutes ago, fightingsioux4life said:

Both basketball programs have been bad for so long that it will take more than one big win to drive increased interest and coverage.

True, hopefully they can follow up a big win with another good performance, something they haven’t been able to do for a while.

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