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Who did P.A. Friday night?


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He didn't do a bad job, but I like Scott better.

He makes the names and the actions a lot better... such as


and so on.

Yeah, it's kind of superficial to base the quality of a PA announcer based on how they pronounce names and a few words (Fighting Sioux SCORING!), but apart from the fact that if they don't screw up somehow, there really isn't much else to critique. IMO

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The less we get of Hennen, the better.


I respectfully disagree - Hennen's got one of the best announcer/radio voices I've heard. I don't like all the crap they make him say during breaks in the action - that stuff gets old fast. But I realize he's just doing his job and it's not his fault. I was personally disappointed he wasn't around last night. The fill-in did decent, but he's no Hennen. :D

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Whether you like him or not, Scott Hennen is one of the best in the business.


He does have a political radio show, but I don't care about that. I may disagree with what he has to say, but the less we hear of Scott at the Ralph the more we hear of the other guy.

Scott's so much better. Imitation may not be the best idea for the backup dude, but he could show a little bit of style.

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I am with you on that one!!

Sorry not a big Scotty Hennen fan. :D

Hard to seperate him from the guy that used to live at the same apt. building I did so many years ago...

I will leave the story there...


From a fans perspective, his voice brings the atmosphere to a different level than when someone else is announcing. A little energy goes a long ways........it's not the same when he's gone!

I agree with the concept that if Gopher fans can't stand him, then he's doing the job!

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My personal favorite....Kev-an SPIE-waak

And I love the way he says Spirko's name...


I think Hennen is pretty good at PAing. I he puts some emotion into the announcing of names. Frankly I can't stand Brian Lee Rivers. I am thankful he doesn't do hockey any more.

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