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Matt Greene


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Lets just hope that the Oilers let him play 2 more years. I hope with the impending lockout we get him at least next season. I just once want to see him drop the gloves and rock someone before he moves on.

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Lets just hope that the Oilers let him play 2 more years. I hope with the impending lockout we get him at least next season. I just once want to see him drop the gloves and rock someone before he moves on.

I'm sorry, but when I read that a team's three scouts think a prospect could be in their lineup right now, "two more years" isn't the first thing that comes to mind. I think Matt Greene has a big future in professional hockey, and it probably starts next fall, unless the lockout saves the Sioux roster.

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Greene is certainly a physical presence on the ice, but isn't part of being a defenseman being able to move the puck well out of the zone?

It seems to me Matt could stand to work on how to move the puck from behind the net, as well as better choices of passing it in front of the net.

Aside from Vanek's goal on Saturday, we thought Matt made some less that best choices behind the net on which way to throw the puck around the boards. Maybe it was the system and where the puck was supposed to go but it seemed to us at times he'd have 2 choices and often chose to throw it with the backhander which only made it to his target half the time. Had he thrown it the other way on his forehand I've no doubt it would have made it to the forward at the half-wall. I repeat, there may have been a reason for this that I'm not aware of. But to me puck movement is an area he could yet work on before he has to do so against more skilled players.

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The game against the Gophers was very uncharacteristic of Matt Greene. He's been making good choices and good outlet passes all season. Unfortunately, Saturday night was probably his worst game of the season.

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The game against the Gophers was very uncharacteristic of Matt Greene. He's been making good choices and good outlet passes all season. Unfortunately, Saturday night was probably his worst game of the season.

I guess I was surprised as well.

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The game against the Gophers was very uncharacteristic of Matt Greene. He's been making good choices and good outlet passes all season. Unfortunately, Saturday night was probably his worst game of the season.

Everyone has a bad game here and there. On Sat. it seemed both Greene and Jones had uncharacterstic games. How Jones made all tourny is almost as head scratching as Briggs, he was at least -2 or 3 on sat. I thought Smaby was the only D man that had a good game, he is really coming around. That said, I'm glad Greene got his bad game out of the way, rather last weekend than next.

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Everyone has a bad game here and there. On Sat. it seemed both Greene and Jones had uncharacterstic games. How Jones made all tourny is almost as head scratching as Briggs, he was at least -2 or 3 on sat. I thought Smaby was the only D man that had a good game, he is really coming around. That said, I'm glad Greene got his bad game out of the way, rather last weekend than next.

Would we all say Bo is back? just in time....That short handed goal was highlight reel material...If that doesn't bring back confidence I don't know what will.

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Would we all say Bo is back? just in time....That short handed goal was highlight reel material...If that doesn't bring back confidence I don't know what will.

I sure hope so! Last season, the team relied heavily on Parise and Bochenski for scoring. When they went cold, so did the team.

This season, the scoring has been more balanced and the Sioux have been able to win without Parise and Bochenski putting up big numbers. But if they are hitting their stride now, it bodes very well for UND.

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Nick Fuher was +2 against UAA and +2 against Minnesota.

Who was he playing with :D I agree, Fuher had a good tourny. It is ironic that he is the only D man (beside Bina) not drafted, but he is the steadiest D man the Sioux have. He never seems to have a bad game. He is not the flashiest player but he is out on PP, PK and in key situations. He would be a good choice to where an A or C on his jersey next year, imo.

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Fuher and Smaby were the best pair on the ice Sat. Greene is not ready for the NHL. He will be here one more year. The way he turned the puck over Sat. He did not even look like he should have been on the ice. If he thinks he can play in the NHL after two years of college he is a fool. Look at Mike Commodore. He was more polished than Greene and he left after his junior year and he cannot stay in the show. Greene will be in the AHL for a long time if he jumps ship before he should

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Im going with PCM and the scout about Greene.

Matt is indeed ready for the NHL, but I hope he doesn't leave. The WCHA Tourney game was his worst ALL season long. And last year Greene vs this year Greene.... two different players altogether.

And I hope Taylor gets rocked right out onto the street :D

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I agree that Greene has made good strides since last season but he will be in the AHL if he leaves after this year. It is a much bigger transition to the NHL than even these players realize. Edmonton is a financially strapped team so they will not be throwing out big bonuses.

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I'm curious why many of the Sioux fans dislike Taylor so much. Of course I'm a biased Gopher fan, but I honestly don't think he plays cheap or anything. He likes to use the big frame of his, but that's hockey.

The negative comments about Ballard as well are less surprising. He's all hustle, all the time, and I'm sure the feelings would be different on both players if they wore green sweaters.

Just a few observations, good luck to the Sioux, I'd love to see a rematch in the FF. Saturday's night game was an instant classic.

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I didn't think Saturday's game was all that great. Especially defensively. Both teams made some terrible defensive blunders that were converted into goals.

The puck movement for UND was on-again, off-again at best. UM had better passing, I thought, but was kept to the outside mostly.

One big difference was special teams. UM had great passing and got a bunch of scoring chances when given the PP. On the flipside, they shut down UND's power play pretty well. If not for a late odd-man rush by UND at the very end of one PP, the Sioux would have gone "O-fer" on the night. I thought UM could have gotten 1 or 2 more PP goals.

Overall, I did not think UND had one of its best games. They need to tune it up, if they have hopes of doing anything in the Frozen Four.

PS: I actually meant to say something about Greene in there somewhere. He has been a huge asset to the team this season. His defensive positioning and poise with the puck have been very good, especially since New Years. However, he had an off-game Saturday. I'm sure that will not happen again this year.

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I'm happy to hear from people who have actually seen more games than I that Matt G's game saturday was not the norm.

My opinion on whether Matt is ready for the big show is immaterial. He's still a huge (pun intended) asset to our team.

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I'm happy to hear from people who have actually seen more games than I that Matt G's game saturday was not the norm.

Not even close. Anyone who bases their opinion of Greene primarily on Saturday night's game is making a big mistake. Heck, Matt Jones was -3 against Minnesota while Greene was -1. Does this mean that Jones is no longer NHL material? I think not.

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I was not trying to imply that Greene is not NHL material. Only the most talented players leave college after 2 years and I would not put Greene in the class of the MOST talented players in the college game. Greene needs another year of seasoning and Blais will tell him that if he seeks his advice. Besides isn't there something to be said for trying to hang a banner before you bolt for the NHL, that is the bad part about college sports. I hate to admit it but I do say in that respect the Gopher players seem to have more loyalty to the program.

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I'm curious why many of the Sioux fans dislike Taylor so much. Of course I'm a biased Gopher fan, but I honestly don't think he plays cheap or anything. He likes to use the big frame of his, but that's hockey.

The negative comments about Ballard as well are less surprising. He's all hustle, all the time, and I'm sure the feelings would be different on both players if they wore green sweaters.

Just a few observations, good luck to the Sioux, I'd love to see a rematch in the FF. Saturday's night game was an instant classic.

As far as I noticed, I'm the only one who doesn't like Taylor.

The reason? Well, if it was only about hitting people and taking them out of the play, I'd say he's a physical player. Taylor hits alright, but then clutches and grabs and holds. Does anyone remember how he seemed to think that in order to show how cool he was and how strong and physical he was that he had to take down one of the smallest players on the Sioux?

Hell, you want to impress me, take out guys your own size. Wow! You took down Brady Murray or Robbie Bina, all 5'8-5'10 of them. Good for you!

Taylor runs into Porter, Greene, or Jones and I guarantee you he is flat on his ass.

Clutch and Grab, dude. It is what Taylor excels in. He is a goon, plain and simple with nothing more to add to the Gophers than a simple rub out play.

As for Ballard, I don't question is on ice ability. He's VERY talented and a great offensive force. I don't think he's as good as Frank Mazzocco claims he is (which, if you recall, was much higher praise than Parise or Potulny or anyone else and yet, gee, if he's so great how come his rights have been possessed by, what, three teams now?), but he is talented.

I'd rather have a player who can hit and be a good defensive force like Jones, Ballard, Tallackson, and Greene than just a guy who knows how to get away with interference and holding calls (Taylor).

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They interviewed the Coyote GM tonight between periods and asked about Ballard. He said that both Ballard and Jones are in great programs right now, and does not see any need to rush them because their development is going fine. He says he looks forward to seeing them at the blue line for the Coyotes in the future.

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