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Dubay predicts


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UND was rolling along at 9-1-3 in the conference (Gophers 6-4-3), but Dubay continued to say UND was a fraud. Turned out he was right.


So you're saying Dubay knew all along that Sioux team captain and defensive force David Hale was going to get sick and not return until the final game of the season? Because that's when the bottom dropped out of UND's 2002-2003 season. If Dubay somehow predicted that, he should replace the Amazing Kreskin on the late-night TV shows.

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What does what an obvious Gopher homer radio personallity say make such an issue with you guys?Ā  Ignore it and move on!Ā  You are starting to obsess about what Puffy says...everyone knows he is a homer, so why the big stink?



Why do you care?

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What does what an obvious Gopher homer radio personallity say make such an issue with you guys?Ā  Ignore it and move on!Ā  You are starting to obsess about what Puffy says...everyone knows he is a homer, so why the big stink?


That's a good point. The only reason Dubay makes such predictions about UND is because he knows he'll get a rise out of Sioux fans. He knows they'll call into his show all indignant and angry, saying things that he can ridicule, much to the delight of his audience base -- Gopher fans. Why dwell on Minnesota's problems when it's more fun to dwell on North Dakota's?

Even though he's a Gopher fan, WPoS is giving us some good advice. :lol::D

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I hope Dubay's prediction has the same effect on Sioux players that it does on Sioux fans.


Since you have some access to the Sioux players and coaching staff, maybe PCM could pass it along to the players or place it on the bulletin board for us so the Sioux players know what Dubay said. :lol: Hint, hint, hint...

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It's like annual thing here....ripping on Dubay when he speculates about UND. I remember the outrage here when midway through the '03 season he said Minnesota would finish higher than UND by the end of the season. UND was rolling along at 9-1-3 in the conference (Gophers 6-4-3), but Dubay continued to say UND was a fraud. Turned out he was right.


He can't be that great of a prognosticator. After all, I don't remember him predicting that the Gophers were a fraud when they were rolling along at 17-4 during the first half. If you would have, it would have turned out he was right. :lol:

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what are you getting at??Ā  :lol:


Maybe something devious that could be used to fire up the boys and help them make a run at the end to shut up the Rubes at KFAN. Its kind of like the time the janitor overheard the coach from MSU-M saying the Sioux players didn't have any heart and that comment being used a material to fire up the UND players.

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It's unlikely that 4-6 will change, given the remaining schedule, the real battle is for top 3 and bottom 3.

One more nit to pick, however, messed up my vcr and got just 30 minutes of the Goph/MDU second period on Sat. night. 3 goals, however, 2 for UMD, 1 for MN.

Some time after the MN goal FM mentioned an assist had been taken away from a Goph dman, and DW began complaining about it, which led to DW discussing the "always 2 assists" at Grand Forks topic, yet again. DW has a problem with the Sioux, not sure what it is, but he's usually talking about something Sioux, no matter who the Goph opponent is. Usually he brings up the Sioux having no offensive dman; thought he was going there Saturday night again, but cut it off at saying UMD has no offensive dman (at least on the 30 minutes I recorded).

Always think DW is funny in a bumbling sort of way, but can't figure out what his problem is.


I refuse to discuss Dumbay as it gives him credibilibty he doesn't deserve. However, on the topic of Woog's obsession regarding Sioux Assists. If that is his primary concern in life you now understand why he is a FORMER coach :lol: .

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Woog's problem with the Sioux couldn't be more obvious. He had been rolling for years doing it his way with the Gophers. From '88-'96 the Gophers were either at or near the top of the league and the Wooger had the most prestigous job.

Then in '96-'97 Coach Blais raised the bar by winning the league, Final Five, and the NCAA's. A couple of bad recruiting choices and early departures and the Gophers were in serious decline. The Gophers AD at the time actually cared more about the 1500 empty seats (which were paid for) at Mariucci than the 30,000 (unsold) empty seats at the Metrodome and replaced Woog.

Whether the Wooger will ever be asked or admits to a bias against the Sioux is irrevelant. He dislikes them because they forced a major change in his life. He has landed on his feet and can take his subtle or not so subtle shots at the guys who forced him out.

You all don't have to like it one bit, I don't think you are intended to like it.

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Woog's main problem, one shared by many - especially thoseĀ  in Brown & Yellow Country - is that he gets most, if not all, of his information from the bottom of a Grain Belt bottle.


Now that is bad beer. I can see how it might effect someones judgement.

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Since you have some access to the Sioux players and coaching staff, maybe PCM could pass it along to the players or place it on the bulletin board for us so the Sioux players know what Dubay said. :D Hint, hint, hint...


It didn't work with the prediction that BSU would sweep UND. :lol:

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