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If you were the Coach


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To suggest Mac needs to "dial down the penalties" makes no sense given his style of play, as long as he isn't taking undisciplined penalties.

I'm not saying number of penalties; I'm saying he needs to be smarter and not take silly ones at critical times of games. Case in point: the Saturday game versus Maine. It's a tight, one-goal game late and he decides to step up and destroy a Maine forward ... and takes an interference penalty in the process that leads to the goal for Maine to tie.

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As a Gopher fan I'll say that penalties to me seemed to be called pretty good. Pretty even both sides. No plays that can be considered cheap either, and I think that's due to the tight officiating. But overall I had no problem with what was being called.

We must have been watching different games.

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Just because penalties were almost even doesn't mean that they were given or not given fairly. I think officiating could have been a ton worse however I had a small handful of "WTF?" "How did you mess that up?" and "How did you miss that?" moments. In Friday night's game Mario was penalized for goalie interference and even most people I know, including the Gopher fans around me, found it egregious. It's no wonder he was fuming in the box. There was a tripping call as well where the Gopher played fell on his own without even being touched.

I'm not insinuating that things like that didn't happen on the other side, but not once did a Gopher played go to the penalty box spitting fire and we had it with two of our players. I haven't seen a Sioux player go to the box with so much anger as those two penalties in a very long time.

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I am saying that officials both called non-penalties and missed penalties, but when it was said and done the PP opportunities were pretty even.

If the additional 2 PP's made the difference the so be it. But I don't think anyone wants to make that argument. It is just one of those series where puck luck can make the difference. 2 good teams, Gophers are playing slightly better right now, sets up a nice series in January.

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There were a couple times I felt the Gophers shouldn't have gotten the power play out of a situation where players from both teams went to the box. I also thought the calls on us were very nitpicky. Mario's was ridiculous. I can see why he was so mad. The one on Saturday where the Gopher player fell on his own was terrible, but a predictable situation, and that's all I'll say about that. But in general, I don't think penalties were evenly called at all.

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There were a couple times I felt the Gophers shouldn't have gotten the power play out of a situation where players from both teams went to the box. I also thought the calls on us were very nitpicky. Mario's was ridiculous. I can see why he was so mad. The one on Saturday where the Gopher player fell on his own was terrible, but a predictable situation, and that's all I'll say about that. But in general, I don't think penalties were evenly called at all.

I know that a lot of cross-checks go uncalled. Do you believe that all of the cross-checks that should have been called on Ben Blood were called?

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I know that a lot of cross-checks go uncalled. Do you believe that all of the cross-checks that should have been called on Ben Blood were called?

The cross check from behind on Rau right before Bjugstads goal on Friday should have been called. I'm surprised Rau didn't get whiplash. That would have given us a goal and another 2 minute powerplay. Like I said though, overall the calls were pretty consistent. And Lammy's penalty WAS NOT from running into the goalie, if you watch the play again when he was getting up and the camera was moving away from the play you can see at the far side of the screen that he hit Patterson with his stick in the upper chest towards the neck. FSN missed that too, they were clueless and thought it was from the collision

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The cross check from behind on Rau right before Bjugstads goal on Friday should have been called. I'm surprised Rau didn't get whiplash. That would have given us a goal and another 2 minute powerplay. Like I said though, overall the calls were pretty consistent. And Lammy's penalty WAS NOT from running into the goalie, if you watch the play again when he was getting up and the camera was moving away from the play you can see at the far side of the screen that he hit Patterson with his stick in the upper chest towards the neck. FSN missed that too, they were clueless and thought it was from the collision


You also have to remember the Gophs had the potential of having a 5 minute penalty called 3 times and got by with 1...game could have changed if they had enforced the 2nd and 3rd penalties as 5 minutes.....or possibly it would have just given our powerplay another 8 minutes of ineptness.

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I can't believe how horrid UND's PP has been thus far. More than once during the series Minnesota seemed to control the puck more shorthanded than UND did while they were on the PP. Obviously it will improve, but it really has been bad to this point.

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This year's power play reminds me of the days when I'd hear some folks chant "Decline it!" when UND would get a power play a few years ago.

In that vein, and keeping with the topic of this thread, I think if I were the coach I'd work that PP over until it clicks like a well oiled watch. This is the low hanging fruit, in my opinion and is an area where the team could pick up some scoring quickly. Might take a new look to the PP though, those blocked shots from the point kill possession in the zone pretty quickly.

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Its pretty obvious that penalties are not the Sioux's biggest problem. There have been very few undisciplined penalties, probably fewer than at this same time last season. The Sioux are going to have to play an even more physical, shut the door defence this season and that brings with it the risk of more penalties. To suggest Mac needs to "dial down the penalties" makes no sense given his style of play, as long as he isn't taking undisciplined penalties. He has 6 minor penalties so far - Blood has 5 and Knight has 7.

Nice point, I always laugh when I see people say that Mac needs to tone it down. True Mac's penalty against Maine cost them the game but I would still like to see Mac make that play again. The Sioux need to become "more" hard to play against and play with more of an edge, to quote Corbin Knight the Fighting Sioux need to play Sioux hockey.

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Nice point, I always laugh when I see people say that Mac needs to tone it down. True Mac's penalty against Maine cost them the game but I would still like to see Mac make that play again. The Sioux need to become "more" hard to play against and play with more of an edge, to quote Corbin Knight the Fighting Sioux need to play Sioux hockey.

... but you become easy to play against when you are either sitting in the penalty box or when you're out of position and leave your teammates vulnerable while you run someone.

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