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NDAC's ideas for the future of the Nickel Trophy..


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Interesting article on the nickel


Why can't the bison (who are supposedlyoff to bigger and better things :D ) just realize that they lost the Nickel for good on Oct. 18, 2003? The trophy was meant to be given to the winner of each year's football game, and because the two schools are no longer going to play (and its NOT UND's fault!!!) the trophy should be put to rest on the campus of the University of North Dakota. I like the idea of upping the level of exposure for the Nickel Drive, but giving the winner of the drive the Nickel would be comparable to giving Victory Bell to the winner of the USC-UCLA debate contest or the Black Diamond Trophy to the winner of the Maryland-West Virginia cricket contest!!! Since the game is over, the trophy should stay in Grand Forks...unless NDSU wants to come back to D2 or we go D1-AA in the future (which could happen). But it probably won't happen either way, being that we are supposedly "just some NAIA school who plays St. Johns and once in awhile has a good hockey team."

Bison fools...you might as well start collecting the "bison chips" now...it might be the only thing you have to keep your fire goin for a long time!!!

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The NDSU athletic department has nothing to do with "trying to get the nickel back".

The rightful owners of the nickel, the Blue Key Honor Society, are simply proposing (in the spirit of competition) that the winner of an annual fundraising competition receive the trophy.

To be honest, it was a tough blow for NDSU fans to lose to UND for the last time. Is that what you wanted to hear?

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To be honest, it was a tough blow for NDSU fans to lose to UND for the last time. Is that what you wanted to hear?

Are you talking about mens basketball, womens basketball, or football? :) Sorry... it was right there... :angry:

Seriously... there are plenty of former players from both teams that would rather see the trophy destroyed than awarded in the aforementioned manner. Disgusting. :D

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The NDSU group's idea has good intentions, but there is no way in hell the Nickel should be involved. They shouldn't lower the Nickel to that level. When you lose something, it stays with the winner until won back. That is what should happen to the Nickel, stays with UND until the Bison can win it back, whenever that may be. If it was UND moving up and NDSU had won the last game, I would feel that the same way. We shouldn't screw with the Nickel's tradition.

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Seriously, that story made me a little hot, seeing football players like Digger, Kleinsasser, Phil Hansen, Tony Satter etc raise that trophy is one thing, I think watching five 130 lb kids trying to raise that thing after raising $50 in nickels would make me puke.

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NDSU and UND are probably never going to play again.

Melt it down.

Oh come on now man, you know dang well that there is too much hate and rivalry between UND and NDSU to not eventually have a game later on in the future. Bison fans still showing up here when they are D1-AA is pretty much proof of that. The whole fundraiser idea is a nice thought for it, but just wouldn't feel right at all for anybody I think. Too many wars have been fought for it to have it switch hands like that. Maybe some sort of a smaller trophy for that. Perhaps a penny :sad:

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As long as things are the way they are now, NDSU and UND will not play.

UND won't be moving to D1 because hockey is too expensive. They won't play a D1 team in football because it messes up their chances at the post season. NDSU isn't going to move back down to D2.

So it's going to take a reclassification of at least the D2 playoff system but, more likely, the whole structure of college football. Probably when the BCS schools split away and form their own association it will shake the NCAA up enough.

Until then...

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I don't know about you, but with the way Kupchella has been treating students, it is no wonder why Roger Thomas is against the Blue Key's idea. Not many would give a dime to the fundraiser.

A SPORTS trophy being converted into a fundraiser prop will do several things:

1) Obliterate and demean the lineage and history of the trophy itself. It's like turning the Heismann Trophy into an all male version of the Miss Universe beauty pagent award.

2) Only those who dislike or don't care about sports would buy into the concept. Those traditonalists who know what the Nickel was forged to do wouldn't buy into it at all.

3) In today's world, purses are becoming tighter and tighter. $50 of nickels is not worthy of a small novelty trophy let alone the nickel trophy.

4) There is no sense of competition in a fundraiser. It's who can raise the most money for some charitable organization. It's not the edge of your seat, gripping, smack throwing, pride developing event like the annual football game.

I really do believe that this whole deal is to try to get the nickel back to NDSU because both sides believe that the nickel is theirs rightfully and only UND has the legitamite claim (being that they won the last UND vs NDSU football game). I am not sure, but I would think some UND organization would be doing something similar if NDSU had won it as well.

There is too much hate between NDSU and UND. Maybe the end of the rivalry will cool heads a little bit so that, by the time UND goes D-IAA, we may be a little more level headed going into resuming the competition. Optimistic, sure, but one can hope.

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So you're saying you have enough money to go D1aa but simply choose to ignore your alumni and student body who want to go D1aa? No, that is illogical.

You can't afford it because of hockey. Nothing wrong with that, i mean, look how well your hockey team did this year to show for it. Oh yeah...

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So you're saying you have enough money to go D1aa but simply choose to ignore your alumni and student body who want to go D1aa? No, that is illogical.

You can't afford it because of hockey. Nothing wrong with that, i mean, look how well your hockey team did this year to show for it. Oh yeah...

You spin it one way. What about the other? Should they ignore the group that believes the current positioning is correct?

Can't afford it because of hockey? Again, when 256,591 fans come to Bison football, in one season, at Sioux hockey ticket prices, tell me about "can't afford." That's how many attended Sioux hockey in 2002-2003.

PS - The Sioux hockey team made the NCAA Division I National Quarterfinals and lost to the eventual National Champion. Trust me, NDSU won't be associated with the phrase "made the NCAA Division I National Quarterfinals and lost to the eventual National Champion" for quite a while.

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You can't afford it because of hockey. Nothing wrong with that, i mean, look how well your hockey team did this year to show for it. Oh yeah...

Your going because you are a "football power". Nothing wrong with that, I mean, look how well your football team did this year to show for it. Oh yeah...

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