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Hirsch's odd display


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I remember that a bunch of the Goofy fans were giving us a hard time over how the Matt Greene incident was handled and we all pointed out that unlike their team the Sioux didn't try to hide or cover things up.  Of course they all denied that this was the case to which I say the Proof is in the Pudding.  We will likely never know the whole story behind the Hirsch incident so instead there will always be the speculation.  So rodent fans, if the rumours and signs you see are considered unwelcome or seem cruel, too bad because it is your own program's fault.


For what it is worth. According to a kid playing Juniors this year (who was a teamate of some of the Gophers who played with him last year at Lincoln), this is indeed a health issue and it would be inappropriate for the Rodents to comment much more than they have. I think the interviews with his teamates make it clear they want him to get well. I think I would error on the side of compassion for this kid. My source is pretty reliable and he gets his info from Gopher players.

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Ah my personal favorite. The reliable source who gets it right from the rodent's mouth. ;)


Of course, why would anyone want to take the high road. If you are smart enough to read a newspaper, you should be smart enough to see the kid has some health problems. The kid I got the info from is not a UND kid and they would have no reason to mislead him. On the other hand, you might have another shot of Captains and Coke or a Killians and keep insulting the poor guy. I hope he plays so they can't use that as an excuse. I wouldn't expect the Gophers to make crude remarks about Robbie Bina. Why would anyone feel better making dumb-ass remarks about this kid. I always thought that was what made UND fans better. Class. Show some. See you in Columbus. Go Sioux.

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On the other hand,  you might have another shot of Captains and Coke or a Killians and keep insulting the poor guy. 


I am not a big Killians fan but when the Sioux clinch number 8 I may have to do a little sailing with the Captain. ;)

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I always think that people who say they "have a reliable source close to the team" don't really have one.

I have a friend who gives me inside info on a team that she works for, and I follow pretty close. All of that info is off-limits in public forums. Out of respect for her, and the possiblity that once something she tells me ends up as public knowledge, that I will no longer be told what's really going on.

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The whole Tyler Hirsch thing is getting old. For whatever reason he snapped. The reason we don't know more is the privacy act that is in play now. A couple of years ago, Universities were told not to talk about the medical condition of players unless the player spoke about it first. When the police are involved, it becomes public record ( Greene, Techs Scott, BaDger players, etc). Here's hoping he gets well, and a great Sioux victory on Thursday.

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"Ah my personal favorite. The reliable source who gets it right from the rodent's mouth."

How ironic coming from this poster who claims to have inside information from "Colorado Brass" about Lucia.


Ah but I didn't claim to get my info from a source who knows Gopher players. Devoted and knowledgeable hockey fans are far and few between this far west hence I really have befriended members of the Tiger's staff. It also doesn't hurt when the World Arena Manager's brother plays in your band. I am sure going to miss the great seats when I have to move this summer ;) If only one person had commented on the mind games that Lucy played with the CC goaltenders I wouldn't have mentioned it, but there is a consensus. He is a hated man in Colorado Springs.

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Ah but I didn't claim to get my info from a source who knows Gopher players.  Devoted and knowledgeable hockey fans are far and few between this far west hence I really have befriended members of the Tiger's staff.  It also doesn't hurt when the World Arena Manager's brother plays in your band.  I am sure going to miss the great seats when I have to move this summer :0  If only one person had commented on the mind games that Lucy played with the CC goaltenders I wouldn't have mentioned it, but there is a consensus.  He is a hated man in Colorado Springs.


I'm doubting the opinions of the Cugnut family and friends is universal in Colorado Springs. Do they even boo Lucia before the games? Do they ever boo down there? The only coach I haven't ever heard a player complain about is Woog. ;)

But if hatred for Lucia gets you through the nights by all means hate away.

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The reason we don't know more is the privacy act that is in play now. 


That doesn't keep Hirsch from saying what happened. Even some Gopher fans are upset he won't say anything. The event was public, and now people around him need to be concerned. I hope he doesn't play until he tells everyone the facts.

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Thank goodness we have no less an expert than Sioux-hab-it to clear up the fact that his own speculation is > than iramurphy's. 

"Lucia is a hated man in Colorado Springs"  I am in agreement that this certainly  apears to be true in your case.


So Five-Hole, haven't been to a Gophers-CC game at the World arena lately, have you? Ask anyone who has and they will tell you that a special chorus of Boos and expletives is saved for Lucy when he makes the long walk from the vistors corner gate to the players bench. And yes Sagard you are correct that one of the players whose name comes up on a regular basis is Cugnut. It was nice to get a rebuttal from someone who is well voiced on the WCHA. ;)

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I have not made one comment about Hirsch's behavior after the game. I did criticize him for not telling us the truth. I don't see why everyone keeps making comments that I am looking to rip on Hirsch. I am surprised on how many PM's I have gotten over this. I don't care at all about it anymore. Unless he will tell everyone the truth, then it is just speculation. If he does anything against the Sioux, then I will speak up. Otherwise, please leave me out of it. I might have stuck up for the guy if it was a mental health issues, especially if he was bipolar and some coaches were trying to induce his manic phases. I don't like Hirsch as a player, but I don't like any Gopher players. Do I like him any less for his behavior? No. Do I like him any less for not telling us the facts? Yes. I don't care for any inside sources or whatever else. Unless he speaks up, I am not listening.

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Ah, Mr. Reusse is back with more....from today's Star Trib..

"Friends of Hirsch and a program insider said it was triggered when the player was chastised by coaches for not playing tough and going to the net during the shutout loss to Colorado College."

Here is the link..


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Ah, Mr. Reusse is back with more....from today's Star Trib..

"Friends of Hirsch and a program insider said it was triggered when the player was chastised by coaches for not playing tough and going to the net during the shutout loss to Colorado College."

Here is the link..




This article refers to Hirsch as being a "wack job" and indicates his odd display was driven by rage and immaturity after being singled out by the coaching staff for not crashing the net. I couldn't agree more. Grow up kid. Looks like my initial assessment of Hirsh being a nut job was accurate.

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Do I like him any less for not telling us the facts?  Yes.


Who are you to demand an explanation from Tyler Hirsch? He is choosing to keep this to himself. Yet that causes you to like him less. I'm sure Hirsch will be distraught that a Sioux fan likes him less now.

Has anyone thought of this? Do you really think a coach would sit his number one scorer for the 2 biggest games of the season (West Regional)? I can understand sitting him for the 3rd place game to teach him a lesson. While it may have been important to play well and put up a good showing against their rival, in the grand scheme of things the 3rd place game wasn't life or death. Every game is important, but it was a gain little if won and lose little if lost type of game.

If Hirsch's meltdown wasn't nervous breakdown or mental health related then why didn't he skate in the West Regional? If Hirsch's absence for 3 games was simply punishment for his post game antics against CC then isn't that a little harsh? After all, Greg Paukavich only got 2 games for potentially ending someone's career.

I have no idea why Hirsch did what he did, but he doesn't owe me, Federov or anyone else outside his family, teammates, and coaches an explanation for what he did. If you like him less for not telling us then go ahead. Just keep in mind very few people will care what you think about that.

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And I probably do not much care what you think either skiumah2 . . . .

I have not weighed in on this one until now.

We were at the Ex after the game, and saw the display. I have little doubt that it was little more, or less, than a crybaby reaction to the shutout loss, and to criticism that was likely directed at him by the coaches. As for him sitting out last weekend, who is to say that he, and maybe his folks, were not still pouting themselves.

If Hirsch plays on Thursday, and every indication is that he will, he is more than fair game to any fair heckling that will come his way. If he indeed has psychological problems that are deeper other than rank immaturity, I suspect that they do not go away in under thirty days. Any such problems do not get better simply with a ticket to the Frozen Four. If Hirsch is fragile, Lucia is being selfish and greedy to play him, and his handlers are being stupid for allowing him to play.

If he is on the ice, I will ride him as much as I would ride any player. Any big Gopher momma parents want to get in my face over it, then they should probably get in Lucia's face for placing their poor boy in such a precarious position of having a few fans riding him for his childish ways.

If he is sick, he does not play. If he plays, he is not sick. If he is not sick, he is fair game.

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Sioux-hab-it. You are correct that I have not experienced World Arena live but then again I only have your say on the alleged abuse that Lucia recieves that you typed on a message board. Nothing potentially shakey about that is there?

I will give you that there is very likely hard feelings in Colorado Springs for Lucia based on his leaving for Minnesota but to make it out like he is unfit to coach young impressionable hockey players, goalies to be specific (your words if I remember correctly) makes it look like you have an axe to grind. Certainly when you imply that he contributed to the Hirsch situation based on your point of view, you do. I would tend to side with others that the blame rests squarely on Hirsch's shoulders

If you can honestly answers the following questions maybe you can see where others would have a more moderated or balanced view of Lucia and by others I mean Gopher rival supporters. What was CC's position before Lucia came in? How did that position change with him behind the bench? How has the program changed since he left? Or maybe an even better question is how quickly would a program like SCSU jump at the chance to hire Lucia?

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Who really gives a rats azz about Tyler Hirsch.........for cripes sake leave it alone already......This guy was worth of maybe 5 posts max on our board yet this topic has dominated the banter for the last  1 1/2 weeks.... :lol:


It's been said once, it's been said a million times. These threads are "optional" to read and engage in. If you don't want to read about the topic then you have the choice to skip over it if you like. You will not be prosecuted! Frankly, I'm getting sick of people who go into a thread and then b#tch about why people are talking about the subject. It's their time they are using not yours, get over it and move on!

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