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Briggs out


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I find it interesting in that the last few games Briggs has played, he's let in a ton of goals... and yet his save% is .913. Interesting.

In any case, I still think the Gophers won't have any problems with SCSU, but I don't think they'll go anywhere else without Briggs sieve or not.

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Here's hoping the Sioux guys take it as another reason to believe we can pass the Rodents for 4th ... and finish the regular season strong.  (I would really rather not play UMD in the first round....)


Actually I saw this week where the Gophers are going to finish no worse than 4th in the WCHA standings.

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Actually I saw this week where the Gophers are going to finish no worse than 4th in the WCHA standings.


The Rodents have 27 points & the Sioux have 23 and 4 WCHA games left.

23 + 8 = 31 and 31 > 27 right?

I think what you may have heard is that the Rodents will have home ice for the first round (and the Final 5, but that is another story :silly: ) because they have the tie-breaker over UM-D, who is also at 23 points, but with only 2 games remaining.

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The Rodents have 27 points & the Sioux have 23 and 4 WCHA games left.

23 + 8 = 31 and 31 > 27 right?

I think what you may have heard is that the Rodents will have home ice for the first round (and the Final 5, but that is another story :silly: ) because they have the tie-breaker over UM-D, who is also at 23 points, but with only 2 games remaining.


well you guys have got a chance now...this kinda tanks my hopes for a while... :D


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well you guys have got a chance now...this kinda tanks my hopes for a while...  :silly:


The Gophers were stinking up their own John with Briggs in the net.

Look at it as a late season ray of hope, not a tank of hope. Do not be a typical Gopher fan always looking at the world through gloomsday scenarios, and always looking for an excuse for the next failure.

It'll be Brandt vs. Johnson in the nets come March 26-27 for the right to go to Columbus.

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well you guys have got a chance now...this kinda tanks my hopes for a while... :D



We have a chance? Meaning for 4th place in the WCHA? Other than that I don't see what we have a chance for now given the Briggs situation. I don't think losing Briggs makes the Sioux look any better from a team standpoint.

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We have a chance? Meaning for 4th place in the WCHA? Other than that I don't see what we have a chance for now given the Briggs situation. I don't think losing Briggs makes the Sioux look any better from a team standpoint.

Now come on. With Briggs out, the seniors will have even more incentive to produce like they have the rest of the season ... :D:silly:

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We have a chance? Meaning for 4th place in the WCHA? Other than that I don't see what we have a chance for now given the Briggs situation. I don't think losing Briggs makes the Sioux look any better from a team standpoint.


yes, I meant for fourth place...I was pretty confident we were going to sweep JBSU and possibly take one from Tech, now am hoping for .500 play. It is going to be an interesting post season is all I can say, but with Kellen playing the way he has lately, JJ is about as good... :D


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Typical answer you get is "we can't specify his injury"...so who knows?  He did leave practice on Monday after a knee got hit...

It is all a conspiracy to lull everyone into a false sense of security and suddenly he'll be playing at the Final Five! :silly:



No trust us we want him to play. :D

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I think that he slammed his fist into a locker after he was smoked on the ice for the thirtieth time in a practice skate, and the coaches told him to go shower early.


I don't see how that would be possible. Nine out of ten Gopher shots would still hit him in the belly, so they would have to practice all day and night to get thirty by him. :silly:

Honestly though that does sound plausible. Hurt the knee, slam the fist in anger. Truly hurt the hand.

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